Chapter 2 Extensions of Gallina
Gallina is the kernel language of Coq. We describe here extensions of
the Gallina's syntax.
2.1 Record types
The Record
construction is a macro allowing the definition of
records as is done in many programming languages. Its syntax is
described on figure 2.1. In fact, the Record
macro is more general than the usual record types, since it allows
also for ``manifest'' expressions. In this sense, the Record
construction allows to define ``signatures''.
sentence |
++= |
record |
record |
::= |
Record ident [binderlet ... binderlet] : sort := |
{ [field ; ... ; field] } . |
field |
::= |
name : type |
| |
name [: term] := term |
Figure 2.1: Syntax for the definition of Record
In the expression
Record ident params :
sort := ident0 {
ident1 : term1;
...identn : termn }
the identifier ident is the name of the defined record
and sort is its type. The identifier ident0 is the name of
its constructor. If ident0 is omitted, the default name Build_ident is used. The identifiers ident1, ..,
identn are the names of fields and term1, .., termn
their respective types. Remark that the type of identi may
depend on the previous identj (for j<i). Thus the order of the
fields is important. Finally, params are the parameters of the
More generally, a record may have explicitly defined (a.k.a.
manifest) fields. For instance, Record ident [
params ] : sort := {
: type1 ;
ident2 := term2
ident3 : type3 }
in which case
the correctness of type3 may rely on the instance term2 of
ident2 and term2 in turn may depend on ident1.
Example: The set of rational numbers may be defined as:
Coq < Record Rat : Set := mkRat
Coq < {sign : bool;
Coq < top : nat;
Coq < bottom : nat;
Coq < Rat_bottom_cond : 0 <> bottom;
Coq < Rat_irred_cond :
Coq < forall x y z:nat, (x * y) = top /\ (x * z) = bottom -> x = 1}.
Rat is defined
Rat_rect is defined
Rat_ind is defined
Rat_rec is defined
sign is defined
top is defined
bottom is defined
Rat_bottom_cond is defined
Rat_irred_cond is defined
Remark here that the field
depends on the field bottom
Let us now see the work done by the Record macro. First the
macro generates an inductive definition with just one constructor:
Inductive ident params :sort :=
ident0 (ident1:term1) .. (identn:termn).
To build an object of type ident, one should provide the
constructor ident0 with n terms filling the fields of
the record.
As an example, let us define the rational 1/2:
Coq < Require Import Arith.
Coq < Theorem one_two_irred :
Coq < forall x y z:nat, x * y = 1 /\ x * z = 2 -> x = 1.
Coq < Qed.
Coq < Definition half := mkRat true 1 2 (O_S 1) one_two_irred.
half is defined
Coq < Check half.
: Rat
The macro generates also, when it is possible, the projection
functions for destructuring an object of type ident. These
projection functions have the same name that the corresponding
fields. If a field is named ``_
'' then no projection is built
for it. In our example:
Coq < Eval compute in half.(top).
= 1
: nat
Coq < Eval compute in half.(bottom).
= 2
: nat
Coq < Eval compute in half.(Rat_bottom_cond).
= O_S 1
: 0 <> bottom half
Warnings: -
Warning: identi cannot be defined.
It can happen that the definition of a projection is impossible.
This message is followed by an explanation of this impossibility.
There may be three reasons:
The name identi already exists in the environment (see
Section 1.3.1).
- The body of identi uses an incorrect elimination for
ident (see Sections 1.3.4 and 4.5.4).
- The type of the projections identi depends on previous
projections which themselves couldn't be defined.
Error messages: - A record cannot be recursive
The record name ident appears in the type of its fields.
- During the definition of the one-constructor inductive
definition, all the errors of inductive definitions, as described in
Section 1.3.3, may also occur.
See also: Coercions and records in Section 16.9
of the chapter devoted to coercions.
Remark: Structure is a synonym of the keyword Record.
Remark: An experimental syntax for projections based on a dot notation is
available. The command to activate it is
Set Printing Projections.
term |
++= |
term .( qualid ) |
| |
term .( qualid arg ... arg ) |
| |
term .( @qualid term ... term ) |
Figure 2.2: Syntax of Record projections
The corresponding grammar rules are given Figure 2.2.
When qualid denotes a projection, the syntax term.(qualid) is equivalent to qualid term, the syntax
term.(qualid arg1 ... argn) to
qualid arg1 ...argn term, and the syntax
term.(@qualid term1 ... termn) to
@qualid term1 ...termn term. In each case, term
is the object projected and the other arguments are the parameters of
the inductive type.
To deactivate the printing of projections, use
Unset Printing Projections.
2.2 Variants and extensions of match
2.2.1 Multiple and nested pattern-matching
The basic version of match
allows pattern-matching on simple
patterns. As an extension, multiple and nested patterns are
allowed, as in ML-like languages.
The extension just acts as a macro that is expanded during parsing
into a sequence of match on simple patterns. Especially, a
construction defined using the extended match is printed under
its expanded form.
See also: chapter 15.
2.2.2 Pattern-matching on boolean values: the if expression
For inductive types with exactly two constructors and for
pattern-matchings expressions which do not depend on the arguments of
the constructors, it is possible to use a if ... then ... else
notation. For instance, the definition
Coq < Definition not (b:bool) :=
Coq < match b with
Coq < | true => false
Coq < | false => true
Coq < end.
not is defined
can be alternatively written
Coq < Definition not (b:bool) := if b then false else true.
not is defined
More generally, for an inductive type with constructors C1
and C2, we have the following equivalence
if term [dep_ret_type] then term1 else term2 same as
match term [dep_ret_type] with |
| C1 _ ... _ => term1 |
| C2 _ ... _ => term2 |
end |
Here is an example.
Coq < Check (fun x (H:{x=0}+{x<>0}) =>
Coq < match H with
Coq < | left _ => true
Coq < | right _ => false
Coq < end).
fun (x : nat) (H : {x = 0} + {x <> 0}) => if H then true else false
: forall x : nat, {x = 0} + {x <> 0} -> bool
Notice that the printing uses the if syntax because sumbool is
declared as such (see section 2.2.4).
2.2.3 Irrefutable patterns: the destructuring let
Closed terms (that is not relying on any axiom or variable) in an
inductive type having only one constructor, say foo, have
necessarily the form (foo ...). In this case, the match
construction can be written with a syntax close to the let ... in
... construction. Expression let
( ident1,...,identn ) := term0 in term1 performs case analysis on term0 which must be in
an inductive type with one constructor with n arguments. Variables
ident1...identn are bound to the n arguments of the
constructor in expression term1. For instance, the definition
Coq < Definition fst (A B:Set) (H:A * B) := match H with
Coq < | pair x y => x
Coq < end.
fst is defined
can be alternatively written
Coq < Definition fst (A B:Set) (p:A * B) := let (x, _) := p in x.
fst is defined
Note however that reduction is slightly different from regular let ... in ... construction since it can occur only if term0
can be put in constructor form. Otherwise, reduction is blocked.
The pretty-printing of a definition by matching on a
irrefutable pattern can either be done using match or the let construction (see Section 2.2.4).
The general equivalence for an inductive type with one constructors C is
let (ident1,...,identn) [dep_ret_type] := term in term'
same as
match term [dep_ret_type] with C ident1 ... identn =>
term' end
2.2.4 Options for pretty-printing of match
There are three options controlling the pretty-printing of match
Printing of wildcard pattern
Some variables in a pattern may not occur in the right-hand side of
the pattern-matching clause. There are options to control the
display of these variables.
Set Printing Wildcard.
The variables having no occurrences in the right-hand side of the
pattern-matching clause are just printed using the wildcard symbol
Unset Printing Wildcard.
The variables, even useless, are printed using their usual name. But some
non dependent variables have no name. These ones are still printed
using a ``_''.
Test Printing Wildcard.
This tells if the wildcard printing mode is on or off. The default is
to print wildcard for useless variables.
Printing of the elimination predicate
In most of the cases, the type of the result of a matched term is
mechanically synthesisable. Especially, if the result type does not
depend of the matched term.
Set Printing Synth.
The result type is not printed when Coq knows that it can
re-synthesise it.
Unset Printing Synth.
This forces the result type to be always printed.
Test Printing Synth.
This tells if the non-printing of synthesisable types is on or off.
The default is to not print synthesisable types.
Printing matching on irrefutable pattern
If an inductive type has just one constructor,
pattern-matching can be written using let ... :=
... in ...
Add Printing Let ident.
This adds ident to the list of inductive types for which
pattern-matching is written using a let expression.
Remove Printing Let ident.
This removes ident from this list.
Test Printing Let ident.
This tells if ident belongs to the list.
Print Table Printing Let.
This prints the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
written using a let expression.
The list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is written
using a let expression is managed synchronously. This means that
it is sensible to the command Reset.
Printing matching on booleans
If an inductive type is isomorphic to the boolean type,
pattern-matching can be written using if ... then ... else ...
Add Printing If ident.
This adds ident to the list of inductive types for which
pattern-matching is written using an if expression.
Remove Printing If ident.
This removes ident from this list.
Test Printing If ident.
This tells if ident belongs to the list.
Print Table Printing If.
This prints the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
written using an if expression.
The list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is written
using an if expression is managed synchronously. This means that
it is sensible to the command Reset.
This example emphasizes what the printing options offer.
Coq < Test Printing Let prod.
Cases on elements of prod are printed using a `let' form
Coq < Print fst.
fst =
fun (A B : Set) (p : A * B) => let (x, _) := p in x
: forall A B : Set, A * B -> A
Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope _]
Coq < Remove Printing Let prod.
Coq < Unset Printing Synth.
Coq < Unset Printing Wildcard.
Coq < Print fst.
fst =
fun (A B : Set) (p : A * B) => let (x, _) return A := p in x
: forall A B : Set, A * B -> A
Argument scopes are [type_scope type_scope _]
2.3 Section mechanism
The sectioning mechanism allows to organise a proof in structured
sections. Then local declarations become available (see
Section 1.3.2).
2.3.1 Section ident
This command is used to open a section named ident.
This command closes the section named ident. When a section is
closed, all local declarations (variables and local definitions) are
discharged. This means that all global objects defined in the
section are generalised with respect to all variables and local
definitions it depends on in the section. None of the local
declarations (considered as autonomous declarations) survive the end
of the section.
Here is an example :
Coq < Section s1.
Coq < Variables x y : nat.
x is assumed
y is assumed
Coq < Let y' := y.
y' is defined
Coq < Definition x' := S x.
x' is defined
Coq < Definition x'' := x' + y'.
x'' is defined
Coq < Print x'.
x' = S x
: nat
Coq < End s1.
x' is discharged.
x'' is discharged.
Coq < Print x'.
x' = fun x : nat => S x
: nat -> nat
Argument scope is [nat_scope]
Coq < Print x''.
x'' = fun x y : nat => let y' := y in x' x + y'
: nat -> nat -> nat
Argument scopes are [nat_scope nat_scope]
Notice the difference between the value of x' and x''
inside section s1 and outside.
Error messages: -
This is not the last opened section
Remarks: -
Most commands, like Hint, Notation, option management, ...
which appear inside a section are cancelled when the
section is closed.
2.4 Module system
The module system provides a way of packaging related elements
together, as well as a mean of massive abstraction.
module_type |
::= |
ident |
| |
module_type with Definition ident := term |
| |
module_type with Module ident := qualid |
module_binding |
::= |
( ident ... ident : module_type ) |
module_bindings |
::= |
module_binding ... module_binding |
module_expression |
::= |
qualid ... qualid |
Figure 2.3: Syntax of modules
2.4.1 Module ident
This command is used to start an interactive module named ident.
Variants: - Module ident module_bindings
Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by module_bindings.
- Module ident
Starts an interactive module specifying its module type.
- Module ident module_bindings
Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by
module_bindings, and output module type module_type.
- Module ident
Starts an interactive module satisfying module_type.
- Module ident module_bindings
Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by
module_bindings. The output module type is verified against the
module type module_type.
This command closes the interactive module ident. If the module type
was given the content of the module is matched against it and an error
is signaled if the matching fails. If the module is basic (is not a
functor) its components (constants, inductive types, submodules etc) are
now available through the dot notation.
Error messages: -
No such label ident
- Signature components for label ident do not match
- This is not the last opened module
2.4.3 Module ident := module_expression
This command defines the module identifier ident to be equal to
Variants: -
Module ident module_bindings := module_expression
Defines a functor with parameters given by module_bindings and body module_expression.
- Module ident module_bindings
module_type :=
Defines a functor with parameters given by module_bindings (possibly none),
and output module type module_type, with body module_expression.
- Module ident module_bindings
module_type :=
Defines a functor with parameters given by module_bindings (possibly none)
with body module_expression. The body is checked against module_type.
2.4.4 Module Type ident
This command is used to start an interactive module type ident.
Variants: - Module Type ident module_bindings
Starts an interactive functor type with parameters given by module_bindings.
This command closes the interactive module type ident.
Error messages: -
This is not the last opened module type
2.4.6 Module Type ident := module_type
Defines a module type ident equal to module_type.
Variants: -
Module Type ident module_bindings := module_type
Defines a functor type ident specifying functors taking arguments
module_bindings and returning module_type.
2.4.7 Declare Module ident
Starts an interactive module declaration. This command is available
only in module types.
Variants: - Declare Module ident module_bindings
Starts an interactive declaration of a functor with parameters given
by module_bindings.
- Declare Module ident module_bindings
Starts an interactive declaration of a functor with parameters given
by module_bindings (possibly none). The declared output module type is
verified against the module type module_type.
This command closes the interactive declaration of module ident.
2.4.9 Declare Module ident : module_type
Declares a module of ident of type module_type. This command is available
only in module types.
Variants: - Declare Module ident module_bindings
Declares a functor with parameters module_bindings and output module
type module_type.
- Declare Module ident := qualid
Declares a module equal to the module qualid.
- Declare Module ident
module_type := qualid
Declares a module equal to the module qualid, verifying that the
module type of the latter is a subtype of module_type.
Let us define a simple module.
Coq < Module M.
Interactive Module M started
Coq < Definition T := nat.
T is defined
Coq < Definition x := 0.
x is defined
Coq < Definition y : bool.
1 subgoal
Coq < exact true.
Proof completed.
Coq < Defined.
exact true.
y is defined
Coq < End M.
Module M is defined
Inside a module one can define constants, prove theorems and do any
other things that can be done in the toplevel. Components of a closed
module can be accessed using the dot notation:
Coq < Print M.x.
M.x = 0
: nat
A simple module type:
Coq < Module Type SIG.
Interactive Module Type SIG started
Coq < Parameter T : Set.
T is assumed
Coq < Parameter x : T.
x is assumed
Coq < End SIG.
Module Type SIG is defined
Inside a module type the proof editing mode is not available.
Consequently commands like Definition without body,
Lemma, Theorem are not allowed. In order to declare
constants, use Axiom and Parameter.
Now we can create a new module from M, giving it a less
precise specification: the y component is dropped as well
as the body of x.
Coq < Module N : SIG with Definition T := nat := M.
Coq < Coq < Module N is defined
Coq < Print N.T.
N.T = nat
: Set
Coq < Print N.x.
*** [ N.x : N.T ]
Coq < Print N.y.
User error: N.y not a defined object
The definition of N using the module type expression
SIG with Definition T:=nat is equivalent to the following
Coq < Module Type SIG'.
Coq < Definition T : Set := nat.
Coq < Parameter x : T.
Coq < End SIG'.
Coq < Module N : SIG' := M.
If we just want to be sure that the our implementation satisfies a
given module type without restricting the interface, we can use a
transparent constraint
Coq < Module P <: SIG := M.
Module P is defined
Coq < Print P.y.
P.y = true
: bool
Now let us create a functor, i.e. a parametric module
Coq < Module Two (X Y: SIG).
Interactive Module Two started
Coq < Definition T := (X.T * Y.T)%type.
Coq < Definition x := (X.x, Y.x).
Coq < End Two.
Module Two is defined
and apply it to our modules and do some computations
Coq < Module Q := Two M N.
Module Q is defined
Coq < Eval compute in (fst Q.x + snd Q.x).
= N.x
: nat
In the end, let us define a module type with two sub-modules, sharing
some of the fields and give one of its possible implementations:
Coq < Module Type SIG2.
Interactive Module Type SIG2 started
Coq < Declare Module M1 : SIG.
Module M1 is declared
Coq < Declare Module M2 <: SIG.
Interactive Declaration of Module M2 started
Coq < Definition T := M1.T.
T is defined
Coq < Parameter x : T.
x is assumed
Coq < End M2.
Module M2 is declared
Coq < End SIG2.
Module Type SIG2 is defined
Coq < Module Mod <: SIG2.
Coq < Module M1.
Coq < Definition T := nat.
Coq < Definition x := 1.
Coq < End M1.
Coq < Module M2 := M.
Coq < End Mod.
Module Mod is defined
Notice that M is a correct body for the component M2
since its T component is equal nat and hence
M1.T as specified.
Remarks: -
Modules and module types can be nested components of each other.
- When a module declaration is started inside a module type,
the proof editing mode is still unavailable.
- One can have sections inside a module or a module type, but
not a module or a module type inside a section.
- Commands like Hint or Notation can
also appear inside modules and module types. Note that in case of a
module definition like:
Module N : SIG := M.
Module N : SIG.
End N.
hints and the like valid for N are not those defined in
M (or the module body) but the ones defined in
2.4.10 Import qualid
If qualid denotes a valid basic module (i.e. its module type is a
signature), makes its components available by their short names.
Coq < Module Mod.
Interactive Module Mod started
Coq < Definition T:=nat.
T is defined
Coq < Check T.
: Set
Coq < End Mod.
Module Mod is defined
Coq < Check Mod.T.
: Set
Coq < Check T. (* Incorrect ! *)
Toplevel input, characters 6-7
> Check T.
> ^
Error: The reference T was not found in the current environment
Coq < Import Mod.
Coq < Check T. (* Now correct *)
: Set
Variants: -
Export qualid
When the module containing the command Export qualid is
imported, qualid is imported as well.
Error messages: -
qualid is not a module
Warnings: -
Warning: Trying to mask the absolute name qualid !
2.4.11 Print Module ident
Prints the module type and (optionally) the body of the module ident.
2.4.12 Print Module Type ident
Prints the module type corresponding to ident.
2.5 Libraries and qualified names
2.5.1 Names of libraries and files
The theories developed in Coq are stored in libraries. A
library is characterised by a name called root of the
library. The standard library of Coq has root name Coq and is
known by default when a Coq session starts.
Libraries have a tree structure. E.g., the Coq library
contains the sub-libraries Init, Logic, Arith, Lists, ... The ``dot notation'' is used to separate the different
component of a library name. For instance, the Arith library of
Coq standard library is written ``Coq.Arith''.
Remark: no blank is allowed between the dot and the identifier on its
right, otherwise the dot is interpreted as the full stop (period) of
the command!
Physical paths vs logical paths
Libraries and sub-libraries are denoted by logical directory
paths (written dirpath and of which the syntax is the same as
qualid, see 1.2.3). Logical directory
paths can be mapped to physical directories of the
operating system using the command (see 6.5.3)
Add LoadPath physical_path as dirpath.
A library can inherit the tree structure of a physical directory by
using the -R option to coqtop or the
command (see 6.5.4)
Add Rec LoadPath physical_path as dirpath.
Remark: When used interactively with coqtop command, Coq opens a
library called Top.
The file level
At some point, (sub-)libraries contain modules which coincide
with files at the physical level. As for sublibraries, the dot
notation is used to denote a specific module of a library. Typically,
Coq.Init.Logic is the logical path associated to the file Logic.v of Coq standard library. Notice that compilation (see
12) is done at the level of files.
If the physical directory where a file File.v lies is mapped to
the empty logical directory path (which is the default when using the
simple form of Add LoadPath or -I option to coqtop), then
the name of the module it defines is File.
2.5.2 Qualified names
Modules contain constructions (sub-modules, axioms, parameters,
definitions, lemmas, theorems, remarks or facts). The (full) name of a
construction starts with the logical name of the module in which it is defined
followed by the (short) name of the construction.
Typically, the full name Coq.Init.Logic.eq denotes Leibniz' equality
defined in the module Logic in the sublibrary Init of the
standard library of Coq.
Absolute, partially qualified and short names
The full name of a library, module, section, definition, theorem,
... is its absolute name. The last identifier (eq in the
previous example) is its short name (or sometimes base
name). Any suffix of the absolute name is a partially qualified
name (e.g. Logic.eq is a partially qualified name for Coq.Init.Logic.eq). Partially qualified names (shortly qualified name) are also built from identifiers separated by dots.
They are written qualid in the documentation.
Coq does not accept two constructions (definition, theorem, ...)
with the same absolute name but different constructions can have the
same short name (or even same partially qualified names as soon as the
full names are different).
Coq maintains a name table mapping qualified names to absolute
names. This table is modified by the commands Require (see
6.4.1), Import and Export (see 2.4.10) and
also each time a new declaration is added to the context.
An absolute name is called visible from a given short or
partially qualified name when this name suffices to denote it. This
means that the short or partially qualified name is mapped to the absolute
name in Coq name table.
It may happen that a visible name is hidden by the short name or a
qualified name of another construction. In this case, the name that
has been hidden must be referred to using one more level of
qualification. Still, to ensure that a construction always remains
accessible, absolute names can never be hidden.
Coq < Check 0.
: nat
Coq < Definition nat := bool.
nat is defined
Coq < Check 0.
: Datatypes.nat
Coq < Check Datatypes.nat.
: Set
Coq < Locate nat.
Constant Top.nat
Inductive Coq.Init.Datatypes.nat (visible as Datatypes.nat)
Remark: There is also a name table for sublibraries, modules and sections.
Remark: In versions prior to Coq 7.4, lemmas declared with Remark and Fact kept in their full name the names of the
sections in which they were defined. Since Coq 7.4, they strictly
behaves as Theorem and Lemma do.
See also: Command Locate in Section 6.2.10.
Requiring a file
A module compiled in a ``.vo'' file comes with a logical names (e.g.
physical file theories/Init/Datatypes.vo
in the Coq installation directory is bound to the logical module Coq.Init.Datatypes).
When requiring the file, the mapping between physical directories and logical library should be consistent with the mapping used to compile the file (for modules of the standard library, this is automatic -- check it by typing Print LoadPath).
The command Add Rec LoadPath is also available from coqtop
and coqc by using option -R
2.6 Implicit arguments
An implicit argument of a function is an argument which can be
inferred from the knowledge of the type of other arguments of the
function, or of the type of the surrounding context of the application.
Especially, an implicit argument corresponds to a parameter
dependent in the type of the function. Typical implicit
arguments are the type arguments in polymorphic functions.
More precisely, there are several kinds of implicit arguments.
Strict Implicit Arguments.
An implicit argument can be either strict or non strict. An implicit
argument is said strict if, whatever the other arguments of the
function are, it is still inferable from the type of some other
argument. Technically, an implicit argument is strict if it
corresponds to a parameter which is not applied to a variable which
itself is another parameter of the function (since this parameter
may erase its arguments), not in the body of a match, and not
itself applied or matched against patterns (since the original
form of the argument can be lost by reduction).
For instance, the first argument of
cons: forall A:Set, A -> list A -> list A
in module List.v is strict because list is an inductive
type and A will always be inferable from the type list A of the third argument of cons.
On the opposite, the second argument of a term of type
forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n -> ex nat P
is implicit but not strict, since it can only be inferred from the
type P n of the the third argument and if P is e.g. fun _ => True, it reduces to an expression where n does not
occur any longer. The first argument P is implicit but not
strict either because it can only be inferred from P n and P is not canonically inferable from an arbitrary n and the
normal form of P n (consider e.g. that n is 0 and
the third argument has type True, then any P of the form
fun n => match n with 0 => True | _ => anything end would
be a solution of the inference problem.
Contextual Implicit Arguments.
An implicit argument can be contextual or non. An implicit
argument is said contextual if it can be inferred only from the
knowledge of the type of the context of the current expression. For
instance, the only argument of
nil : forall A:Set, list A
is contextual. Similarly, both arguments of a term of type
forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n \/ n = 0
are contextual (moreover, n is strict and P is not).
2.6.1 Casual use of implicit arguments
In a given expression, if it is clear that some argument of a function
can be inferred from the type of the other arguments, the user can
force the given argument to be guessed by replacing it by ``_''. If
possible, the correct argument will be automatically generated.
Error messages: - Cannot infer a term for this placeholder
Coq was not able to deduce an instantiation of a ``_''.
2.6.2 Declaration of implicit arguments for a constant
In case one wants that some arguments of a given object (constant,
inductive types, constructors, assumptions, local or not) are always
inferred by Coq, one may declare once for all which are the expected
implicit arguments of this object. The syntax is
Implicit Arguments qualid [ ident ... ident ]
where the list of ident is the list of parameters to be declared
implicit. After this, implicit arguments can just (and have to) be
skipped in any expression involving an application of qualid.
Coq < Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
Coq < | nil : list A
Coq < | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
Coq < Check (cons nat 3 (nil nat)).
cons nat 3 (nil nat)
: list nat
Coq < Implicit Arguments cons [A].
Coq < Implicit Arguments nil [A].
Coq < Check (cons 3 nil).
cons 3 nil
: list nat
Remark: To know which are the implicit arguments of an object, use command
Print Implicit (see 2.6.8).
Remark: If the list of arguments is empty, the command removes the
implicit arguments of qualid.
2.6.3 Automatic declaration of implicit arguments for a constant
Coq can also automatically detect what are the implicit arguments
of a defined object. The command is just
Implicit Arguments qualid.
The auto-detection is governed by options telling if strict and
contextual implicit arguments must be considered or not (see
Sections 2.6.5 and 2.6.6).
Coq < Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
Coq < | nil : list A
Coq < | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
Coq < Implicit Arguments cons.
Coq < Print Implicit cons.
cons : forall A : Set, A -> list A -> list A
Argument A is implicit
Coq < Implicit Arguments nil.
Coq < Print Implicit nil.
nil : forall A : Set, list A
No implicit arguments
Coq < Set Contextual Implicit.
Coq < Implicit Arguments nil.
Coq < Print Implicit nil.
nil : forall A : Set, list A
Argument A is implicit
The computation of implicit arguments takes account of the
unfolding of constants. For instance, the variable p below has
type (Transitivity R) which is reducible to forall x,y:U, R x
y -> forall z:U, R y z -> R x z. As the variables x, y and
z appear strictly in body of the type, they are implicit.
Coq < Variable X : Type.
Coq < Definition Relation := X -> X -> Prop.
Coq < Definition Transitivity (R:Relation) :=
Coq < forall x y:X, R x y -> forall z:X, R y z -> R x z.
Coq < Variables (R : Relation) (p : Transitivity R).
Coq < Implicit Arguments p.
Coq < Print p.
*** [ p : Transitivity R ]
Expanded type for implicit arguments
p : forall x y : X, R x y -> forall z : X, R y z -> R x z
Arguments x, y, z are implicit
Coq < Print Implicit p.
p : forall x y : X, R x y -> forall z : X, R y z -> R x z
Arguments x, y, z are implicit
Coq < Variables (a b c : X) (r1 : R a b) (r2 : R b c).
Coq < Check (p r1 r2).
p r1 r2
: R a c
2.6.4 Mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments
In case one wants to systematically declare implicit the arguments
detectable as such, one may switch to the automatic declaration of
implicit arguments mode by using the command
Set Implicit Arguments.
Conversely, one may unset the mode by using Unset Implicit
Arguments. The mode is off by default. Auto-detection of implicit
arguments is governed by options controlling whether strict and
contextual implicit arguments have to be considered or not.
2.6.5 Controlling strict implicit arguments
By default, Coq automatically set implicit only the strict implicit
arguments. To relax this constraint, use command
Unset Strict Implicit.
Conversely, use command Set Strict Implicit to
restore the strict implicit mode.
Remark: In versions of Coq prior to version 8.0, the default was to
declare the strict implicit arguments as implicit.
2.6.6 Controlling contextual implicit arguments
By default, Coq does not automatically set implicit the contextual
implicit arguments. To tell Coq to infer also contextual implicit
argument, use command
Set Contextual Implicit.
Conversely, use command Unset Contextual Implicit to
unset the contextual implicit mode.
2.6.7 Explicit Applications
In presence of non strict or contextual argument, or in presence of
partial applications, the synthesis of implicit arguments may fail, so
one may have to give explicitly certain implicit arguments of an
application. The syntax for this is (ident:=term) where ident
is the name of the implicit argument and term is its corresponding
explicit term. Alternatively, one can locally deactivate the hidding of
implicit arguments of a function by using the notation
@qualid term1..termn. This syntax extension is
given Figure 2.4.
term |
++= |
@ qualid term ... term |
| |
@ qualid |
| |
qualid argument ... argument |
argument |
::= |
term |
| |
(ident:=term) |
Figure 2.4: Syntax for explicitations of implicit arguments
Example (continued):
Coq < Check (p r1 (z:=c)).
p r1 (z:=c)
: R b c -> R a c
Coq < Check (p (x:=a) (y:=b) r1 (z:=c) r2).
p r1 r2
: R a c
2.6.8 Displaying what the implicit arguments are
To display the implicit arguments associated to an object use command
Print Implicit qualid.
2.6.9 Explicitation of implicit arguments for pretty-printing
By default the basic pretty-printing rules hide the inferable implicit
arguments of an application. To force printing all implicit arguments,
use command
Set Printing Implicit.
Conversely, to restore the hidding of implicit arguments, use command
Unset Printing Implicit.
See also: Set Printing All in section 2.8.
2.6.10 Canonical structures
A canonical structure is an instance of a record/structure type that
can be used to solve equations involving implicit arguments. Assume
that qualid denotes an object (Build_struc c1 ... cn) in the
structure struct of which the fields are x1, ...,
xn. Assume that qualid is declared as a canonical structure
using the command
Canonical Structure qualid.
Then, each time an equation of the form (xi
_)=betadeltaiotazetaci has to be solved during the
type-checking process, qualid is used as a solution. Otherwise
said, qualid is canonically used to extend the field ci into a
complete structure built on ci.
Canonical structures are particularly useful when mixed with
coercions and strict implicit arguments. Here is an example.
Coq < Require Import Relations.
Coq < Require Import EqNat.
Coq < Set Implicit Arguments.
Coq < Unset Strict Implicit.
Coq < Structure Setoid : Type :=
Coq < {Carrier :> Set;
Coq < Equal : relation Carrier;
Coq < Prf_equiv : equivalence Carrier Equal}.
Coq < Definition is_law (A B:Setoid) (f:A -> B) :=
Coq < forall x y:A, Equal x y -> Equal (f x) (f y).
Coq < Axiom eq_nat_equiv : equivalence nat eq_nat.
Coq < Definition nat_setoid : Setoid := Build_Setoid eq_nat_equiv.
Coq < Canonical Structure nat_setoid.
Thanks to nat_setoid declared as canonical, the implicit
arguments A and B can be synthesised in the next statement.
Coq < Lemma is_law_S : is_law S.
1 subgoal
is_law (A:=nat_setoid) (B:=nat_setoid) S
Remark: If a same field occurs in several canonical structure, then
only the structure declared first as canonical is considered.
Variants: -
Canonical Structure ident := term : type.
Canonical Structure ident := term.
Canonical Structure ident : type := term.
These are equivalent to a regular definition of ident followed by
the declaration
Canonical Structure ident.
See also: more examples in user contribution category
2.6.11 Implicit types of variables
It is possible to bind variable names to a given type (e.g. in a
development using arithmetic, it may be convenient to bind the names
n or m to the type nat of natural numbers). The
command for that is
Implicit Types ident ... ident : type
The effect of the command is to automatically set the type of bound
variables starting with ident (either ident itself or
ident followed by one or more single quotes, underscore or digits)
to be type (unless the bound variable is already declared with an
explicit type in which case, this latter type is considered).
Coq < Require Import List.
Coq < Implicit Types m n : nat.
Coq < Lemma cons_inj_nat : forall m n l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
1 subgoal
forall m n (l : list nat), n :: l = m :: l -> n = m
Coq < intros m n.
1 subgoal
m : nat
n : nat
forall l : list nat, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m
Coq < Lemma cons_inj_bool : forall (m n:bool) l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
1 subgoal
forall (m n : bool) (l : list bool), n :: l = m :: l -> n = m
Variants: -
Implicit Type ident : type
This is useful for declaring the implicit type of a single variable.
2.7 Coercions
Coercions can be used to implicitly inject terms from one class in
which they reside into another one. A class is either a sort
(denoted by the keyword Sortclass), a product type (denoted by the
keyword Funclass), or a type constructor (denoted by its name),
e.g. an inductive type or any constant with a type of the form
forall (x1:A1) .. (xn:An), s where s is a sort.
Then the user is able to apply an
object that is not a function, but can be coerced to a function, and
more generally to consider that a term of type A is of type B provided
that there is a declared coercion between A and B. The main command is
Coercion qualid : class1 >-> class2.
which declares the construction denoted by qualid as a
coercion between class1 and class2.
More details and examples, and a description of the commands related
to coercions are provided in chapter 16.
2.8 Printing constructions in full
Coercions, implicit arguments, the type of pattern-matching, but also
notations (see chapter 11) can obfuscate the behavior
of some tactics (typically the tactics applying to occurrences of
subterms are sensitive to the implicit arguments). The command
Set Printing All.
deactivates all high-level printing features such as coercions,
implicit arguments, returned type of pattern-matching, notations and
various syntactic sugar for pattern-matching or record projections.
Otherwise said, Set Printing All includes the effects
of the commands Set Printing Implicit, Set Printing
Coercions, Set Printing Synth, Unset Printing Projections
and Unset Printing Notations. To reactivate the high-level
printing features, use the command
Unset Printing All.