HoareAsLogicHoare Logic as a Logic
(* $Date: 2013-07-17 16:19:11 -0400 (Wed, 17 Jul 2013) $ *)
Require Export Hoare.
The presentation of Hoare logic in chapter Hoare could be
described as "model-theoretic": the proof rules for each of the
constructors were presented as theorems about the evaluation
behavior of programs, and proofs of program correctness (validity
of Hoare triples) were constructed by combining these theorems
directly in Coq.
Another way of presenting Hoare logic is to define a completely
separate proof system — a set of axioms and inference rules that
talk about commands, Hoare triples, etc. — and then say that a
proof of a Hoare triple is a valid derivation in that logic. We
can do this by giving an inductive definition of valid
derivations in this new logic.
Inductive hoare_proof : Assertion → com → Assertion → Type :=
| H_Skip : ∀P,
hoare_proof P (SKIP) P
| H_Asgn : ∀Q V a,
hoare_proof (assn_sub V a Q) (V ::= a) Q
| H_Seq : ∀P c Q d R,
hoare_proof P c Q → hoare_proof Q d R → hoare_proof P (c;;d) R
| H_If : ∀P Q b c1 c2,
hoare_proof (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ bassn b st) c1 Q →
hoare_proof (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ ~(bassn b st)) c2 Q →
hoare_proof P (IFB b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) Q
| H_While : ∀P b c,
hoare_proof (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ bassn b st) c P →
hoare_proof P (WHILE b DO c END) (fun st ⇒ P st ∧ ¬ (bassn b st))
| H_Consequence : ∀(P Q P' Q' : Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P' c Q' →
(∀st, P st → P' st) →
(∀st, Q' st → Q st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
Tactic Notation "hoare_proof_cases" tactic(first) ident(c) :=
[ Case_aux c "H_Skip" | Case_aux c "H_Asgn" | Case_aux c "H_Seq"
| Case_aux c "H_If" | Case_aux c "H_While" | Case_aux c "H_Consequence" ].
We don't need to include axioms corresponding to hoare_consequence_pre
or hoare_consequence_post, because these can be proven easily
from H_Consequence.
Lemma H_Consequence_pre : ∀(P Q P': Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P' c Q →
(∀st, P st → P' st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma H_Consequence_post : ∀(P Q Q' : Assertion) c,
hoare_proof P c Q' →
(∀st, Q' st → Q st) →
hoare_proof P c Q.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Now, for example, let's construct a proof object representing a
derivation for the hoare triple
{{assn_sub X (X+1) (assn_sub X (X+2) (X=3))}} X::=X+1;; X::=X+2 {{X=3}}.
We can use Coq's tactics to help us construct the proof object.
Example sample_proof
: hoare_proof
(assn_sub X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1))
(assn_sub X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 2))
(fun st ⇒ st X = 3) ))
(X ::= APlus (AId X) (ANum 1);; (X ::= APlus (AId X) (ANum 2)))
(fun st ⇒ st X = 3).
eapply H_Seq; apply H_Asgn.
Print sample_proof.
(assn_sub X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1))
(assn_sub X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 2)) (fun st : state => st X = VNat 3)))
(X ::= APlus (AId X) (ANum 1))
(assn_sub X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 2)) (fun st : state => st X = VNat 3))
(X ::= APlus (AId X) (ANum 2)) (fun st : state => st X = VNat 3)
(assn_sub X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 2)) (fun st : state => st X = VNat 3))
X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 1)))
(H_Asgn (fun st : state => st X = VNat 3) X (APlus (AId X) (ANum 2)))
Theorem hoare_proof_sound : ∀P c Q,
hoare_proof P c Q → {{P}} c {{Q}}.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
We can also use Coq's reasoning facilities to prove metatheorems
about Hoare Logic. For example, here are the analogs of two
theorems we saw in chapter Hoare — this time expressed in terms
of the syntax of Hoare Logic derivations (provability) rather than
directly in terms of the semantics of Hoare triples.
The first one says that, for every P and c, the assertion
{{P}} c {{True}} is provable in Hoare Logic. Note that the
proof is more complex than the semantic proof in Hoare: we
actually need to perform an induction over the structure of the
command c.
Theorem H_Post_True_deriv:
∀c P, hoare_proof P c (fun _ ⇒ True).
intro c.
com_cases (induction c) Case; intro P.
Case "SKIP".
eapply H_Consequence.
apply H_Skip.
intros. apply H.
(* Proof of True *)
intros. apply I.
Case "::=".
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply H_Asgn.
intros. apply I.
Case ";;".
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
eapply H_Seq.
apply (IHc1 (fun _ ⇒ True)).
apply IHc2.
intros. apply I.
Case "IFB".
apply H_Consequence_pre with (fun _ ⇒ True).
apply H_If.
apply IHc1.
apply IHc2.
intros. apply I.
Case "WHILE".
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_While.
eapply IHc.
intros; apply I.
intros; apply I.
Similarly, we can show that {{False}} c {{Q}} is provable for
any c and Q.
Lemma False_and_P_imp: ∀P Q,
False ∧ P → Q.
intros P Q [CONTRA HP].
destruct CONTRA.
Tactic Notation "pre_false_helper" constr(CONSTR) :=
eapply H_Consequence_pre;
[eapply CONSTR | intros ? CONTRA; destruct CONTRA].
Theorem H_Pre_False_deriv:
∀c Q, hoare_proof (fun _ ⇒ False) c Q.
intros c.
com_cases (induction c) Case; intro Q.
Case "SKIP". pre_false_helper H_Skip.
Case "::=". pre_false_helper H_Asgn.
Case ";;". pre_false_helper H_Seq. apply IHc1. apply IHc2.
Case "IFB".
apply H_If; eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply IHc1. intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
apply IHc2. intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
Case "WHILE".
eapply H_Consequence_post.
eapply H_While.
eapply H_Consequence_pre.
apply IHc.
intro. eapply False_and_P_imp.
intro. simpl. eapply False_and_P_imp.
As a last step, we can show that the set of hoare_proof axioms is
sufficient to prove any true fact about (partial) correctness.
More precisely, any semantic Hoare triple that we can prove can
also be proved from these axioms. Such a set of axioms is said
to be relatively complete.
This proof is inspired by the one at
To prove this fact, we'll need to invent some intermediate
assertions using a technical device known as weakest preconditions.
Given a command c and a desired postcondition assertion Q,
the weakest precondition wp c Q is an assertion P such that
{{P}} c {{Q}} holds, and moreover, for any other assertion P',
if {{P'}} c {{Q}} holds then P' → P. We can more directly
define this as follows:
Definition wp (c:com) (Q:Assertion) : Assertion :=
fun s ⇒ ∀s', c / s ⇓ s' → Q s'.
Lemma wp_is_precondition: ∀c Q,
{{wp c Q}} c {{Q}}.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma wp_is_weakest: ∀c Q P',
{{P'}} c {{Q}} → ∀st, P' st → wp c Q st.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
The following utility lemma will also be useful.
Lemma bassn_eval_false : ∀b st, ¬ bassn b st → beval st b = false.
intros b st H. unfold bassn in H. destruct (beval st b).
exfalso. apply H. reflexivity.
Theorem hoare_proof_complete: ∀P c Q,
{{P}} c {{Q}} → hoare_proof P c Q.
intros P c. generalize dependent P.
com_cases (induction c) Case; intros P Q HT.
Case "SKIP".
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_Skip.
intros. eassumption.
intro st. apply HT. apply E_Skip.
Case "::=".
eapply H_Consequence.
eapply H_Asgn.
intro st. apply HT. econstructor. reflexivity.
intros; assumption.
Case ";;".
apply H_Seq with (wp c2 Q).
eapply IHc1.
intros st st' E1 H. unfold wp. intros st'' E2.
eapply HT. econstructor; eassumption. assumption.
eapply IHc2. intros st st' E1 H. apply H; assumption.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Finally, we might hope that our axiomatic Hoare logic is decidable;
that is, that there is an (terminating) algorithm (a decision procedure)
that can determine whether or not a given Hoare triple is valid (derivable).
But such a decision procedure cannot exist!
Consider the triple {{True}} c {{False}}. This triple is valid
if and only if c is non-terminating. So any algorithm that could
determine validity of arbitrary triples could solve the Halting Problem.
Similarly, the triple {{True} SKIP {{P}} is valid if and only if
∀ s, P s is valid, where P is an arbitrary assertion of Coq's
logic. But it is known that there can be no decision procedure for
this logic.
Overall, this axiomatic style of presentation gives a clearer picture of what it
means to "give a proof in Hoare logic." However, it is not
entirely satisfactory from the point of view of writing down such
proofs in practice: it is quite verbose. The section of chapter
Hoare2 on formalizing decorated programs shows how we can do even