DBT - Disk Base Table (BIOS INT 13)

     Offset Size		Description
	00   byte  specify byte 1; step-rate time, head unload time
	01   byte  specify byte 2; head load time, DMA mode
	02   byte  timer ticks to wait before disk motor shutoff
	03   byte  bytes per sector code:
			0 - 128 bytes	2 - 512 bytes
			1 - 256 bytes	3 - 1024 bytes
	04   byte  sectors per track (last sector number)
	05   byte  inter-block gap length/gap between sectors
	06   byte  data length, if sector length not specified
	07   byte  gap length between sectors for format
	08   byte  fill byte for formatted sectors
	09   byte  head settle time in milliseconds
	0A   byte  motor startup time in eighths of a second