INT 10,14 - Load LCD Character Font (convertible only)

	AH = 14h
	AL = 0 - load user specified font
	   ES:DI = pointer to character font
	   CX = number of characters to store
	   DX = char offset into ram font area
	   BH = number of bytes per character
	   BL = 0  load main font (block 0)
	      = 1  load alternate font (block 1)
	AL = 1 - load system ROM default font
	   BL = 0  load main font (block 0)
	      = 1  load alternate font (block 1)
	AL = 2 - set mapping of LCD high intensity attribute
	   BL = 0  ignore high intensity attribute
	      = 1  map high intensity to underscore
	      = 2  map high intensity to reverse video
	      = 3  map high intensity to select alternate font