CS430/530 Assignment 4

Last modified: October 8, 2013.
Solution posted: October 25, 2013.

Due: Monday, October 21, 2013

  • SF Prop (Please directly modify the abridged Prop.v file; full version at Prop.v):

  • SF MoreProp (Please directly modify the abridged MoreProp.v file; full version at MoreProp.v):

  • SF Logic (Please directly modify the abridged Logic.v file; full version at Logic.v):

  • SF Imp (Please directly modify the abridged Imp.v file; full version at Imp.v):

  • SF Hoare (Please directly modify the abridged Hoare.v file; full version at Hoare.v):

  • Both Imp.v and Hoare.v require SfLib. Please download the coq file here and compile it with coqc SfLib.v under the same folder where you place your other coq files.

    Sample Solutions

    Sample solutions are on the Zoo machine /c/cs430/as/as4/{Prop,MoreProp,Logic,Imp,Hoare}-sol.v.