MorePropMore about Propositions and Evidence
Require Export "Prop".
One useful example is the "less than or equal to"
relation on numbers.
Inductive le : nat → nat → Prop :=
| le_n : ∀n, le n n
| le_S : ∀n m, (le n m) → (le n (S m)).
Notation "m ≤ n" := (le m n).
Some sanity checks...
Theorem test_le1 :
3 ≤ 3.
(* WORK IN CLASS *) Admitted.
Theorem test_le2 :
3 ≤ 6.
(* WORK IN CLASS *) Admitted.
Theorem test_le3 :
(2 ≤ 1) → 2 + 2 = 5.
(* WORK IN CLASS *) Admitted.
The "strictly less than" relation n < m can now be defined
in terms of le.
Definition lt (n m:nat) := le (S n) m.
Notation "m < n" := (lt m n).
Here are a few more simple relations on numbers:
Inductive square_of : nat → nat → Prop :=
sq : ∀n:nat, square_of n (n × n).
Inductive next_nat (n:nat) : nat → Prop :=
| nn : next_nat n (S n).
Inductive next_even (n:nat) : nat → Prop :=
| ne_1 : ev (S n) → next_even n (S n)
| ne_2 : ev (S (S n)) → next_even n (S (S n)).
Programming with Propositions
Check (2 + 2 = 4).
(* ===> 2 + 2 = 4 : Prop *)
Check (ble_nat 3 2 = false).
(* ===> ble_nat 3 2 = false : Prop *)
Check (beautiful 8).
(* ===> beautiful 8 : Prop *)
Both provable and unprovable claims are perfectly good
propositions. Simply being a proposition is one thing; being
provable is something else!
Check (2 + 2 = 5).
(* ===> 2 + 2 = 5 : Prop *)
Check (beautiful 4).
(* ===> beautiful 4 : Prop *)
We've mainly seen one place that propositions can appear in Coq: in
Theorem (and Lemma and Example) declarations.
Theorem plus_2_2_is_4 :
2 + 2 = 4.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
But they can be used in many other ways. For example, we have also seen that
we can give a name to a proposition using a Definition, just as we have
given names to expressions of other sorts.
Definition plus_fact : Prop := 2 + 2 = 4.
Check plus_fact.
(* ===> plus_fact : Prop *)
We can later use this name in any situation where a proposition is
expected — for example, as the claim in a Theorem declaration.
Theorem plus_fact_is_true :
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
We've seen several ways of constructing propositions.
We have also seen parameterized propositions, such as even and
- We can define a new proposition primitively using Inductive.
- Given two expressions e1 and e2 of the same type, we can
form the proposition e1 = e2, which states that their
values are equal.
- We can combine propositions using implication and quantification.
Check (even 4).
(* ===> even 4 : Prop *)
Check (even 3).
(* ===> even 3 : Prop *)
Check even.
(* ===> even : nat -> Prop *)
Propositions — including parameterized propositions — are
first-class citizens in Coq. For example, we can define functions
from numbers to propositions...
Definition between (n m o: nat) : Prop :=
andb (ble_nat n o) (ble_nat o m) = true.
... and then partially apply them:
Definition teen : nat→Prop := between 13 19.
We can even pass propositions — including parameterized
propositions — as arguments to functions:
Definition true_for_zero (P:nat→Prop) : Prop :=
P 0.
Here are two more examples of passing parameterized propositions
as arguments to a function.
The first function, true_for_all_numbers, takes a proposition
P as argument and builds the proposition that P is true for
all natural numbers.
Definition true_for_all_numbers (P:nat→Prop) : Prop :=
∀n, P n.
The second, preserved_by_S, takes P and builds the proposition
that, if P is true for some natural number n', then it is also
true by the successor of n' — i.e. that P is preserved by
Definition preserved_by_S (P:nat→Prop) : Prop :=
∀n', P n' → P (S n').
Finally, we can put these ingredients together to define
a proposition stating that induction is valid for natural numbers:
Definition natural_number_induction_valid : Prop :=
true_for_zero P →
preserved_by_S P →
true_for_all_numbers P.
What is the type of the following expression?
(2) nat→Prop
(3) ∀ n:nat, Prop
(4) nat→nat
(5) Not typeable
pred (S O) = O
(1) Prop
What is the type of the following expression?
(2) nat→Prop
(3) ∀ n:nat, Prop
(4) nat→nat
(5) Not typeable
∀n:nat, pred (S n) = n
(1) Prop
What is the type of the following expression?
(2) nat→Prop
(3) ∀ n:nat, Prop
(4) nat→nat
(5) Not typeable
∀n:nat, S (pred n) = n
(1) Prop
What is the type of the following expression?
(2) nat→Prop
(3) ∀ n:nat, Prop
(4) nat→nat
(5) Not typeable
∀n:nat, pred (S n)
(1) Prop
What is the type of the following expression?
(2) nat→Prop
(3) ∀ n:nat, Prop
(4) nat→nat
(5) Not typeable
fun n:nat ⇒ pred (S n)
(1) Prop
What is the type of the following expression?
(2) nat→Prop
(3) ∀ n:nat, Prop
(4) nat→nat
(5) Not typeable
fun n:nat ⇒ pred (S n) = n
(1) Prop
Which of the following is not a proposition?
(1) 3 + 2 = 4
(2) 3 + 2 = 5
(3) beq_nat (3+2) 5
(4) beq_nat (3+2) 4 = false
(5) ∀ n, beq_nat (3+2) n = true → n = 5
(6) none of the above