SmallstepSmall-step Operational Semantics

Big-step Evaluation

Our semantics for Imp is written in the so-called "big-step" style...
Evaluation rules take an expression (or command) to a final answer "all in one step":
      2 + 2 + 3 × 4 ==> 16
But big-step semantics makes it hard to talk about what happens along the way...

Small-step Evaluation

Small-step style: Alternatively, we can show how to "reduce" an expression to a simpler form by performing a single step of computation:
      2 + 2 + 3 × 4
      --> 2 + 2 + 12
      --> 4 + 12
      --> 16
Advantages of the small-step style include:
  • Finer-grained "abstract machine", closer to real implementations
  • Extends smoothly to concurrent languages and languages with other sorts of computational effects.
  • Separates divergence (nontermination) from stuckness (run-time error)

A Toy Language

The world's simplest programming language:
Inductive tm : Type :=
  | C : nattm (* Constant *)
  | P : tmtmtm. (* Plus *)

Big-step evaluation as a function

Fixpoint evalF (t : tm) : nat :=
  match t with
  | C nn
  | P t1 t2evalF t1 + evalF t2

Big-step evaluation as a relation


C n ==> n
t1 ==> n1
t2 ==> n2 (E_Plus)  

P t1 t2 ==> n1 + n2

Inductive eval : tmnatProp :=
  | E_Const : n,
      C n ==> n
  | E_Plus : t1 t2 n1 n2,
      t1 ==> n1
      t2 ==> n2
      P t1 t2 ==> (n1 + n2)

Small-step evaluation relation


P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
t1 --> t1' (ST_Plus1)  

P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
t2 --> t2' (ST_Plus2)  

P (C n1) t2 --> P (C n1) t2'
  • each step reduces the leftmost P node that is ready to go
    • first rule tells how to rewrite this node
    • second and third rules tell where to find it
  • constants are not related to anything -- i.e., they do not step to anything

Small-step evaluation in Coq

Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
  | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
      P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
  | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
      t1 --> t1'
      P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
  | ST_Plus2 : n1 t2 t2',
      t2 --> t2'
      P (C n1) t2 --> P (C n1) t2'


If t1 can take a step to t1', then P t1 t2 steps to P t1' t2:
Example test_step_1 :
        (P (C 1) (C 3))
        (P (C 2) (C 4))
        (C 4)
        (P (C 2) (C 4)).
  apply ST_Plus1. apply ST_PlusConstConst. Qed.

What does the following term step to?

    P (P (C 1) (C 2)) (P (C 1) (C 2))
(1) C 6
(2) P (C 3) (P (C 1) (C 2))
(3) P (P (C 1) (C 2)) (C 3)
(4) P (C 3) (C 3)
(5) None of the above
Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
  | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
      P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
  | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
      t1 --> t1'
      P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
  | ST_Plus2 : n1 t2 t2',
      t2 --> t2'
      P (C n1) t2 --> P (C n1) t2'
What about this one?

    C 1
(1) C 1
(2) P (C 0) (C 1)
(3) None of the above
Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
  | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
      P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
  | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
      t1 --> t1'
      P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
  | ST_Plus2 : n1 t2 t2',
      t2 --> t2'
      P (C n1) t2 --> P (C n1) t2'


A binary relation on a set X is a family of propositions parameterized by two elements of X -- i.e., a proposition about pairs of elements of X.
Definition relation (X : Type) := XXProp.
The step relation --> is an example of a relation on tm.


One simple property of the --> relation is that, like the big-step evaluation relation for Imp, it is deterministic.
Theorem: For each t, there is at most one t' such that t steps to t' (t --> t' is provable).
Definition deterministic {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
   x y1 y2 : X, R x y1R x y2y1 = y2.

Theorem step_deterministic:
  deterministic step.

  unfold deterministic. intros x y1 y2 Hy1 Hy2.
  generalize dependent y2.
  induction Hy1; intros y2 Hy2.
  - (* ST_PlusConstConst *) inversion Hy2; subst.
    + (* ST_PlusConstConst *) reflexivity.
    + (* ST_Plus1 *) inversion H2.
    + (* ST_Plus2 *) inversion H2.
  - (* ST_Plus1 *) inversion Hy2; subst.
    + (* ST_PlusConstConst *)
      inversion Hy1.
    + (* ST_Plus1 *)
      apply IHHy1 in H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
    + (* ST_Plus2 *)
      inversion Hy1.
  - (* ST_Plus2 *) inversion Hy2; subst.
    + (* ST_PlusConstConst *)
      inversion Hy1.
    + (* ST_Plus1 *) inversion H2.
    + (* ST_Plus2 *)
      apply IHHy1 in H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.

Automation digression...
Let's define a little tactic to decrease annoying repetition in this proof:
Ltac solve_by_inverts n :=
  match goal with | H : ?T_
  match type of T with Prop
    solve [
      inversion H;
      match n with S (S (?n')) ⇒ subst; solve_by_inverts (S n') end ]
  end end.

Ltac solve_by_invert :=
  solve_by_inverts 1.

The proof of the previous theorem can now be simplified...

Theorem step_deterministic_alt: deterministic step.
  intros x y1 y2 Hy1 Hy2.
  generalize dependent y2.
  induction Hy1; intros y2 Hy2;
    inversion Hy2; subst; try solve_by_invert.
  - (* ST_PlusConstConst *) reflexivity.
  - (* ST_Plus1 *)
    apply IHHy1 in H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
  - (* ST_Plus2 *)
    apply IHHy1 in H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.


It can be useful to think of the --> relation as defining an abstract machine:
  • At any moment, the state of the machine is a term.
  • A step of the machine is an atomic unit of computation -- here, a single "add" operation.
  • The halting states of the machine are ones where there is no more computation to be done.

We can then execute a term t as follows:
  • Take t as the starting state of the machine.
  • Repeatedly use the --> relation to find a sequence of machine states, starting with t, where each state steps to the next.
  • When no more reduction is possible, "read out" the final state of the machine as the result of execution.

Final states of the machine are terms of the form C n for some n. We call such terms values.
Inductive value : tmProp :=
  | v_const : n, value (C n).

This gives a more elegant way of writing the ST_Plus2 rule:

P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
t1 --> t1' (ST_Plus1)  

P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
value v1
t2 --> t2' (ST_Plus2)  

P v1 t2 --> P v1 t2'

Again, variable names carry important information:
  • v1 ranges only over values
  • t1 and t2 range over arbitrary terms
So the value hypothesis in the last rule is actually redundant in the informal presentation: The naming convention tells us where to add it when translating the informal rule to Coq. We'll keep it for now, but in later chapters we'll elide it.

Here are the formal rules:

Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
  | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
          P (C n1) (C n2)
      --> C (n1 + n2)
  | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
        t1 --> t1'
        P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
  | ST_Plus2 : v1 t2 t2',
        value v1(* <--- n.b. *)
        t2 --> t2'
        P v1 t2 --> P v1 t2'

Strong Progress and Normal Forms

Theorem (Strong Progress): If t is a term, then either t is a value or else there exists a term t' such that t --> t'.
Theorem strong_progress : t,
  value t ∨ ( t', t --> t').
  induction t.
  - (* C *) left. apply v_const.
  - (* P *) right. destruct IHt1 as [IHt1 | [t1' Ht1] ].
    + (* l *) destruct IHt2 as [IHt2 | [t2' Ht2] ].
      × (* l *) inversion IHt1. inversion IHt2.
         (C (n + n0)).
        apply ST_PlusConstConst.
      × (* r *)
         (P t1 t2').
        apply ST_Plus2; auto.
    + (* r *)
       (P t1' t2).
      apply ST_Plus1. apply Ht1.

Normal forms

The idea of "making progress" can be extended to tell us something interesting about values: they are exactly the terms that cannot make progress in this sense.
To state this observation formally, let's begin by giving a name to "terms that cannot make progress." We'll call them normal forms.
Definition normal_form {X : Type}
              (R : relation X) (t : X) : Prop :=
  ¬ t', R t t'.

Values vs. normal forms

In this language, normal forms and values coincide:
Lemma value_is_nf : v,
  value vnormal_form step v.
  unfold normal_form. intros v H. destruct H.
  intros contra. destruct contra. inversion H.

Lemma nf_is_value : t,
  normal_form step tvalue t.
Proof. (* a corollary of strong_progress... *)
  unfold normal_form. intros t H.
  assert (G : value t t', t --> t').
  { apply strong_progress. }
  destruct G as [G | G].
  - (* l *) apply G.
  - (* r *) contradiction.

Corollary nf_same_as_value : t,
  normal_form step tvalue t.
  - apply nf_is_value.
  - apply value_is_nf.
Why is this interesting?
Because value is a syntactic concept -- it is defined by looking at the way a term is written -- while normal_form is a semantic one -- it is defined by looking at how the term steps.
It is not obvious that these concepts should characterize the same set of terms!

Indeed, we could easily have written the definitions (incorrectly) so that they would not coincide.
We might, for example, define value so that it includes some terms that are not finished reducing.

Inductive value : tmProp :=
  | v_const : n, value (C n)
  | v_funny : t1 n,
                value (P t1 (C n)). (* <--- *)

Using this wrong definition of value, how many different values does the following term step to (in zero or more steps)?
         (P (C 1) (C 2))
         (C 3)

      Inductive value : tmProp :=
        | v_const : n, value (C n)
        | v_funny : t1 n,
                      value (P t1 (C n)).
How many different terms does the following term step to in one step?
       P (P (C 1) (C 2)) (P (C 3) (C 4))

      Inductive value : tmProp :=
        | v_const : n, value (C n)
        | v_funny : t1 n,
                      value (P t1 (C n)).

Lemma value_not_same_as_normal_form :
   v, value v ∧ ¬normal_form step v.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Or we might (again, wrongly) define step so that it permits something designated as a value to reduce further.

Inductive value : tmProp :=
  | v_const : n, value (C n). (* Original definition *)

Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
  | ST_Funny : n,
      C n --> P (C n) (C 0) (* <--- NEW *)
  | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
      P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
  | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
      t1 --> t1'
      P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
  | ST_Plus2 : v1 t2 t2',
      value v1
      t2 --> t2'
      P v1 t2 --> P v1 t2'

How many different terms does the following term step to (in exactly one step)?
      P (C 1) (C 3)

     Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
       | ST_Funny : n,
           C n --> P (C n) (C 0)
       | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
           P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
       | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
           t1 --> t1'
           P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2
       | ST_Plus2 : v1 t2 t2',
           value v1
           t2 --> t2'
           P v1 t2 --> P v1 t2'

And we again lose the property that values are the same as normal forms:
Lemma value_not_same_as_normal_form :
   v, value v ∧ ¬normal_form step v.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Finally, we might define value and step so that there is some term that is not a value but that also cannot take a step.
Such terms are said to be stuck.

Inductive value : tmProp :=
  | v_const : n, value (C n).

Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
  | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
      P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
  | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
      t1 --> t1'
      P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2

(Note that ST_Plus2 is missing.)
How many terms does the following term step to (in one step)?

    P (C 1) (P (C 1) (C 2))

    Inductive step : tmtmProp :=
      | ST_PlusConstConst : n1 n2,
          P (C n1) (C n2) --> C (n1 + n2)
      | ST_Plus1 : t1 t1' t2,
          t1 --> t1'
          P t1 t2 --> P t1' t2

And, once again:
Lemma value_not_same_as_normal_form :
   t, ¬value tnormal_form step t.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Multi-Step Reduction

We can now use the single-step relation and the concept of value to formalize an entire execution of the abstract machine.
First, we define a multi-step reduction relation -->* that relates a starting term to every term that it can reach by some number of reduction steps (including zero).

Since we'll want to reuse the idea of multi-step reduction many times with many different single-step relations, let's pause and define the concept generically.
Given a relation R (e.g., the step relation -->), we define a new relation multi R, called the multi-step closure of R as follows.

Inductive multi {X : Type} (R : relation X) : relation X :=
  | multi_refl : (x : X), multi R x x
  | multi_step : (x y z : X),
                    R x y
                    multi R y z
                    multi R x z.

The effect of this definition is that multi R relates two elements x and y if
Intuitively, if R describes a single-step of computation, then z1 ... zn are the intermediate steps of computation that get us from x to y.

We write -->* for the multi step relation on terms.
Notation " t '-->*' t' " := (multi step t t') (at level 40).

The relation multi R has several crucial properties.
First, it is obviously reflexive (that is, x, multi R x x). In the case of the -->* (i.e., multi step) relation, the intuition is that a term can execute to itself by taking zero steps of reduction.

Second, it contains R -- that is, single-step reductions are a particular case of multi-step executions. (It is this fact that justifies the word "closure" in the term "multi-step closure of R.")
Theorem multi_R : (X : Type) (R : relation X) (x y : X),
    R x y → (multi R) x y.
  intros X R x y H.
  apply multi_step with y.
  - apply H.
  - apply multi_refl.

Third, multi R is transitive.
Theorem multi_trans :
   (X : Type) (R : relation X) (x y z : X),
      multi R x y
      multi R y z
      multi R x z.
  intros X R x y z G H.
  induction G.
    - (* multi_refl *) assumption.
    - (* multi_step *)
      apply multi_step with y.
      + assumption.
      + apply IHG. assumption.
In particular, for the multi step relation on terms, if t1 -->* t2 and t2 -->* t3, then t1 -->* t3.
Which of the following relations on numbers cannot be expressed as multi R for some R?
(1) less than or equal
(2) strictly less than
(3) equal
(4) none of the above

(* *** *)

Lemma test_multistep_1:
        (P (C 0) (C 3))
        (P (C 2) (C 4))
      C ((0 + 3) + (2 + 4)).
  apply multi_step with
            (P (C (0 + 3))
               (P (C 2) (C 4))).
  { apply ST_Plus1. apply ST_PlusConstConst. }
  apply multi_step with
            (P (C (0 + 3))
               (C (2 + 4))).
  { apply ST_Plus2.
    - apply v_const.
    - apply ST_PlusConstConst. }
  apply multi_R.
  apply ST_PlusConstConst.

Normal Forms Again

If t reduces to t' in zero or more steps and t' is a normal form, we say that "t' is a normal form of t."
Definition step_normal_form := normal_form step.

Definition normal_form_of (t t' : tm) :=
  (t -->* t'step_normal_form t').


Indeed, something stronger is true for this language:
We say the step relation is normalizing.
Definition normalizing {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
   t, t',
    (multi R) t t'normal_form R t'.
To prove that step is normalizing, we need a couple of lemmas.
First, we observe that, if t reduces to t' in many steps, then the same sequence of reduction steps within t is also possible when t appears as the first argument to P, and similarly when t appears as the second argument to P (and the first argument is a value).
Lemma multistep_congr_1 : t1 t1' t2,
     t1 -->* t1'
     P t1 t2 -->* P t1' t2.
  intros t1 t1' t2 H. induction H.
  - (* multi_refl *) apply multi_refl.
  - (* multi_step *) apply multi_step with (P y t2).
    + apply ST_Plus1. apply H.
    + apply IHmulti.

Lemma multistep_congr_2 : v1 t2 t2',
     value v1
     t2 -->* t2'
     P v1 t2 -->* P v1 t2'.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Theorem step_normalizing :
  normalizing step.
  unfold normalizing.
  induction t.
  - (* C *)
     (C n).
    + (* l *) apply multi_refl.
    + (* r *)
      (* We can use rewrite with "iff" statements, not
           just equalities: *)

      apply nf_same_as_value. apply v_const.
  - (* P *)
    destruct IHt1 as [t1' [Hsteps1 Hnormal1] ].
    destruct IHt2 as [t2' [Hsteps2 Hnormal2] ].
    apply nf_same_as_value in Hnormal1.
    apply nf_same_as_value in Hnormal2.
    destruct Hnormal1 as [n1].
    destruct Hnormal2 as [n2].
     (C (n1 + n2)).
    + (* l *)
      apply multi_trans with (P (C n1) t2).
      × apply multistep_congr_1. apply Hsteps1.
      × apply multi_trans with (P (C n1) (C n2)).
        { apply multistep_congr_2.
          - apply v_const.
          - apply Hsteps2. }
        apply multi_R. apply ST_PlusConstConst.
    + (* r *)
      apply nf_same_as_value. apply v_const.

Equivalence of Big-Step and Small-Step

Having defined the operational semantics of our tiny programming language in two different ways (big-step and small-step), it makes sense to ask whether these definitions actually define the same thing!
We consider the two implications separately.
Theorem eval__multistep : t n,
  t ==> nt -->* C n.

The key ideas in the proof can be seen in the following picture:
       P t1 t2 --> (by ST_Plus1)
       P t1' t2 --> (by ST_Plus1)
       P t1'' t2 --> (by ST_Plus1)
       P (C v1) t2 --> (by ST_Plus2)
       P (C v1) t2' --> (by ST_Plus2)
       P (C v1) t2'' --> (by ST_Plus2)
       P (C v1) (C v2) --> (by ST_PlusConstConst)
       C (v1 + v2)
That is, the multistep reduction of a term of the form P t1 t2 proceeds in three phases:
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

For the other direction, we need one lemma, which establishes a relation between single-step reduction and big-step evaluation.
Lemma step__eval : t t' n,
     t --> t'
     t' ==> n
     t ==> n.
  intros t t' n Hs. generalize dependent n.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

The fact that small-step reduction implies big-step evaluation is now straightforward to prove.
The proof proceeds by induction on the multi-step reduction sequence that is buried in the hypothesis normal_form_of t t'.
Theorem multistep__eval : t t',
  normal_form_of t t' n, t' = C nt ==> n.
  (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Small-Step Imp

Now for a more serious example: a small-step version of the Imp operational semantics.

Inductive aval : aexpProp :=
  | av_num : n, aval (ANum n).

Small-step evaluation relation for arithmetic expressions


i / st --> (st i)
a1 / st --> a1' (AS_Plus1)  

a1 + a2 / st --> a1' + a2
aval v1       a2 / st --> a2' (AS_Plus2)  

v1 + a2 / st --> v1 + a2'

v1 + v2 / st --> (v1 + v2)
a1 / st --> a1' (AS_Minus1)  

a1 - a2 / st --> a1' - a2
aval v1       a2 / st --> a2' (AS_Minus2)  

v1 - a2 / st --> v1 - a2'

v1 - v2 / st --> (v1 - v2)
a1 / st --> a1' (AS_Mult1)  

a1 * a2 / st --> a1' * a2
aval v1       a2 / st --> a2' (AS_Mult2)  

v1 * a2 / st --> v1 * a2'

v1 * v2 / st --> (v1 * v2)

Small-step evaluation relation for boolean expressions

a1 / st --> a1' (BS_Eq1)  

a1 = a2 / st --> a1' = a2
aval v1       a2 / st --> a2' (BS_Eq2)  

v1 = a2 / st --> v1 = a2'

v1 = v2 / st --> (if (v1 =? v2) then true else false)
a1 / st --> a1' (BS_LtEq1)  

a1 <= a2 / st --> a1' <= a2
aval v1       a2 / st --> a2' (BS_LtEq2)  

v1 <= a2 / st --> v1 <= a2'

v1 <= v2 / st --> (if (v1 <=? v2) then true else false)
b1 / st --> b1' (BS_NotStep)  

~b1 / st --> ~b1'

~ true / st --> false

~ false / st --> true
b1 / st --> b1' (BS_AndStep)  

b1 && b2 / st --> b1' && b2
b2 / st --> b2' (BS_AndTrueStep)  

true && b2 / st --> true && b2'

false && b2 / st --> false

true && true / st --> true

true && false / st --> false

The semantics of commands is the interesting part. We need two small tricks to make it work:

Small-step evaluation relation for commands

a1 / st --> a1' (CS_AsgnStep)  

i := a1 / st --> i := a1' / st

i := n / st --> skip / (i !-> n ; st)
c1 / st --> c1' / st' (CS_SeqStep)  

c1 ; c2 / st --> c1' ; c2 / st'

skip ; c2 / st --> c2 / st
b1 / st --> b1' (CS_IfStep)  

if b1 then c1 else c2 end / st -->
if b1' then c1 else c2 end / st

if true then c1 else c2 end / st --> c1 / st

if false then c1 else c2 end / st --> c2 / st

while b1 do c1 end / st -->
if b1 then (c1; while b1 do c1 end) else skip end / st

Concurrent Imp

Finally, let's define a concurrent extension of Imp, to show off the power of our new tools...

For example:

Inductive com : Type :=
  | CSkip : com
  | CAsgn : stringaexpcom
  | CSeq : comcomcom
  | CIf : bexpcomcomcom
  | CWhile : bexpcomcom
  | CPar : comcomcom. (* <--- NEW: c1||c2 *)

New small-step evaluation relation for commands

Same rules as before, plus:
c1 / st --> c1' / st' (CS_Par1)  

c1 || c2 / st --> c1' || c2 / st'
c2 / st --> c2' / st' (CS_Par2)  

c1 || c2 / st --> c1 || c2' / st'

skip || skip / st --> skip / st

Definition cmultistep := multi cstep.

Notation " t '/' st '-->*' t' '/' st' " :=
   (multi cstep (t,st) (t',st'))
   (at level 40, st at level 39, t' at level 39).

Which state cannot be obtained as a result of executing the following program (from any starting state)?
       (Y := 1 || Y := 2);
       X := Y
(1) Y=0 and X=0
(2) Y=1 and X=1
(3) Y=2 and X=2
(4) None of the above
Which state(s) cannot be obtained as a result of executing the following program (from any starting state)?
       (Y := 1 || Y := Y + 1);
       X := Y
(1) Y=1 and X=1
(2) Y=0 and X=1
(3) Y=2 and X=2
(4) Y=n and X=n for any n 3
(5) 2 and 4 above
(6) None of the above
How about this one?
      ( Y := 0; X := Y + 1 )
      ( Y := Y + 1; X := 1 )
(1) Y=0 and X=1
(2) Y=1 and X=1
(3) Y=0 and X=0
(4) Y=4 and X=1
(5) None of the above

Among the many interesting properties of this language is the fact that the following program can terminate with the variable X set to any value.
Definition par_loop : com :=
      Y := 1
      while (Y = 0) do X := X + 1 end