Polymorphism and Constraints in Hindley/Milner Type Systems

Martin Sulzmann


In this talk we study the impact of constrained polymorphism in Hindley/Milner style type systems extended with some form of constraints. Type schemes additionally contain a constraint component which restricts the number of types which can be substituted for bound type variables. We consider different formulations of the quantifier introduction rule in systems that support overloading and records. In previous work the formulation of this rule has been purly syntactic. We point out some of the limitations which are based on this kind of formulation. For instance, we consider Haskell-style overloading. Recently, there has been a proposal to extend Haskell's type classes and permit multi--parameter type classes and arbitrary types in type schemes. This proposal is based on the theory of qualified types. We show that a type system based on the theory of qualified types that allows multi-parameter type classes and arbitrary types in type schemes is unsound. We propose HM(X) as the proper logical framework for Hindley/Milner type systems with constraints. The HM(X) framework considers the constraint system as a parameter of the type system and comes with a semantic--based formulation of the quantifier introduction rule. We show how the semantic--based formulation of the quantifier introduction rule improves previous formulations.