Flattening Combinators: Surviving Without Parentheses

Speaker: Chris Okasaki, US Military Academy at West Point

When & Where: 12:30pm, Monday, April 8, 2002, Room 400 AKW


I recently received the following email:


  I just spilled soda on my keyboard and now the 9 and 0
  keys don't work.  I can still use the 9 and 0 on the
  numeric keypad, but what should I do about the parentheses?
  I can pick up a new keyboard over the weekend, but the
  combinator homework is due tomorrow, and it uses parentheses
  all over the place!

  Cadet K
In this talk, we will help Cadet K complete his homework, showing how to efficiently convert arbitrary combinator expressions into equivalent combinator expressions without parentheses.