The latest in Hatware: a portable toolset for tracing Haskell programs

Speaker: Colin Runciman, University of York, UK

When & Where: 12:30pm, Monday, May 6, 2002, Room 400 AKW


Hat (for Haskell Tracer) is the name for a collection of tracing tools for Haskell programmers. Early versions of Hat relied on transformations carried out within the nhc compiler and were tied to the redex trail approach. But now Hat generates Haskell 98 sources as the results of transformation to introduce trace generation, records computations in stand-alone files, and offers interconnected tools to support diverse tracing approaches within a common framework.

In the talk I plan to explain briefly how Hat works, but to concentrate on illustrating its use.

After the talk, I shall be pleased to give people the chance to evaluate Hat on their own Haskell 98 programs.