Schedule for the Fall 2005 SPAM

* Friday, September 9, 12:30pm, 200 AKW
Scott Stoller:
Checking Atomicity in Concurrent Java Programs

(Host: Zhong Shao)

* Friday, October 14, 12:30pm, 200 AKW
Paul Hudak:
HasSound: Generating Musical Instrument Sounds in Haskell

(Host: Paul Hudak)

* Friday, October 21, 12:30pm, 200 AKW
Christopher League:
Typed Compilation Against Non-Manifest Base Classes

(Host: Zhong Shao)

* Friday, November 18, 12:30pm, 200 AKW
Charles Stewart:
Three Kinds of Sharing in the Lambda-Calculus

(Host: Zhong Shao)