
Published papers, technical reports, and talks online.


Arthur Oliveira Vale
Yixuan Chen
Peixin You
Zhong Shao


Crash-safety is an important property of real systems, as the main functionality of some systems is resilience to crashes. Toward a compositional verification approach for crash-safety under full-system crashes, one observes that crashes propagate instantaneously to all components across all levels of abstraction, even to unspecified components, hindering compositionality. Furthermore, in the presence of concurrency, a correctness criterion that addresses both crashes and concurrency proves necessary. For this, several adaptations of linearizability have been suggested, each featuring different trade-offs between complexity and expressiveness. The recently proposed compositional linearizability framework shows that to achieve compositionality with linearizability both a locality and observational refinement property are necessary. Despite that, no linearizability criterion with crashes has been proven to support an observational refinement property.

In this paper, we define a compositional model of concurrent computation with full-system crashes. We use this model to develop a compositional theory of linearizability with crashes, which reveals a criterion, crash-aware linearizability, as its inherent notion of linearizability and supports both locality and observational refinement. We then show that strict linearizability and durable linearizability factor through crash-aware linearizability as two different ways of translating between concurrent computation with and without crashes, enabling simple proofs of locality and observational refinement for a generalization of these two criteria. Then, we show how the theory can be connected with a program logic for durable and crash-aware linearizability, which gives the first program logic that shows some form of linearizability with crashes. We showcase the advantages of compositionality by verifying a library facilitating programming persistent data structures and a fragment of a transactional interface for a file system.


In Proc. 2024 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'24), Pasadena, CA, October 2024. Published as Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL), Volume 8, Number OOPSLA2, Article 352 (October 2024), 29 pages.
  • Conference Paper [PDF]
  • Extended Technical Report [PDF]