Library Coq.Init.Datatypes

Require Import Notations.
Require Import Logic.

Set Implicit Arguments.

unit is a singleton datatype with sole inhabitant tt

Inductive unit : Set :=
    tt : unit.

bool is the datatype of the booleans values true and false

Inductive bool : Set :=
  | true : bool
  | false : bool.

Add Printing If bool.

nat is the datatype of natural numbers built from O and successor S; note that zero is the letter O, not the numeral 0

Inductive nat : Set :=
  | O : nat
  | S : nat -> nat.

Delimit Scope nat_scope with nat.
Bind Scope nat_scope with nat.
Arguments Scope S [nat_scope].

Empty_set has no inhabitant

Inductive Empty_set : Set :=.

identity A a is the family of datatypes on A whose sole non-empty member is the singleton datatype identity A a a whose sole inhabitant is denoted refl_identity A a

Inductive identity (A:Type) (a:A) : A -> Set :=
    refl_identity : identity (A:=A) a a.
Hint Resolve refl_identity: core v62.

Implicit Arguments identity_ind [A].
Implicit Arguments identity_rec [A].
Implicit Arguments identity_rect [A].

option A is the extension of A with a dummy element None

Inductive option (A:Set) : Set :=
  | Some : A -> option A
  | None : option A.

Implicit Arguments None [A].

sum A B, equivalently A + B, is the disjoint sum of A and B
Inductive sum (A B:Set) : Set :=
  | inl : A -> sum A B
  | inr : B -> sum A B.

Notation "x + y" := (sum x y) : type_scope.

prod A B, written A * B, is the product of A and B; the pair pair A B a b of a and b is abbreviated (a,b)

Inductive prod (A B:Set) : Set :=
    pair : A -> B -> prod A B.
Add Printing Let prod.

Notation "x * y" := (prod x y) : type_scope.
Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) : core_scope.

Section projections.
    Variables A B : Set.
   Definition fst (p:A * B) := match p with
                               | (x, y) => x
   Definition snd (p:A * B) := match p with
                               | (x, y) => y
End projections.

Hint Resolve pair inl inr: core v62.

Lemma surjective_pairing :
 forall (A B:Set) (p:A * B), p = pair (fst p) (snd p).
destruct p; reflexivity.

Lemma injective_projections :
 forall (A B:Set) (p1 p2:A * B),
   fst p1 = fst p2 -> snd p1 = snd p2 -> p1 = p2.
destruct p1; destruct p2; simpl in |- *; intros Hfst Hsnd.
rewrite Hfst; rewrite Hsnd; reflexivity.


Inductive comparison : Set :=
  | Eq : comparison
  | Lt : comparison
  | Gt : comparison.

Definition CompOpp (r:comparison) :=
  match r with
  | Eq => Eq
  | Lt => Gt
  | Gt => Lt

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