Library Coq.Relations.Rstar

Properties of a binary relation R on type A

Section Rstar.

Variable A : Type.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.

Definition of the reflexive-transitive closure R* of R
Smallest reflexive P containing R o P

Definition Rstar (x y:A) :=
  forall P:A -> A -> Prop,
    (forall u:A, P u u) -> (forall u v w:A, R u v -> P v w -> P u w) -> P x y.

Theorem Rstar_reflexive : forall x:A, Rstar x x.
   fun (x:A) (P:A -> A -> Prop) (h1:forall u:A, P u u)
     (h2:forall u v w:A, R u v -> P v w -> P u w) =>
     h1 x.
Theorem Rstar_R : forall x y z:A, R x y -> Rstar y z -> Rstar x z.
   fun (x y z:A) (t1:R x y) (t2:Rstar y z) (P:A -> A -> Prop)
     (h1:forall u:A, P u u) (h2:forall u v w:A, R u v -> P v w -> P u w) =>
     h2 x y z t1 (t2 P h1 h2).
We conclude with transitivity of Rstar :

Theorem Rstar_transitive :
 forall x y z:A, Rstar x y -> Rstar y z -> Rstar x z.
   fun (x y z:A) (h:Rstar x y) =>
     h (fun u v:A => Rstar v z -> Rstar u z) (fun (u:A) (t:Rstar u z) => t)
       (fun (u v w:A) (t1:R u v) (t2:Rstar w z -> Rstar v z)
          (t3:Rstar w z) => Rstar_R u v z t1 (t2 t3)).

Another characterization of R*
Smallest reflexive P containing R o R*

Definition Rstar' (x y:A) :=
  forall P:A -> A -> Prop,
    P x x -> (forall u:A, R x u -> Rstar u y -> P x y) -> P x y.

Theorem Rstar'_reflexive : forall x:A, Rstar' x x.
   fun (x:A) (P:A -> A -> Prop) (h:P x x)
     (h':forall u:A, R x u -> Rstar u x -> P x x) => h.
Theorem Rstar'_R : forall x y z:A, R x z -> Rstar z y -> Rstar' x y.
   fun (x y z:A) (t1:R x z) (t2:Rstar z y) (P:A -> A -> Prop)
     (h1:P x x) (h2:forall u:A, R x u -> Rstar u y -> P x y) =>
     h2 z t1 t2.
Equivalence of the two definitions:

Theorem Rstar'_Rstar : forall x y:A, Rstar' x y -> Rstar x y.
   fun (x y:A) (h:Rstar' x y) =>
     h Rstar (Rstar_reflexive x) (fun u:A => Rstar_R x u y).
Theorem Rstar_Rstar' : forall x y:A, Rstar x y -> Rstar' x y.
   fun (x y:A) (h:Rstar x y) =>
     h Rstar' (fun u:A => Rstar'_reflexive u)
       (fun (u v w:A) (h1:R u v) (h2:Rstar' v w) =>
          Rstar'_R u w v h1 (Rstar'_Rstar v w h2)).

Property of Commutativity of two relations

Definition commut (A:Set) (R1 R2:A -> A -> Prop) :=
  forall x y:A,
    R1 y x -> forall z:A, R2 z y -> exists2 y' : A, R2 y' x & R1 z y'.

End Rstar.

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