Library mcertikos.clib.CalRealPTPool

Require Export AuxStateDataType.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import XOmega.
Require Import CLemmas.

Section Real_PTP.

  Opaque Z.of_nat Z.to_nat.

  Function Calculate_PDE_at_i (i: Z) (index: Z) (ptp: PMapPool) : PMapPool :=
    if zle (kern_low / one_k) i then
      if zlt i (kern_high / one_k) then
        (ZMap.set index (ZMap.set i PDEUnPresent (ZMap.get index ptp)) ptp)
      else (ZMap.set index (ZMap.set i PDEID (ZMap.get index ptp)) ptp)
    else (ZMap.set index (ZMap.set i PDEID (ZMap.get index ptp)) ptp).

  Fixpoint Calculate_PDE (i: nat) (index: Z) (ptp: PMapPool) : PMapPool :=
    match i with
      | OCalculate_PDE_at_i 0 index ptp
      | S kCalculate_PDE_at_i (Z.of_nat (S k)) index (Calculate_PDE k index ptp)

  Function Calculate_pt_comm_at_i (i: Z) (ptp: PMapPool) : PMapPool :=
    (Calculate_PDE (Z.to_nat (maxpage / one_k) - 1) i ptp).

  Fixpoint Calculate_pt_comm (i: nat) (ptp: PMapPool) : PMapPool :=
    match i with
      | OCalculate_pt_comm_at_i 0 ptp
      | S kCalculate_pt_comm_at_i (Z.of_nat (S k)) (Calculate_pt_comm k ptp)

  Definition real_ptp (ptp: PMapPool) := Calculate_pt_comm (Z.to_nat (num_proc - 1)) ptp.

  Lemma calculate_PDE_at_i_local: i index ptp j,
    i j
      ZMap.get i
        (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE_at_i j index ptp)) =
      ZMap.get i (ZMap.get index ptp).
    unfold Calculate_PDE_at_i.
    destruct (zle (262144 / 1024) j).
    destruct (zlt j (983040/1024)).
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
      rewrite ZMap.gso.
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
      rewrite ZMap.gso.
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
      rewrite ZMap.gso.

  Lemma calculate_PDE_at_i_local_index: i index index' ptp,
    index' index
      ZMap.get index' (Calculate_PDE_at_i i index ptp) = ZMap.get index' ptp.
    unfold Calculate_PDE_at_i.
    destruct (zle (262144 / 1024) i).
    destruct (zlt i (983040 / 1024)).
    rewrite ZMap.gso.
    rewrite ZMap.gso.
    rewrite ZMap.gso.

  Lemma calculate_PDE_at_i_pmap_common: i index ptp,
    0 i < kern_low kern_high i < maxpage
      PDE_kern (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE_at_i (i/one_k) index ptp)) i.
    unfold Calculate_PDE_at_i.
    destruct H as [H1 | H2].
      destruct H1.
      rewrite zle_false.
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
      unfold PDE_kern.
      unfold PDX.
      replace (i × 4096 / 4194304) with (i / 1024).
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
      destruct H2.
      rewrite zle_true.
      rewrite zlt_false.
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
      unfold PDE_kern.
      unfold PDX.
      replace (i × 4096 / 4194304) with (i / 1024).
      rewrite ZMap.gss.

  Lemma calculate_PDE_pmap_common: i j index ptp,
    0 i < kern_low kern_high i < maxpage
      i / one_k Z.of_nat j
      PDE_kern (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE j index ptp)) i.
    induction j as [|j' iH].
      unfold Calculate_PDE.
      replace 0 with (i / 1024).
      apply calculate_PDE_at_i_pmap_common.
      destruct (Z.eq_dec (i / 1024) (Z.of_nat (S j'))).
        unfold Calculate_PDE_at_i.
        destruct H.
        rewrite zle_false.
        rewrite ZMap.gss.
        unfold PDE_kern.
        unfold PDX.
        replace (i × 4096 / (4096 × 1024)) with (i / 1024).
        rewrite e.
        rewrite ZMap.gss.
        rewrite zle_true.
        rewrite zlt_false.
        rewrite ZMap.gss.
        unfold PDE_kern.
        unfold PDX.
        replace (i × 4096 / (4096 × 1024)) with (i / 1024).
        rewrite e.
        rewrite ZMap.gss.
        unfold PDE_kern.
        rewrite calculate_PDE_at_i_local.
        unfold PDE_kern in iH.
        apply iH.
        unfold PDX.
        replace (i × 4096 / (4096 × 1024)) with (i / 1024).

  Lemma calculate_PDE_comm_local: i ptp index index',
    index' index
      ZMap.get index' (Calculate_PDE i index ptp) =
      ZMap.get index' ptp.
    induction i.
      rewrite calculate_PDE_at_i_local_index.
      rewrite calculate_PDE_at_i_local_index.

  Lemma calculate_pt_comm_at_i_pmap_common: i ptp,
    PMap_common (ZMap.get i (Calculate_pt_comm_at_i i ptp)).
    unfold Calculate_pt_comm_at_i.
    unfold PMap_common.
    apply calculate_PDE_pmap_common.

  Lemma calculate_pt_comm_at_i_local: i j ptp,
    i j
      ZMap.get i (Calculate_pt_comm_at_i j ptp) = ZMap.get i ptp.
    unfold Calculate_pt_comm_at_i.
    rewrite calculate_PDE_comm_local.

  Lemma calculate_pt_comm_pmap_common: i j ptp,
    0 i (Z.of_nat j)PMap_common (ZMap.get i (Calculate_pt_comm j ptp)).
    induction j.
      replace i with 0.
      apply calculate_pt_comm_at_i_pmap_common.
      destruct (Z.eq_dec i (Z.of_nat (S j))).
        rewrite <- e.
        apply calculate_pt_comm_at_i_pmap_common.
        rewrite calculate_pt_comm_at_i_local.
        apply IHj.

  Lemma real_ptp_PMap_common_nonkern: i ptp,
    0 i < 64 →
      PMap_common (ZMap.get i (real_ptp ptp)).
    unfold real_ptp.
    apply calculate_pt_comm_pmap_common.

  Lemma calculate_PDE_at_i_UP_or_ID: i index ptp,
    ZMap.get i (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE_at_i i index ptp)) = PDEUnPresent
    ZMap.get i (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE_at_i i index ptp)) = PDEID.
    unfold Calculate_PDE_at_i.
    destruct (zle (262144 / 1024) i).
    destruct (zlt i (983040 / 1024)).
    rewrite ZMap.gss.
    rewrite ZMap.gss.
    rewrite ZMap.gss.
    rewrite ZMap.gss.
    rewrite ZMap.gss.
    rewrite ZMap.gss.

  Lemma calculate_PDE_UP_or_ID: i j index ptp,
    0 j Z.of_nat i
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE i index ptp)) = PDEUnPresent
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get index (Calculate_PDE i index ptp)) = PDEID.
    induction i.
      replace j with 0.
      apply calculate_PDE_at_i_UP_or_ID.
      destruct (Z.eq_dec j (Z.of_nat (S i))).
      rewrite <- e.
      apply calculate_PDE_at_i_UP_or_ID.
      rewrite calculate_PDE_at_i_local.
      apply IHi.

  Lemma calculate_pt_comm_at_i_usr: i j ptp,
    0 j < one_k
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get i (Calculate_pt_comm_at_i i ptp)) = PDEUnPresent
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get i (Calculate_pt_comm_at_i i ptp)) = PDEID.
    apply calculate_PDE_UP_or_ID.

  Lemma calculate_pt_comm_usr: i j k ptp,
    0 j < one_k → 0 k Z.of_nat i
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get k (Calculate_pt_comm i ptp)) = PDEUnPresent
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get k (Calculate_pt_comm i ptp)) = PDEID.
    induction i.
      replace k with 0.
      apply calculate_pt_comm_at_i_usr.
      destruct (Z.eq_dec k (Z.of_nat (S i))).
      rewrite <- e.
      apply calculate_pt_comm_at_i_usr.
      rewrite calculate_pt_comm_at_i_local.
      apply IHi.

  Lemma real_ptp_usr: j k ptp,
    0 j < one_k → 0 k < num_proc
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get k (real_ptp ptp)) = PDEUnPresent
      ZMap.get j (ZMap.get k (real_ptp ptp)) = PDEID.
    unfold real_ptp.
    apply calculate_pt_comm_usr.

End Real_PTP.