Library mcertikos.flatmem.FlatMemory

This file provide the flat memory model (the high memory from 1G to 3G) definition and its operations.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Integers.
Require Export Memdata.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Values.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import Constant.

Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes.

Local Notation "a # b" := (ZMap.get b a) (at level 1).

Module FlatMem.

Flatmem definition and operations

  Inductive flatmem_val :=
  | HUndef
  | HByte: byteflatmem_val.

  Definition flatmem := ZMap.t flatmem_val.

empty flatmem
  Definition empty_flatmem : flatmem := ZMap.init HUndef.

Memory reads.

Convert the flatmem_val to mem_val
  Definition FlatMem2MemVal (hv: flatmem_val): memval :=
    match hv with
      | HUndefUndef
      | HByte bByte b

Reading N adjacent bytes in the flatmem start from address p.
  Fixpoint getN (n: nat) (p: Z) (c: flatmem) {struct n}: list memval :=
    match n with
      | Onil
      | S n'(FlatMem2MemVal c#p) :: getN n' (p + 1) c

load chunk h addr perform a read in flatmem state h, at address addr. It returns the value of the memory chunk at that address. None is returned if the accessed bytes are not readable.
  Definition load (chunk: memory_chunk) (h: flatmem) (addr: Z): val :=
    (decode_val chunk (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) addr h)).

loadv chunk h addr is similar, but the address addr must be a pure address (int value).
  Definition loadv (chunk: memory_chunk) (h: flatmem) (addr: val) : option val :=
    match addr with
      | Vint nSome (load chunk h (Int.unsigned n))
      | _None

loadbytes h addr n reads n consecutive bytes starting at location addr. Returns None if the accessed locations are not readable.
  Definition loadbytes (h: flatmem) (addr n: Z): (list memval) :=
    (getN (nat_of_Z n) addr h).

Memory stores.

Convert the mem_val to flatmem_val
  Definition Mem2FlatMemVal (mv: memval): flatmem_val :=
    match mv with
      | Byte b ⇒ (HByte b)
      | _HUndef

Writing N adjacent bytes in the flatmem start from address p.
  Fixpoint setN (vl: list memval) (p: Z) (c: flatmem) {struct vl}: flatmem :=
    match vl with
      | nilc
      | v :: vl'setN vl' (p + 1) (ZMap.set p (Mem2FlatMemVal v) c)

store chunk h addr v perform a write in flatmem state h. Value v is stored at address addr. Return the updated memory store, or None if the accessed bytes are not writable.
  Definition store (chunk: memory_chunk) (h: flatmem) (addr: Z) (v: val): flatmem :=
    setN (encode_val chunk v) addr h.

storev chunk h addr v is similar, but the address addr must be a pure address (int vaule).
  Definition storev (chunk: memory_chunk) (h: flatmem) (addr v: val) : option flatmem :=
    match addr with
      | Vint nSome (store chunk h (Int.unsigned n) v)
      | _None

storebytes h addr bytes stores the given list of bytes bytes starting at location addr. Returns updated memory state or None if the accessed locations are not writable.
  Definition storebytes (h: flatmem) (addr: Z) (bytes: list memval) : flatmem :=
    (setN bytes addr h).

Properties related to load

  Lemma load_result:
     chunk h addr v,
      load chunk h addr = v
      v = decode_val chunk (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) addr h).
    intros until v. unfold load.

  Theorem load_type:
     h chunk addr v,
      load chunk h addr = v
      Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk chunk).
    intros. exploit load_result; eauto; intros. rewrite H0.
    apply decode_val_type.

  Theorem load_cast:
     h chunk addr v,
      load chunk h addr = v
      match chunk with
        | Mint8signedv = Val.sign_ext 8 v
        | Mint8unsignedv = Val.zero_ext 8 v
        | Mint16signedv = Val.sign_ext 16 v
        | Mint16unsignedv = Val.zero_ext 16 v
        | Mfloat32v = Val.singleoffloat v
        | _True
    intros. exploit load_result; eauto.
    set (l := getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) addr h).
    intros. subst v. apply decode_val_cast.

  Theorem load_int8_signed_unsigned:
     h addr,
      load Mint8signed h addr = (Val.sign_ext 8) (load Mint8unsigned h addr).
    intros. unfold load.
    change (size_chunk_nat Mint8signed) with (size_chunk_nat Mint8unsigned).
    set (cl := getN (size_chunk_nat Mint8unsigned) addr h).
    unfold decode_val.
    destruct (proj_bytes cl); auto.
    simpl. decEq.
    rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext.

  Theorem load_int16_signed_unsigned:
     m ofs,
      load Mint16signed m ofs = (Val.sign_ext 16) (load Mint16unsigned m ofs).
    intros. unfold load.
    change (size_chunk_nat Mint16signed) with (size_chunk_nat Mint16unsigned).
    set (cl := getN (size_chunk_nat Mint16unsigned) ofs m).
    unfold decode_val.
    destruct (proj_bytes cl); auto.
    simpl. decEq. rewrite Int.sign_ext_zero_ext. auto.

Properties related to loadbytes

  Theorem loadbytes_load:
     chunk m ofs bytes,
      loadbytes m ofs (size_chunk chunk) = bytes
      (align_chunk chunk | ofs)
      load chunk m ofs = (decode_val chunk bytes).
    unfold loadbytes, load; intros.

    unfold size_chunk.
    unfold size_chunk_nat.
    rewrite H.

  Theorem load_loadbytes:
     chunk m ofs v,
      load chunk m ofs = v
       bytes, loadbytes m ofs (size_chunk chunk) = bytes
                     v = decode_val chunk bytes.
    unfold load in H.
     (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) ofs m); split.
    unfold loadbytes.
    unfold size_chunk_nat.

  Lemma getN_length:
     c n p, length (getN n p c) = n.
    induction n; simpl; intros. auto. decEq; auto.

  Theorem loadbytes_length:
     m ofs n bytes,
      loadbytes m ofs n = bytes
      length bytes = nat_of_Z n.
    unfold loadbytes; intros.
    inv H.
    apply getN_length.

  Theorem loadbytes_empty:
     m ofs n,
      n 0 → loadbytes m ofs n = nil.
    intros. unfold loadbytes. rewrite nat_of_Z_neg; auto.

  Lemma getN_emptymem:
     n ofs,
      getN n ofs empty_flatmem = list_repeat n Undef.
    induction n; intros; simpl.
    - reflexivity.
    - decEq.
      + unfold empty_flatmem.
        rewrite reflexivity.
      + eauto.

  Lemma loadbytes_emptymem:
     ofs len,
      loadbytes empty_flatmem ofs len = (list_repeat (nat_of_Z len) Undef).
    unfold loadbytes.
    eapply getN_emptymem.

  Lemma getN_concat:
     c n1 n2 p,
      getN (n1 + n2)%nat p c = getN n1 p c ++ getN n2 (p + Z_of_nat n1) c.
    induction n1; intros.
    simpl. decEq. omega.
    rewrite inj_S. simpl. decEq.
    replace (p + Zsucc (Z_of_nat n1)) with ((p + 1) + Z_of_nat n1) by omega.

  Theorem loadbytes_concat:
     m ofs n1 n2 bytes1 bytes2,
      loadbytes m ofs n1 = bytes1
      loadbytes m (ofs + n1) n2 = bytes2
      n1 0 → n2 0 →
      loadbytes m ofs (n1 + n2) = (bytes1 ++ bytes2).
    unfold loadbytes; intros.
    inv H.
    rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add; try omega.
    rewrite getN_concat. rewrite nat_of_Z_eq; auto.

  Theorem loadbytes_split:
     m ofs n1 n2 bytes,
      loadbytes m ofs (n1 + n2) = bytes
      n1 0 → n2 0 →
       bytes1, bytes2,
                       loadbytes m ofs n1 = bytes1
                        loadbytes m (ofs + n1) n2 = bytes2
                        bytes = bytes1 ++ bytes2.
    unfold loadbytes; intros.
    rewrite nat_of_Z_plus in H; auto. rewrite getN_concat in H.
    rewrite nat_of_Z_eq in H; auto.
    econstructor; econstructor.
    split. reflexivity. split. reflexivity. congruence.

  Theorem load_rep:
     ch m1 m2 ofs v1 v2,
      ( z, 0 z < size_chunk chm1#(ofs+z) = m2#(ofs+z)) →
      load ch m1 ofs = v1
      load ch m2 ofs = v2
      v1 = v2.
    apply load_result in H0.
    apply load_result in H1.
    rewrite size_chunk_conv in H.
    remember (size_chunk_nat ch) as n; clear Heqn.
    revert ofs H; induction n; intros; simpl; auto.
    rewrite inj_S in H.
    replace ofs with (ofs+0) by omega.
    rewrite H; try omega.
    apply IHn.
    rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
    apply H.
    rewrite inj_S. omega.

  Theorem load_rep':
     ch m1 m2 ofs1 ofs2 v1 v2,
      ( z, 0 z < size_chunk chm1#(ofs1+z) = m2#(ofs2+z)) →
      load ch m1 ofs1 = v1
      load ch m2 ofs2 = v2
      v1 = v2.
    apply load_result in H0.
    apply load_result in H1.
    rewrite size_chunk_conv in H.
    remember (size_chunk_nat ch) as n; clear Heqn.
    revert ofs1 ofs2 H; induction n; intros; simpl; auto.
    rewrite inj_S in H.
    replace ofs1 with (ofs1+0) by omega.
    replace ofs2 with (ofs2+0) by omega.
    rewrite H; try omega.
    apply IHn.
    repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc.
    apply H.
    rewrite inj_S. omega.

  Lemma proj_pointer_undef:
     n addr h,
      proj_pointer (getN n addr h) = Vundef.
    unfold proj_pointer.
    destruct n.

    unfold getN.
    unfold FlatMem2MemVal.
    destruct (ZMap.get addr h); trivial.

  Lemma load_valid:
     h t addr b ofs,
      (load t h addr) = Vptr b ofs
      → False.
    unfold load in H.
    unfold decode_val in H.
    rewrite proj_pointer_undef in H.
    destruct (proj_bytes (getN (size_chunk_nat t) addr h)).
    destruct t; inv H.
    destruct t; inv H.

  Lemma load_inject:
     j chunk h l,
      val_inject j (load chunk h l) (load chunk h l).
    destruct (load chunk h l) as [] eqn:VAL; auto.
    exfalso; eapply load_valid; eauto.

  Remark setN_other:
     vl c p q,
      ( r, p r < p + Z_of_nat (length vl) → r q) →
      ZMap.get q (setN vl p c) = ZMap.get q c.
    induction vl; intros; simpl.
    simpl length in H. rewrite inj_S in H.
    transitivity (ZMap.get q (ZMap.set p (Mem2FlatMemVal a) c)).
    apply IHvl. intros. apply H. omega.
    apply ZMap.gso. apply not_eq_sym. apply H. omega.

  Remark setN_outside:
     vl c p q,
      q < p q p + Z_of_nat (length vl) →
      ZMap.get q (setN vl p c) = ZMap.get q c.
    intros. apply setN_other.
    intros. omega.

  Lemma getN_setN_list_undef:
     n p c,
      getN (length (list_repeat n Undef)) p
           (setN (list_repeat n Undef) p c) =
      list_repeat (length (list_repeat n Undef)) Undef.
    induction n.
    - simpl. reflexivity.
    - simpl. intros.
      + rewrite setN_outside.
        × rewrite ZMap.gss. reflexivity.
        × left. omega.
      + apply IHn.

  Lemma getN_setN_list_bytes:
     vl p c,
      getN (length (inj_bytes vl)) p
      (setN (inj_bytes vl) p c) = inj_bytes vl.
    induction vl.
    - simpl. reflexivity.
    - simpl. intros.
      + rewrite setN_outside.
        × rewrite ZMap.gss. reflexivity.
        × left. omega.
      + apply IHvl.

  Lemma getN_setN_list_pointer:
     n b i p c,
      getN (length (inj_pointer n b i)) p (setN (inj_pointer n b i) p c) =
      list_repeat (length (inj_pointer n b i)) Undef.
    induction n.
    - simpl. reflexivity.
    - simpl. intros.
      + rewrite setN_outside.
        × rewrite ZMap.gss. reflexivity.
        × left. omega.
      + apply IHn.

  Remark getN_setN_same:
     v p c chunk,
      getN (length (encode_val chunk v)) p (setN (encode_val chunk v) p c) = (encode_val chunk v)
      getN (length (encode_val chunk v)) p (setN (encode_val chunk v) p c) = list_repeat (length (encode_val chunk v)) Undef.
    Opaque list_repeat inj_pointer inj_bytes.
    destruct chunk; destruct v; simpl;
    try (right; apply getN_setN_list_undef);
    try (left; apply getN_setN_list_bytes).
    right. apply getN_setN_list_pointer.

  Remark getN_exten:
     c1 c2 n p,
      ( i, p i < p + Z_of_nat nZMap.get i c1 = ZMap.get i c2) →
      getN n p c1 = getN n p c2.
    induction n; intros.
    - auto.
    - rewrite inj_S in H. simpl. decEq.
      + assert (HW: c1 # p = c2 # p).
          apply H. omega.
        rewrite HW. reflexivity.
      + apply IHn. intros. apply H. omega.

  Remark getN_setN_outside:
     vl q c n p,
      p + Z_of_nat n q q + Z_of_nat (length vl) p
      getN n p (setN vl q c) = getN n p c.
    intros. apply getN_exten.
    intros. apply setN_other.
    red; intros; subst.
    eelim H; intros; omega.

  Remark getN_setN_same_int:
     v p c chunk,
      getN (length (encode_val chunk (Vint v))) p (setN (encode_val chunk (Vint v)) p c) =
      (encode_val chunk (Vint v)).
    Opaque list_repeat inj_pointer inj_bytes.
    destruct chunk; simpl;
    try (apply getN_setN_list_bytes);
    try (apply getN_setN_list_undef).

Properties related to store

  Section STORE.

    Variable chunk: memory_chunk.
    Variable m1: flatmem.
    Variable ofs: Z.
    Variable v: val.
    Variable m2: flatmem.
    Hypothesis STORE: store chunk m1 ofs v = m2.

    Lemma store_flatmem_contents:
      m2 = (setN (encode_val chunk v) ofs m1).
      unfold store in STORE.

    Lemma loadbytes_store_same:
      loadbytes m2 ofs (size_chunk chunk) = encode_val chunk v
       loadbytes m2 ofs (size_chunk chunk) = list_repeat (length (encode_val chunk v)) Undef.
      unfold loadbytes. rewrite store_flatmem_contents; simpl.
      replace (nat_of_Z (size_chunk chunk)) with (length (encode_val chunk v)).
      - eapply getN_setN_same.
      - rewrite encode_val_length. auto.

    Lemma loadbytes_store_other:
       ofs' n,
        n 0 ofs' + n ofs ofs + size_chunk chunk ofs'
        loadbytes m2 ofs' n = loadbytes m1 ofs' n.
      intros. unfold loadbytes.
      rewrite store_flatmem_contents; simpl.
      destruct (zle n 0).
      - rewrite (nat_of_Z_neg _ l). auto.
      - destruct H.
        + omega.
        + apply getN_setN_outside. rewrite encode_val_length.
          rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.
          rewrite nat_of_Z_eq. assumption.

    Lemma load_store_same:
       h ofs i,
        load Mint32 (store Mint32 h ofs (Vint i)) ofs = Vint i.
      intros. unfold load, store.
      replace (size_chunk_nat Mint32) with (length (encode_val Mint32 (Vint i))).
      - rewrite getN_setN_same_int.
        specialize (decode_encode_val_general (Vint i) Mint32 Mint32).
        simpl. trivial.
      - rewrite encode_val_length. reflexivity.

    Lemma load_store_other:
       chunk m1 m2 ofs v chunk' ofs',
        store chunk m1 ofs v = m2
        ofs' + (size_chunk chunk') ofs ofs + size_chunk chunk ofs'
        load chunk' m2 ofs' = load chunk' m1 ofs'.
      unfold load, store. intros. rewrite <- H.
      rewrite getN_setN_outside. reflexivity.
      rewrite encode_val_length. repeat rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.

  End STORE.

Flatmem injection

  Inductive flatmem_val_inject : flatmem_valflatmem_valProp :=
    flatmemval_inject_byte : n : byte, flatmem_val_inject (HByte n) (HByte n)
  | flatmemval_inject_undef : mv : flatmem_val, flatmem_val_inject HUndef mv.

  Definition flatmem_inj (h1 h2: flatmem) :=
     addr, flatmem_val_inject h1#addr h2#addr.

  Lemma getN_inj:
     f m1 m2,
      flatmem_inj m1 m2
       n ofs,
        list_forall2 (memval_inject f)
                     (getN n ofs m1)
                     (getN n ofs m2).
    induction n; intros; simpl.
    unfold flatmem_inj in H.
    specialize (H ofs).
    destruct (m1 # ofs).
    inv H.
    specialize (IHn (ofs +1)).

  Lemma load_inj:
     m1 m2 chunk ofs v1 f,
      flatmem_inj m1 m2
      load chunk m1 ofs = v1
       v2, load chunk m2 ofs = v2 val_inject f v1 v2.
    unfold load in ×.
     (decode_val chunk (getN (size_chunk_nat chunk) ofs m2)).
    split; trivial.
    rewrite <- H0.
    apply decode_val_inject. apply getN_inj; auto.

  Lemma setN_inj:
     f vl1 vl2,
      list_forall2 (memval_inject f) vl1 vl2
       p c1 c2,
        ( q, flatmem_val_inject (c1#q) (c2#(q))) →
        ( q, flatmem_val_inject ((setN vl1 p c1)#q)
                                     ((setN vl2 (p) c2)#(q))).
    induction 1; intros; simpl.
    apply IHlist_forall2; auto.
    intros. rewrite ZMap.gsspec at 1. destruct (ZIndexed.eq q0 p). subst q0.
    rewrite ZMap.gss.
    destruct a1.
    inv H.
    rewrite ZMap.gso. auto.

  Lemma store_mapped_inj:
     f chunk m1 ofs v1 n1 n2 m2 v2,
      flatmem_inj m1 m2
      store chunk m1 ofs v1 = n1
      val_inject f v1 v2
      store chunk m2 (ofs) v2 = n2
      flatmem_inj n1 n2.
    unfold store in ×.
    rewrite <- H0.
    rewrite <- H2.
    unfold flatmem_inj in ×.

    apply setN_inj with f; trivial.
    apply encode_val_inject; auto.

  Lemma flatmem_empty_inj: flatmem_inj empty_flatmem empty_flatmem.
    unfold flatmem_inj.
    unfold empty_flatmem.

  Definition free_page (i: Z) (c: flatmem) :=
    setN (list_repeat (Z.to_nat PgSize) Undef) (i × PgSize) c.

  Lemma setN_free_get:
     n i ofs c,
      i ofs < i + (Z.of_nat n)
      (setN (list_repeat n Undef) i c) # ofs = HUndef.
    induction n; intros.
    - Local Transparent Z.of_nat.
      simpl in H. omega.
    - Local Opaque Z.of_nat.
      rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in ×.
      Local Transparent list_repeat. simpl.
      destruct (zeq ofs i); subst.
      + rewrite setN_other.
        × rewrite ZMap.gss. reflexivity.
        × intros. red; intros HF; subst. omega.
      + eapply IHn. omega.

  Lemma free_page_gss:
     addr h,
      ZMap.get addr (free_page (PageI addr) h) = HUndef.
    unfold free_page. intros.
    eapply setN_free_get.
    rewrite; [|omega].
    unfold PageI.
    exploit (Z_div_mod_eq addr PgSize). omega.
    rewrite Zmult_comm.
    intros Hrange.
    exploit (Z_mod_lt addr PgSize). omega.
    intros Hrange'. omega.

  Lemma free_page_gso:
     addr i h,
      i PageI addr
      ZMap.get addr (free_page i h) = ZMap.get addr h.
    unfold free_page. intros.
    apply setN_other.
    rewrite length_list_repeat.
    rewrite; [|omega].
    red; intros; subst. elim H. clear H.
    unfold PageI.
    assert (HP: a, addr = i × PgSize + a 0 a < PgSize).
       (addr - i × PgSize).
      split; omega.
    clear H0. destruct HP as (a & Heq & Hrange).
    rewrite Heq. clear Heq.
    rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; [| omega].
    rewrite Zdiv_small; trivial. omega.

  Lemma free_page_inj:
     h h',
      flatmem_inj h h'
        flatmem_inj (free_page i h) h'.
    intros. unfold flatmem_inj in ×.
    intros. destruct (zeq i (PageI addr)); subst.
    - rewrite free_page_gss.
    - rewrite free_page_gso; auto.

  Lemma free_page_inj':
     h h',
      flatmem_inj h h'
        flatmem_inj (free_page i h) (free_page i h').
    intros. unfold flatmem_inj in ×.
    intros. destruct (zeq i (PageI addr)); subst.
    - rewrite free_page_gss.
    - repeat rewrite free_page_gso; auto.

  Lemma store_unmapped_inj:
     chunk m1 ofs n2 m2 v2 i,
      flatmem_inj m1 m2
      store chunk m2 ofs v2 = n2
      i × PgSize ofs i × PgSize + PgSize - (size_chunk chunk)
      flatmem_inj (free_page i m1) n2.
    intros. unfold flatmem_inj in ×. intros.
    unfold store in ×.
    rewrite <- H0.
    destruct (zeq i (PageI addr)); subst.
    - rewrite free_page_gss. constructor.
    - rewrite free_page_gso; auto.
      rewrite setN_other; auto.
      intros. red; intros; subst. elim n.
      revert H0 H1. clear; intros.
      assert (HW: a, addr = i × PgSize + a
                             0 a < PgSize).
         (addr - i × PgSize).
        specialize (size_chunk_range chunk); intros.
        rewrite encode_val_length in H0.
        rewrite <- size_chunk_conv in H0.
        unfold ZIndexed.t in ×.
        split; omega.
      revert HW; clear; intros.
      destruct HW as (a & Heq & Hrange). subst.
      unfold PageI.
      rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; [|omega].
      rewrite Zdiv_small. omega. assumption.

End FlatMem.

Notation flatmem := FlatMem.flatmem.

Section DirtyPPage.

Definition dirty_ppage (pperm: PPermT) (hp: flatmem) :=
   i o, ZMap.get i pperm = PGHide o
                ZMap.get adr hp = ZMap.get adr (FlatMem.free_page i hp).

Lemma dirty_ppage_init:
    dirty_ppage (ZMap.init PGUndef) h.
  unfold dirty_ppage. intros.
  rewrite in H. congruence.

Lemma dirty_ppage_gso:
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage pp h
      ( o, p PGHide o) →
        dirty_ppage (ZMap.set n p pp) h.
  unfold dirty_ppage; intros.
  destruct (zeq i n); subst.
  - rewrite ZMap.gss in H1. subst.
    elim (H0 o). reflexivity.
  - rewrite ZMap.gso in H1; eauto 2.

Lemma dirty_ppage_store_unmaped':
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage pp h
      ZMap.get (PageI i) pp = PGAlloc
       v h' chunk, chunk h i v = h'
        i mod PgSize PgSize - size_chunk chunk
        dirty_ppage pp h'.
  unfold dirty_ppage in ×. intros. subst.
  destruct (zeq i0 (PageI adr)); subst.
  - rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    erewrite FlatMem.setN_other.
    + erewrite H; try apply H3.
      rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    + rewrite encode_val_length. rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.
      red; intros; subst.
      assert (HW: PageI adr = PageI i).
        unfold PageI.
        assert (HW: a, adr = i + a
                               0 a < size_chunk chunk).
           (adr - i).
          unfold ZIndexed.t in ×.
          split; omega.
        destruct HW as (a & Heq & Hrange); subst.
        assert (HW: b c, i = b × PgSize + c
                                 0 c PgSize - size_chunk chunk).
          rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq i PgSize); [|omega].
          rewrite (Zmult_comm PgSize (i/ PgSize)).
          esplit; esplit; split. reflexivity.
          exploit (Z_mod_lt i PgSize). omega.
          intros (HP & _).
          split; try assumption.
        destruct HW as (b & c & Heq & Hrange'). rewrite Heq.
        replace (b × PgSize + c + a) with (b × PgSize + (c + a)) by omega.
        repeat rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; try omega.
        repeat rewrite Zdiv_small; omega.
  - rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; trivial.

Lemma dirty_ppage_store_unmaped:
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage pp h
      ZMap.get (PageI (i × 4)) pp = PGAlloc
       v h', Mint32 h (i × 4) v = h'
        dirty_ppage pp h'.
  intros. eapply dirty_ppage_store_unmaped'; try eassumption.
  clear. simpl.
  change 4096 with (1024 × 4).
  rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_r.
  apply mod_chunk.

Lemma dirty_ppage_gss:
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage pp h
     o n,
      dirty_ppage (ZMap.set n (PGHide o) pp) (FlatMem.free_page n h).
  unfold dirty_ppage; intros.
  destruct (zeq i n); subst.
  - destruct (zeq n (PageI adr)); subst.
    + repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    + repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.
  - rewrite ZMap.gso in H0; [|assumption].
    destruct (zeq n (PageI adr)); subst.
    + repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
      rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.
      rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    + destruct (zeq i (PageI adr)); subst.
      × rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso.
        rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
        erewrite H; [| eassumption].
        rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
        reflexivity. auto.
      × repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.

End DirtyPPage.

Section DirtyPPage'.

Definition dirty_ppage' (pperm: PPermT) (hp: flatmem) :=
   i, ZMap.get i pperm PGAlloc
                ZMap.get adr hp = ZMap.get adr (FlatMem.free_page i hp).

Lemma dirty_ppage'_init:
  dirty_ppage' (ZMap.init PGUndef) FlatMem.empty_flatmem.
  unfold dirty_ppage'; intros; unfold FlatMem.empty_flatmem.
  destruct (zeq (PageI adr) i); subst.
  rewrite; rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss; auto.
  rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.

Lemma dirty_ppage'_gso:
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage' pp h
        dirty_ppage' (ZMap.set n PGAlloc pp) h.
  unfold dirty_ppage'; intros.
  destruct (zeq i n); subst.
  - rewrite ZMap.gss in H0. contradict H0; auto.
  - rewrite ZMap.gso in H0; auto.

Lemma dirty_ppage'_store_unmapped':
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage' pp h
      ZMap.get (PageI i) pp = PGAlloc
       v h' chunk, chunk h i v = h'
        i mod PgSize PgSize - size_chunk chunk
        dirty_ppage' pp h'.
  unfold dirty_ppage' in ×. intros. subst.
  destruct (zeq i0 (PageI adr)); subst.
  - rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    erewrite FlatMem.setN_other.
    + erewrite H; try apply H3.
      rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    + rewrite encode_val_length. rewrite <- size_chunk_conv.
      red; intros; subst.
      assert (HW: PageI adr = PageI i).
        unfold PageI.
        assert (HW: a, adr = i + a
                               0 a < size_chunk chunk).
           (adr - i).
          unfold ZIndexed.t in ×.
          split; omega.
        destruct HW as (a & Heq & Hrange); subst.
        assert (HW: b c, i = b × PgSize + c
                                 0 c PgSize - size_chunk chunk).
          rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq i PgSize); [|omega].
          rewrite (Zmult_comm PgSize (i/ PgSize)).
          esplit; esplit; split. reflexivity.
          exploit (Z_mod_lt i PgSize). omega.
          intros (HP & _).
          split; try assumption.
        destruct HW as (b & c & Heq & Hrange'). rewrite Heq.
        replace (b × PgSize + c + a) with (b × PgSize + (c + a)) by omega.
        repeat rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; try omega.
        repeat rewrite Zdiv_small; omega.
  - rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; trivial.

Lemma dirty_ppage'_store_unmapped:
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage' pp h
      ZMap.get (PageI (i × 4)) pp = PGAlloc
       v h', Mint32 h (i × 4) v = h'
        dirty_ppage' pp h'.
  intros. eapply dirty_ppage'_store_unmapped'; try eassumption.
  clear. simpl.
  change 4096 with (1024 × 4).
  rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_r.
  apply mod_chunk.

Lemma dirty_ppage'_gss:
   pp h,
    dirty_ppage' pp h
     p n,
      dirty_ppage' (ZMap.set n p pp) (FlatMem.free_page n h).
  unfold dirty_ppage'; intros.
  destruct (zeq i n); subst.
  - destruct (zeq n (PageI adr)); subst.
    + repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    + repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.
  - rewrite ZMap.gso in H0; [|assumption].
    destruct (zeq n (PageI adr)); subst.
    + repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
      rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.
      rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
    + destruct (zeq i (PageI adr)); subst.
      × rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso.
        rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
        erewrite H; [| eassumption].
        rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gss.
        reflexivity. auto.
      × repeat rewrite FlatMem.free_page_gso; auto.

Lemma dirty_ppage_strengthen:
   pp h, dirty_ppage' pp hdirty_ppage pp h.
  unfold dirty_ppage', dirty_ppage; intros.
  apply H; rewrite H0; discriminate.

End DirtyPPage'.