Library mcertikos.layerlib.AsmImplTactic

This file provide the contextual refinement proof between MPTInit layer and MPTBit layer
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Asm.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import AsmImplLemma.
Require Import LRegSet.
Require Import Conventions.
Require Import AuxLemma.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

 Ltac store_split:=
   repeat match goal with
            | H: _ _ = _ |- _destruct H as [H ?]; subst

 Ltac one_step_forward':=
   match goal with
     | |- star _ _ _ _ _
       eapply star_left; try reflexivity
     | |- plus _ _ _ _ _
   match goal with
     | |- step _ _ _ _
       econstructor; try eassumption;
       try reflexivity
     | _idtac
   end; simpl; [auto; discriminate|..].

 Ltac one_step_forward n:=
   match goal with
     | |- star _ _ _ _ _
       eapply star_left; try reflexivity
     | |- plus _ _ _ _ _
   match goal with
     | |- step _ _ _ _
       econstructor; try eassumption;
       match goal with
         | H: _ PC = Vptr ?b _ |- _ = Vptr ?b _
           try reflexivity
         | |- find_instr ?num _ = _
           replace num with n;
             [pc_add_simpl; simpl| try reflexivity]
         | _simpl
     | _idtac
   end; [auto; discriminate|..].

 Lemma val_add_vptr:
    n b ofs,
     Int.repr n = Int.add ofs
     Val.add (Vptr b ofs) Vone = Vptr b (Int.repr n).
   simpl. intros.

 Ltac Lregset_simpl_tac:=
   repeat match goal with
            | |- context [undef_regs (map _ destroyed_at_call) (Lregset_fold _)] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_destroyed
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) _] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_get; simpl
            | |- context [nextinstr (Lregset_fold _)] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_nextinstr
            | |- context [nextinstr_nf (Lregset_fold _)] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_nextinstr_nf
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) # RA <- _ ] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_ra
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) # PC <- _ ] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_pc
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) # ST0 <- _ ] ⇒
              rewrite Lregset_fold_st0
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) # (IR ?i) <- _ ] ⇒
              match i with
                | EAXrewrite Lregset_fold_eax
                | EDXrewrite Lregset_fold_edx
                | ESPrewrite Lregset_fold_esp
                | ECXrewrite Lregset_fold_ecx
                | EDIrewrite Lregset_fold_edi
                | ESIrewrite Lregset_fold_esi
                | EBXrewrite Lregset_fold_ebx
                | EBPrewrite Lregset_fold_ebp
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) # (CR ?i) <- _ ] ⇒
              match i with
                | ZFrewrite Lregset_fold_zf
                | CFrewrite Lregset_fold_cf
                | PFrewrite Lregset_fold_pf
                | SFrewrite Lregset_fold_sf
                | OFrewrite Lregset_fold_of
            | |- context[(Lregset_fold _) # (FR ?i) <- _ ] ⇒
              match i with
                | XMM0rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm0
                | XMM1rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm1
                | XMM2rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm2
                | XMM3rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm3
                | XMM4rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm4
                | XMM5rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm5
                | XMM6rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm6
                | XMM7rewrite Lregset_fold_xmm7

 Ltac Lregset_simpl_tac' n :=
   match goal with
     | |- context [Val.add (Vptr ?b ?ofs) Vone] ⇒
       rewrite (val_add_vptr n b ofs); [| try reflexivity]

 Lemma reg_false:
    reg: preg,
     reg PC
     reg EBP
     reg EBX
     reg ESI
     reg EDI
     reg ESP
     reg RA
     reg EAX
     reg ECX
     reg EDX
     reg OF
     reg SF
     reg PF
     reg CF
     reg ZF
     reg XMM7
     reg XMM6
     reg XMM5
     reg XMM4
     reg XMM3
     reg XMM2
     reg XMM1
     reg XMM0
     reg ST0
   destruct reg; try congruence.
   destruct i; try congruence.
   destruct f; try congruence.
   destruct c; try congruence.

 Ltac link_nextblock_asm :=
   repeat match goal with
            | Hstore: _ _ _ _ _ = Some ?fm |- context[Mem.nextblock ?fm] ⇒
              rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstore)
          end; try reflexivity.

 Ltac link_inject_neutral_asm :=
   repeat match goal with
            | Hstore: _ _ _ _ _ = Some ?fm |- Mem.inject_neutral _ ?fm
              eapply Mem.store_inject_neutral; eauto 1

 Lemma inv_reg_le:
    (rs: regset) a b,
     ( r,
        val_inject (Mem.flat_inj a)
                   (rs r) (rs r)) →
     (a b)%positive
     ( r,
        val_inject (Mem.flat_inj b)
                   (rs r) (rs r)).
   intros. eapply val_inject_incr; [|eauto].
   eapply flat_inj_inject_incr; assumption.