Library mcertikos.layerlib.Behavior

Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Streams.
Require Import Equivalence.
Require Import Decision.
Require Import Observation.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import ASTExtra.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Conventions.
Require Import Machregs.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import AsmX.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import Determinism.

Require Import liblayers.logic.PTreeModules.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MemWithData.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.Stencil.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatData.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatPrimSem.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatExternalCalls.
Require Import LAsmModuleSemDef.

Definition stream_red_help {A} (s : Stream A) : Stream A :=
  match s with
    | Cons h tCons h t

Theorem stream_red : {A} (s : Stream A), s = stream_red_help s.
  destruct s; reflexivity.

Open Scope nat_scope.


  Set Implicit Arguments.

  Record semantics (RETVAL : Type) (state : Type) : Type :=
        funtype : Type;
        vartype : Type;
        step : Genv.t funtype vartypestatetracestateProp;
        initial_state : stateProp;
        final_state : stateRETVALProp;
        globalenv : Genv.t funtype vartype

  Unset Implicit Arguments.

  Definition convert_semantics {r s} (sem : semantics r s) : Smallstep.semantics r :=
      Smallstep.state := s;
      Smallstep.funtype := funtype sem;
      Smallstep.vartype := vartype sem;
      Smallstep.step := step sem;
      Smallstep.initial_state := initial_state sem;
      Smallstep.final_state := final_state sem;
      Smallstep.globalenv := globalenv sem

  Definition convert_semantics' {r} (sem : Smallstep.semantics r) : semantics r (Smallstep.state sem) :=
      funtype := Smallstep.funtype sem;
      vartype := Smallstep.vartype sem;
      step := Smallstep.step sem;
      initial_state := Smallstep.initial_state sem;
      final_state := Smallstep.final_state sem;
      globalenv := Smallstep.globalenv sem

  Coercion convert_semantics : semantics >-> Smallstep.semantics.
  Coercion convert_semantics' : Smallstep.semantics >-> semantics.


Notation " 'Step' L " := (step L (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Notation " 'Star' L " := (star (step L) (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Notation " 'Plus' L " := (plus (step L) (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Notation " 'StarN' L " := (starN (step L) (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Notation " 'Forever_silent' L " := (forever_silent (step L) (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Notation " 'Forever_reactive' L " := (forever_reactive (step L) (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Notation " 'Nostep' L " := (nostep (step L) (globalenv L)) (at level 1) : behavior_scope.
Open Scope behavior_scope.


  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state : Type}.
  Variable sem : semantics ret state.

  Variable observe : stateobs.

  Definition safe s :=
     s' t,
      Star sem s t s'
      ( r, final_state sem s' r)
      ( s'' t', Step sem s' t' s'').

  Lemma safe_step :
     s s' t,
      Step sem s t s'
      safe ssafe s'.
    intros s s' t Hstep Hsafe s'' t' Hstar.
    eapply Hsafe; eapply star_left; eauto.

  Lemma safe_star :
     s s' t,
      Star sem s t s'
      safe ssafe s'.
    intros s s' t Hstar Hsafe s'' t' Hstar'.
    eapply Hsafe; eapply star_trans; eauto.

  Class Behavioral :=
      obs_monotonic :
         t s1 s2,
          Step sem s1 t s2obs_leq (observe s1) (observe s2);

      obs_monotonic_measure :
         t s1 s2,
          Step sem s1 t s2
          obs_measure (observe s2) S (obs_measure (observe s1))


  Section WITHBEH.

  Context `{Beh : Behavioral}.

  Lemma obs_monotonic_star :
     t s1 s2,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      obs_leq (observe s1) (observe s2).
    intros t s1 s2; induction 1.
    apply obs_leq_refl.
    apply obs_leq_trans with (o2:= observe s2); auto.
    eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.

  Lemma obs_monotonic_plus :
     t s1 s2,
      Plus sem s1 t s2
      obs_leq (observe s1) (observe s2).
    intros t s1 s2 Hplus; apply plus_star in Hplus.
    eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.

  Lemma obs_measure_alt :
     t s1 s2,
      Step sem s1 t s2
      obs_measure (observe s2) = obs_measure (observe s1)
      obs_measure (observe s2) = S (obs_measure (observe s1)).
    intros t s1 s2 Hstep.
    assert (Hstep':= Hstep); apply obs_monotonic in Hstep.
    apply obs_leq_lt in Hstep; destruct Hstep as [Hstep|Hstep].
    apply obs_lt_measure in Hstep.
    apply obs_monotonic_measure in Hstep'; omega.
    rewrite Hstep; auto.

  Lemma obs_measure_starN :
     n t s1 s2,
      StarN sem n s1 t s2
      obs_measure (observe s2) n + obs_measure (observe s1).
    induction n; simpl; intros t s1 s2 Hstar.
    inv Hstar; auto.
    inv Hstar.
    apply obs_monotonic_measure in H0.
    apply IHn in H1; omega.

  Lemma obs_measure_star :
     t s1 s2,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      obs_measure (observe s1) obs_measure (observe s2).
    induction 1; auto.
    destruct (obs_measure_alt _ _ _ H); omega.

  Lemma obs_measure_alt_star' :
     t1 t2 s1 s2 s3,
      Star sem s1 t1 s2
      Star sem s2 t2 s3
      obs_measure (observe s3) = S (obs_measure (observe s1)) →
      obs_measure (observe s2) = obs_measure (observe s1)
      obs_measure (observe s2) = obs_measure (observe s3).
    intros t1 t2 s1 s2 s3 Hstar1 Hstar2 Hobs.
    assert (Hleq1: obs_measure (observe s1) obs_measure (observe s2)).
    eapply obs_measure_star; eauto.
    assert (Hleq2: obs_measure (observe s2) obs_measure (observe s3)).
    eapply obs_measure_star; eauto.

  Lemma obs_measure_alt_star :
     t1 t2 s1 s2 s3,
      Star sem s1 t1 s2
      Star sem s2 t2 s3
      obs_measure (observe s3) = S (obs_measure (observe s1)) →
      observe s2 = observe s1 observe s2 = observe s3.
    intros t1 t2 s1 s2 s3 Hstar1 Hstar2 Hobs.
    edestruct obs_measure_alt_star'; [eapply Hstar1 | eapply Hstar2 |..]; auto.
    left; symmetry; apply obs_measure_eq; auto.
    eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
    right; apply obs_measure_eq; auto.
    eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.

  Lemma observe_split_one :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      obs_measure (observe s2) = S (obs_measure (observe s1)) →
       s3 s4 t1 t2 t3,
        Star sem s1 t1 s3
        Step sem s3 t2 s4
        Star sem s4 t3 s2
        observe s3 = observe s1 observe s4 = observe s2.
    intros s1 s2 t; induction 1; intros Hmeq; try omega; subst.
    destruct (obs_eq_dec (observe s1) (observe s2)) as [Heq|Hneq].
    - rewrite Heq in Hmeq.
      destruct (IHstar Hmeq) as [s4 [s5 [t3 [t4 [t5 [Hstar2 [Hstar4 [Hstar5 [Hobs4 Hobs5]]]]]]]]].
       s4, s5, (Events.Eapp t1 t3), t4, t5; repeat (split; auto); try congruence.
      eapply star_left; eauto.
    - s1, s2, Events.E0, t1, t2; repeat (split; auto).
      destruct (obs_measure_alt _ _ _ H) as [Heq'|Hneq'].
      contradiction Hneq; apply obs_measure_eq; auto.
      eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
      apply obs_measure_eq; try congruence.
      eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.

  Lemma observe_split :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      observe s1 observe s2
       s3 s4 t1 t2 t3,
        Star sem s1 t1 s3
        Step sem s3 t2 s4
        Star sem s4 t3 s2
        observe s1 = observe s3
        observe s3 observe s4.
    induction 1; try congruence; subst; intro Hobs.
    destruct (obs_eq_dec (observe s1) (observe s2)) as [Hobs'|Hobs'].
    - destruct IHstar as [s4 [s5 [t3 [t4 [t5 A]]]]]; try congruence.
      decompose [and] A.
       s4, s5, (Events.Eapp t1 t3), t4, t5; repeat (split; auto; try congruence).
      eapply star_left; eauto.
    - s1, s2, Events.E0, t1, t2; repeat (split; auto).

  Lemma observe_split' :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      observe s1 observe s2
       s3 s4 t1 t2,
        Star sem s1 t1 s3
        Step sem s3 t2 s4
        observe s1 = observe s3
        observe s3 observe s4.
    intros; edestruct observe_split as [s4 [s5 [t3 [t4 [t5 A]]]]]; eauto.
    decompose [and] A.
     s4, s5, t3, t4; auto.

Infinitely many non-silent transitions (behavior type 4 above)

  CoInductive forever_reactive : stateStream obsProp :=
  | forever_reactive_intro:
       s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 os,
        Star sem s1 t1 s2observe s1 = observe s2
        Step sem s2 t2 s3observe s2 observe s3
        forever_reactive s3 os
        forever_reactive s1 (Cons (observe s1) os).

  Lemma forever_reactive_star :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      observe s1 = observe s2
        forever_reactive s2 os
        forever_reactive s1 os.
    intros s1 s2 t; induction 1; intros Hobs_eq os Hreact; auto; subst.
    assert (Hobs_eq': observe s2 = observe s3).
    apply obs_leq_antisym.
    eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
    rewrite <- Hobs_eq; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
    apply IHstar in Hreact; auto; inv Hreact.
    rewrite Hobs_eq', <- Hobs_eq; econstructor; [| | |eauto|..]; eauto.
    eapply star_left; eauto.

  Lemma forever_reactive_star_one :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      obs_measure (observe s2) = S (obs_measure (observe s1)) →
        forever_reactive s2 os
        forever_reactive s1 (Cons (observe s1) os).
    intros s1 s2 t; induction 1; intros Hm os Hreact; try omega; subst.
    destruct (obs_measure_alt _ _ _ H).
    - assert (Hobs_eq: observe s1 = observe s2).
      apply obs_measure_eq; auto.
      eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
      eapply forever_reactive_star; eauto.
      apply star_one; eauto.
      rewrite Hobs_eq; apply IHstar; auto; congruence.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      intro Hcon; rewrite Hcon in H1; omega.
      eapply forever_reactive_star; eauto.
      apply obs_measure_eq; try congruence.
      eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.

Infinitely many silent transitions (behavior type 3 above)

  CoInductive forever_silent : stateProp :=
  | forever_silent_intro:
       s1 s2 t,
        Step sem s1 t s2observe s1 = observe s2
        forever_silent s2
        forever_silent s1.

  Lemma forever_silent_star :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2observe s1 = observe s2
      forever_silent s2
      forever_silent s1.
    cofix COINDHYP; intros s1 s2 t Hstar Hobs_eq Hsil.
    inv Hstar; auto.
    eapply forever_silent_intro; eauto.
    apply obs_leq_antisym.
    eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
    rewrite Hobs_eq; eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
    eapply COINDHYP; eauto.
    apply obs_leq_antisym.
    eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
    rewrite <- Hobs_eq; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.

An alternate definition, helpful for some lemmas below.

  Variable A: Type.
  Variable order: AAProp.
  Hypothesis order_wf: well_founded order.

  CoInductive forever_silent_N : AstateProp :=
  | forever_silent_N_star:
       s1 s2 a1 a2 t,
        Star sem s1 t s2
        observe s1 = observe s2
        order a2 a1
        forever_silent_N a2 s2
        forever_silent_N a1 s1
  | forever_silent_N_plus:
       s1 s2 a1 a2 t,
        Plus sem s1 t s2
        observe s1 = observe s2
        forever_silent_N a2 s2
        forever_silent_N a1 s1.

  Lemma forever_silent_N_inv:
     a s,
      forever_silent_N a s
       s' a' t,
        Step sem s t s' observe s = observe s'
        forever_silent_N a' s'.
    intros a0. pattern a0. apply (well_founded_ind order_wf).
    intros x IH s Hsil. inv Hsil.
    - inv H.
      apply (IH a2); auto.
       s0, x, t1; split; auto; split.
      apply obs_leq_antisym.
      eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
      rewrite H0; eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
      eapply forever_silent_N_star; eauto.
      apply obs_leq_antisym.
      eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
      rewrite <- H0; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
    - inv H.
       s0, a2, t1; split; auto; split.
      apply obs_leq_antisym.
      eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
      rewrite H0; eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
      apply star_inv in H3; destruct H3 as [[? ?]|?]; subst; auto.
      eapply forever_silent_N_plus; eauto.
      apply obs_leq_antisym.
      eapply obs_monotonic_plus; eauto.
      rewrite <- H0; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.

  Lemma forever_silent_N_forever:
     a s, forever_silent_N a sforever_silent s.
    cofix COINDHYP; intros.
    destruct (forever_silent_N_inv a s H) as [s' [a' [t [P [Q R]]]]].
    econstructor; eauto.

  Inductive behavior : Type :=
  | Terminate : obsbehavior
  | Fault : obsbehavior
  | SilentDiv : obsbehavior
  | Reactive : Stream obsbehavior.

  Inductive has_behavior s : behaviorProp :=
  | has_beh_terminate :
       s' t r,
        Star sem s t s'
        final_state sem s' r
        has_behavior s (Terminate (observe s'))
  | has_beh_fault :
       s' t,
        Star sem s t s'
        ( r, ¬ final_state sem s' r) →
        Nostep sem s'
        has_behavior s (Fault (observe s'))
  | has_beh_silentdiv :
       s' t,
        Star sem s t s'
        forever_silent s'
        has_behavior s (SilentDiv (observe s'))
  | has_beh_reactive :
        forever_reactive s oshas_behavior s (Reactive os).

  Definition beh_eq b1 b2 : Prop :=
    match b1, b2 with
      | Terminate o1, Terminate o2o1 = o2
      | Fault o1, Fault o2o1 = o2
      | SilentDiv o1, SilentDiv o2o1 = o2
      | Reactive os1, Reactive os2EqSt os1 os2
      | _, _False

  Global Instance beh_eq_equiv : Equivalence beh_eq.
    - intros x; destruct x; simpl; auto.
      apply EqSt_reflex.
    - intros x y Hbeh.
      destruct x, y; inv Hbeh; simpl; auto.
      apply sym_EqSt; constructor; auto.
    - intros x y z Hbeh1 Hbeh2.
      destruct x, y, z; inv Hbeh1; inv Hbeh2; simpl; auto.
      apply trans_EqSt with (s2:= s0); constructor; auto.




  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Variable D : compatdata.

  Notation state := (Asm.state (mem:= mwd (cdata D))).

  Context {ret : Type}.
  Variable sem : semantics ret state.

  Definition observe_lasm (p : principal) (s : state) :=
    match s with
        State _ (_,d)observe p d



  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret1 ret2 state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret1 state1) (sem2 : semantics ret2 state2).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Definition state_beh_implies s1 s2 :=
      has_behavior sem1 observe1 s1 b
         b', has_behavior sem2 observe2 s2 b' beh_eq b b'.


Section BEH_EQ.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret1 ret2 state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret1 state1) (sem2 : semantics ret2 state2).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Definition state_beh_eq s1 s2 :=
    state_beh_implies sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2 s1 s2
    state_beh_implies sem2 sem1 observe2 observe1 s2 s1.



  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret state : Type}.
  Variable sem : semantics ret state.
  Variable observe : stateobs.

  Instance state_beh_eq_equiv : Equivalence (state_beh_eq sem sem observe observe).
    - intros s; split; intros b Hbeh; b; split; auto; reflexivity.
    - intros s1 s2 [Himpl1 Himpl2]; split; intros b Hbeh; eauto.
    - intros s1 s2 s3 [Himpl12 Himpl21] [Himpl23 Himpl32]; split; intros b Hbeh.
      + destruct (Himpl12 b) as [b2 [? ?]]; auto.
        destruct (Himpl23 b2) as [b3 [? ?]]; auto.
         b3; split; auto.
        transitivity b2; auto.
      + destruct (Himpl32 b) as [b2 [? ?]]; auto.
        destruct (Himpl21 b2) as [b1 [? ?]]; auto.
         b1; split; auto.
        transitivity b2; auto.


Section BEH_EQ_EQUIV2.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret1 ret2 ret3 state1 state2 state3 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret1 state1)
            (sem2 : semantics ret2 state2)
            (sem3 : semantics ret3 state3).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs)
            (observe2 : state2obs)
            (observe3 : state3obs).

  Lemma state_beh_eq_sym :
     s1 s2,
      state_beh_eq sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2 s1 s2
      state_beh_eq sem2 sem1 observe2 observe1 s2 s1.
    intros s1 s2 [Himpl1 Himpl2]; split; intros b Hbeh; eauto.

  Lemma state_beh_eq_trans :
     s1 s2 s3,
      state_beh_eq sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2 s1 s2
      state_beh_eq sem2 sem3 observe2 observe3 s2 s3
      state_beh_eq sem1 sem3 observe1 observe3 s1 s3.
    intros s1 s2 s3 [Himpl12 Himpl21] [Himpl23 Himpl32]; split; intros b Hbeh.
    - destruct (Himpl12 b) as [b2 [? ?]]; auto.
      destruct (Himpl23 b2) as [b3 [? ?]]; auto.
       b3; split; auto.
      transitivity b2; auto.
    - destruct (Himpl32 b) as [b2 [? ?]]; auto.
      destruct (Himpl21 b2) as [b1 [? ?]]; auto.
       b1; split; auto.
      transitivity b2; auto.


Section BEH_EXIST.

  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.
  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state : Type}.
  Variable sem : semantics ret state.
  Variable observe : stateobs.

  Require Import Classical.
  Require Import ClassicalEpsilon.


    Variable s0 : state.

    Hypothesis reacts:
       s1 t1,
        Star sem s0 t1 s1
         s2 s3 t2 t3,
          Star sem s1 t2 s2 Step sem s2 t3 s3
          observe s1 = observe s2 observe s2 observe s3.

    Lemma reacts':
       s1 t1,
        Star sem s0 t1 s1
        { s2 : state & { s3 : state &
        { t2 : Events.trace & { t3 : Events.trace |
          Star sem s1 t2 s2 Step sem s2 t3 s3
          observe s1 = observe s2 observe s2 observe s3 } } } }.
      intros s1 t1 Hstar.
      destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ (reacts s1 t1 Hstar)) as [s2 A].
      destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ A) as [s3 B].
      destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ B) as [t2 C].
      destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ C) as [t3 ?].
       s2, s3, t2, t3; auto.

    CoFixpoint build_obs_stream (s1: state) (t1: Events.trace)
                                (ST: Star sem s0 t1 s1) : Stream obs :=
      match reacts' s1 t1 ST with
        | existT s2 (existT s3 (existT t2 (exist t3 (conj A (conj B _))))) ⇒
          Cons (observe s1)
               (build_obs_stream _ _ (star_right _ _ (star_trans ST A (refl_equal _))
                                                 B (refl_equal _)))

    Lemma reacts_forever_reactive_rec:
       s1 t1 (ST: Star sem s0 t1 s1),
        forever_reactive sem observe s1 (build_obs_stream s1 t1 ST).
      cofix COINDHYP; intros s1 t1 ST.
      rewrite (stream_red (build_obs_stream s1 t1 ST)); simpl.
      destruct (reacts' s1 t1 ST) as [s2 [s3 [t2 [t3 [Hstar [Hstep [Hobs1 Hobs2]]]]]]].
      econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma reacts_forever_reactive:
       os, forever_reactive sem observe s0 os.
       (build_obs_stream s0 Events.E0 (star_refl (step sem) (globalenv sem) s0)).
      apply reacts_forever_reactive_rec.


  Lemma diverges_forever_silent:
      ( s1 t1,
         Star sem s0 t1 s1
         observe s0 = observe s1 s2 t2, Step sem s1 t2 s2) →
      forever_silent sem observe s0.
    cofix COINDHYP; intros s0 Hsafe.
    destruct (Hsafe s0 Events.E0) as [Hobs_eq [s1 [t ST]]].
    econstructor; eauto.
    destruct (Hsafe s1 t) as [Hobs_eq' [s2 [t' ST']]]; auto.
    apply star_one; auto.
    apply COINDHYP.
    intros s2 t' ST'; split.
    transitivity (observe s0).
    destruct (Hsafe s1 t) as [Hobs_eq' [s2' [t'' ST'']]]; auto.
    apply star_one; auto.
    destruct (Hsafe s2 (Events.Eapp t t')) as [Hobs_eq' [s2' [t'' ST'']]]; auto.
    eapply star_left; eauto.
    eapply Hsafe; eapply star_left; eauto.

  Theorem beh_exists :
       b, has_behavior sem observe s b.
    intros s0.
    destruct (classic ( s1 t1, Star sem s0 t1 s1
                          s2 t2, Step sem s1 t2 s2)) as [DIV|NODIV].
      destruct (classic ( s1 t1, Star sem s0 t1 s1
                           ( s2 t2, Star sem s1 t2 s2
                                          observe s1 = observe s2
                                           s3 t3, Step sem s2 t3 s3))) as [SIL|REACT].
        destruct SIL as [s1 [t1 [A B]]].
         (SilentDiv (observe s1)); econstructor; eauto.
        apply diverges_forever_silent; auto.
        destruct (reacts_forever_reactive s0) as [os ?].
        intros s1 t1 Hstar.
        generalize (not_ex_all_not _ _ REACT s1); intro A; clear REACT.
        generalize (not_ex_all_not _ _ A t1); intro B; clear A.
        destruct (not_and_or _ _ B) as [C|C]; try contradiction; clear B.
        destruct (not_all_ex_not _ _ C) as [s2 D']; clear C.
        destruct (not_all_ex_not _ _ D') as [t2 E]; clear D'.
        destruct (imply_to_and _ _ E) as [F G]; clear E.
        destruct (not_and_or _ _ G) as [I|I]; clear G.
        eapply observe_split'; eauto.
        contradict I; eapply DIV; eapply star_trans; eauto.
         (Reactive os); econstructor; eauto.
      destruct (not_all_ex_not _ _ NODIV) as [s1 A]; clear NODIV.
      destruct (not_all_ex_not _ _ A) as [t1 B]; clear A.
      destruct (imply_to_and _ _ B) as [C D']; clear B.
      destruct (classic ( r, final_state sem s1 r)) as [[r FINAL] | NOTFINAL].
         (Terminate (observe s1)); econstructor; eauto.
         (Fault (observe s1)); econstructor; eauto.
        intros t s Hstep; contradiction D'; eauto.



  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.
  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state : Type}.
  Variable sem : semantics ret state.
  Variable observe : stateobs.

  Context `{Beh: !Behavioral sem observe}.

  Hypothesis det : sem_deterministic sem.

  Ltac use_step_det :=
    match goal with
      | [ S1: Step _ _ ?t1 _, S2: Step _ _ ?t2 _ |- _ ] ⇒
        destruct (det_step _ _ det _ _ _ _ _ S1 S2) as [EQ1 EQ2]; subst

  Ltac use_star_step_diamond :=
    match goal with
      | [ S1: Star _ _ ?t1 _, S2: Star _ _ ?t2 _ |- _ ] ⇒
        let t := fresh "t" in let P := fresh "P" in let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
        destruct (star_step_diamond _ _ det _ _ _ S1 _ _ S2)
          as [t [ [P EQ] | [P EQ] ]]; subst

  Ltac use_nostep :=
    match goal with
      | [ S: Step _ ?s _ _, NO: Nostep _ ?s |- _ ] ⇒ elim (NO _ _ S)

  Ltac use_final_nostep :=
    match goal with
      | [ S: Step _ ?s _ _, NO: final_state _ ?s _ |- _ ] ⇒
        apply (det_final_nostep _ _ det) in NO; elim (NO _ _ S)

  Lemma starN_det :
     n s s1 s2 t1 t2,
      StarN sem n s t1 s1
      StarN sem n s t2 s2s1 = s2.
    induction n; intros s s1 s2 t1 t2 Hstar1 Hstar2.
    - inv Hstar1; inv Hstar2; auto.
    - inv Hstar1; inv Hstar2.
      simpl in *; use_step_det; eapply IHn; eauto.

  Lemma forever_silent_star_det :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      forever_silent sem observe s1
      forever_silent sem observe s2.
    induction 1; auto.
    intros Hsil; inv Hsil.
    simpl in *; use_step_det; auto.

  Lemma forever_silent_star_det_observe :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      forever_silent sem observe s1
      observe s1 = observe s2.
    induction 1; auto.
    intros Hsil; inv Hsil.
    simpl in *; use_step_det.
    transitivity (observe s4); auto.

  Lemma forever_silent_star_not_nostep :
     s s1 s2 t1 t2,
      Star sem s t1 s1
      Star sem s t2 s2
      forever_silent sem observe s1
      ¬ Nostep sem s2.
    intros s s1 s2 t1 t2 Hstar1 Hstar2 Hsil Hns.
    - assert (Hsil': forever_silent sem observe s2)
        by (eapply forever_silent_star_det; [|eauto..]; eauto).
      inv Hsil'; use_nostep.
    - inv P.
      inv Hsil; use_nostep.
      simpl in *; use_nostep.

  Lemma forever_silent_star_not_final :
     s s1 s2 t1 t2,
      Star sem s t1 s1
      Star sem s t2 s2
      forever_silent sem observe s1
        ¬ final_state sem s2 r.
    intros s s1 s2 t1 t2 Hstar1 Hstar2 Hsil r Hfin.
    - assert (Hsil': forever_silent sem observe s2)
        by (eapply forever_silent_star_det; [|eauto..]; eauto).
      inv Hsil'; use_final_nostep.
    - inv P.
      inv Hsil; use_final_nostep.
      simpl in *; use_final_nostep.

  Lemma forever_reactive_star_det :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
        forever_reactive sem observe s1 os
          forever_reactive sem observe s2 os'.
    induction 1; eauto.
    intros os Hreact; inv Hreact.
    inv H2.
    - simpl in *; use_step_det; eauto.
    - simpl in *; use_step_det.
      eapply IHstar; econstructor; [eapply H7 | eauto..].
      apply obs_leq_antisym.
      eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
      rewrite <- H3; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.

  Lemma forever_reactive_star_det_eq :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      observe s1 = observe s2
        forever_reactive sem observe s1 os
        forever_reactive sem observe s2 os.
    intros s1 s2 t Hstar Hobs_eq os Hreact.
    inv Hreact.
    - rewrite Hobs_eq.
      econstructor; eauto.
    - rewrite Hobs_eq; inv P.
      econstructor; eauto; constructor.
      simpl in *; use_step_det.
      contradiction H2; transitivity (observe s2); try congruence.
      apply obs_leq_antisym.
      rewrite <- Hobs_eq, H0; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
      eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.

  Lemma forever_reactive_star_not_nostep :
     s1 os,
      forever_reactive sem observe s1 os
       s2 t,
        Star sem s1 t s2
        ¬ Nostep sem s2.
    intros s1 os Hreact s2 t Hstar Hns.
    edestruct forever_reactive_star_det as [os' Hreact']; eauto.
    inv Hreact'.
    inv H; use_nostep.

  Lemma forever_reactive_star_not_final :
     s1 os,
      forever_reactive sem observe s1 os
       s2 t,
        Star sem s1 t s2
          ¬ final_state sem s2 r.
    intros s1 os Hreact s2 t Hstar r Hfin.
    edestruct forever_reactive_star_det as [os' Hreact']; eauto.
    inv Hreact'.
    inv H; use_final_nostep.

  Lemma forever_silent_star_not_reactive :
     s1 s2 t,
      Star sem s1 t s2
      forever_silent sem observe s2
        ¬ forever_reactive sem observe s1 os.
    intros s1 s2 t Hstar Hsil os Hreact.
    edestruct forever_reactive_star_det as [os' Hreact']; eauto.
    inv Hreact'.
    contradiction H2; rewrite <- H0.
    eapply forever_silent_star_det_observe; eauto.
    eapply star_right; eauto.

  Lemma forever_reactive_det_eq :
     s os1 os2,
      forever_reactive sem observe s os1
      forever_reactive sem observe s os2EqSt os1 os2.
    cofix COINDHYP.
    intros s [o1 os1] [o2 os2] Hreact1 Hreact2.
    inv Hreact1; inv Hreact2.
    assert (s2 = s0).
      - inv P; auto.
        simpl in *; use_step_det.
        contradiction H5.
        apply obs_leq_antisym.
        eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
        rewrite <- H2; rewrite H7; eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
      - inv P; auto.
        simpl in *; use_step_det.
        contradiction H10.
        apply obs_leq_antisym.
        eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
        rewrite <- H7; rewrite H2; eapply obs_monotonic_star; eauto.
    subst; use_step_det.
    constructor; simpl; eauto.

  Theorem beh_det :
     s b1 b2,
      has_behavior sem observe s b1has_behavior sem observe s b2beh_eq b1 b2.
    intros s b1 b2 Hbeh1 Hbeh2; inv Hbeh1.
      inv Hbeh2; simpl.
      + f_equal; eapply proj2; eapply (steps_deterministic _ _ det); eauto.
        eapply det_final_nostep; eauto.
        eapply det_final_nostep; eauto.
      + eapply (terminates_not_goes_wrong _ _ det); [|eauto|..]; eauto.
      + eapply forever_silent_star_not_final; [eapply H1 | eapply H | ..]; eauto.
      + eapply forever_reactive_star_not_final; eauto.
      inv Hbeh2; simpl.
      + eapply (terminates_not_goes_wrong _ _ det); [..|eauto]; eauto.
      + f_equal; eapply proj2; eapply (steps_deterministic _ _ det); eauto.
      + eapply forever_silent_star_not_nostep; [eapply H2 | eapply H | ..]; eauto.
      + eapply forever_reactive_star_not_nostep; eauto.
      inv Hbeh2; simpl.
      + eapply forever_silent_star_not_final; [eapply H | eapply H1 | eauto..].
      + eapply forever_silent_star_not_nostep; [eapply H | eapply H1 | eauto..].
      + use_star_step_diamond.
        erewrite forever_silent_star_det_observe; eauto; reflexivity.
        erewrite <- forever_silent_star_det_observe; eauto; reflexivity.
      + eapply forever_silent_star_not_reactive; eauto.
      inv Hbeh2; simpl.
      + eapply forever_reactive_star_not_final; eauto.
      + eapply forever_reactive_star_not_nostep; [eapply H | eapply H0 | eauto..].
      + eapply forever_silent_star_not_reactive; eauto.
      + eapply forever_reactive_det_eq; eauto.



  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1) (sem2 : semantics ret state2).

  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Record simulation : Type :=
  Simulation {
    sim_index : Type;
    sim_order : sim_indexsim_indexProp;
    sim_order_wf : well_founded sim_order;
    sim_match_states :> sim_indexstate1state2Prop;

    sim_match_observe :
       i s1 s2,
        sim_match_states i s1 s2observe1 s1 = observe2 s2;

    sim_match_final_states :
       i s1 s2 r,
        sim_match_states i s1 s2
        final_state sem1 s1 rfinal_state sem2 s2 r;
    sim_simulation :
       s1 t s1', Step sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, sim_match_states i s1 s2
         i' s2',
           (Plus sem2 s2 t s2' (Star sem2 s2 t s2' sim_order i' i))
         sim_match_states i' s1' s2'

  Record weak_simulation : Type :=
  WeakSimulation {
    wsim_index : Type;
    wsim_order : wsim_indexwsim_indexProp;
    wsim_order_wf : well_founded wsim_order;
    wsim_match_states :> wsim_indexstate1state2Prop;
    wsim_match_observe :
       i s1 s2,
        wsim_match_states i s1 s2observe1 s1 = observe2 s2;
    wsim_match_final_states :
       i s1 s2 r,
        wsim_match_states i s1 s2
        final_state sem1 s1 rfinal_state sem2 s2 r;
    wsim_simulation :
       s1 t s1', Step sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, wsim_match_states i s1 s2
         i' t' s2',
           (Plus sem2 s2 t' s2' (Star sem2 s2 t' s2' wsim_order i' i))
         wsim_match_states i' s1' s2'

  Definition weak_sim : simulationweak_simulation.
    intro sim.
    apply WeakSimulation with (wsim_index:= sim_index sim)
                              (wsim_order:= sim_order sim)
                              (wsim_match_states:= sim_match_states sim); try apply sim.
    intros; edestruct (sim_simulation sim); eauto.

  Lemma simulation_no_stutter :
     (sim_match : state1state2Prop),
      ( s1 s2,
        sim_match s1 s2observe1 s1 = observe2 s2) →
      ( s1 s2 r,
        sim_match s1 s2
        final_state sem1 s1 rfinal_state sem2 s2 r) →
      ( s1 t s1', Step sem1 s1 t s1'
        s2, sim_match s1 s2
          s2', Plus sem2 s2 t s2'
            sim_match s1' s2') → simulation.
    intros sim_match match_obs match_final match_step.
    apply Simulation with (sim_index:= unit) (sim_order:= fun _ _False)
                          (sim_match_states:= fun _ s1 s2sim_match s1 s2); eauto.
    constructor; intuition.
    intros s1 t s1' Hstep1 ? s2 Hsim.
    edestruct match_step as [s2' [? ?]]; eauto.

  Lemma weak_simulation_no_stutter :
     (sim_match : state1state2Prop),
      ( s1 s2,
        sim_match s1 s2observe1 s1 = observe2 s2) →
      ( s1 s2 r,
        sim_match s1 s2
        final_state sem1 s1 rfinal_state sem2 s2 r) →
      ( s1 t s1', Step sem1 s1 t s1'
        s2, sim_match s1 s2
          t' s2', Plus sem2 s2 t' s2'
            sim_match s1' s2') → weak_simulation.
    intros sim_match match_obs match_final match_step.
    apply WeakSimulation with (wsim_index:= unit) (wsim_order:= fun _ _False)
                              (wsim_match_states:= fun _ s1 s2sim_match s1 s2); eauto.
    constructor; intuition.
    intros s1 t s1' Hstep1 ? s2 Hsim.
    edestruct match_step as [t' [s2' [? ?]]]; eauto.
     tt, t', s2'; eauto.

  Variable sim : simulation.

  Lemma sim_simulation':
     i s1 t s1',
      Step sem1 s1 t s1'
       s2, sim i s1 s2
           ( i' s2', Plus sem2 s2 t s2' sim i' s1' s2')
         ( i', sim_order sim i' i t = E0 sim i' s1' s2).
    intros. exploit sim_simulation; eauto.
    intros [i' [s2' [A B]]]. intuition.
    left; i', s2'; auto.
    inv H2.
    right; i'; auto.
    left; i', s2'; split; auto. econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma simulation_star :
     s1 t s1', Star sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, sim i s1 s2
         i' s2', Star sem2 s2 t s2' sim i' s1' s2'.
    induction 1; intros.
     i, s2; split; auto. apply star_refl.
    exploit sim_simulation; eauto. intros [i' [s2' [A B]]].
    exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [i'' [s2'' [C D']]].
     i'', s2''; split; auto. eapply star_trans; eauto.
    intuition. apply plus_star; auto.

  Lemma simulation_plus:
     s1 t s1', Plus sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, sim i s1 s2
           ( i' s2', Plus sem2 s2 t s2' sim i' s1' s2')
         ( i', clos_trans _ (sim_order sim) i' i t = E0 sim i' s1' s2).
    induction 1 using plus_ind2; intros.
    exploit sim_simulation'; eauto. intros [A | [i' A]].
    left; auto.
    right; i'; intuition.
    exploit sim_simulation'; eauto. intros [[i' [s2' [A B]]] | [i' [A [B C]]]].
    exploit simulation_star. apply plus_star; eauto. eauto.
    intros [i'' [s2'' [P Q]]].
    left; i''; s2''; split; auto. eapply plus_star_trans; eauto.
    exploit IHplus; eauto. intros [[i'' [s2'' [P Q]]] | [i'' [P [Q R]]]].
    subst. simpl. left; i''; s2''; auto.
    subst. simpl. right; i''; intuition.
    eapply t_trans; eauto. eapply t_step; eauto.

  Variable wsim : weak_simulation.
  Context `{Beh1: !Behavioral sem1 observe1} `{Beh2: !Behavioral sem2 observe2}.

  Lemma wsim_simulation':
     i s1 t s1',
      Step sem1 s1 t s1'
       s2, wsim i s1 s2
           ( i' t' s2', Plus sem2 s2 t' s2' wsim i' s1' s2')
         ( i', wsim_order wsim i' i wsim i' s1' s2).
    intros. exploit wsim_simulation; eauto.
    intros [i' [t' [s2' [A B]]]]. intuition.
    left; i', t', s2'; auto.
    inv H2.
    right; i'; auto.
    left; i', (t1 ** t2), s2'; split; auto. econstructor; eauto.

  Lemma wsimulation_star :
     s1 t s1', Star sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, wsim i s1 s2
         i' t' s2', Star sem2 s2 t' s2' wsim i' s1' s2'.
    induction 1; intros.
     i, E0, s2; split; auto. apply star_refl.
    exploit wsim_simulation; eauto. intros [i' [t' [s2' [A B]]]].
    exploit IHstar; eauto. intros [i'' [t'' [s2'' [C D']]]].
     i'', (t' ** t''), s2''; split; auto. eapply star_trans; eauto.
    intuition. apply plus_star; auto.

  Lemma wsimulation_plus:
     s1 t s1', Plus sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, wsim i s1 s2
           ( i' t' s2', Plus sem2 s2 t' s2' wsim i' s1' s2')
         ( i', clos_trans _ (wsim_order wsim) i' i wsim i' s1' s2).
    induction 1 using plus_ind2; intros.
    exploit wsim_simulation'; eauto. intros [A | [i' A]].
    left; auto.
    right; i'; intuition.
    exploit wsim_simulation'; eauto. intros [[i' [t' [s2' [A B]]]] | [i' [A B]]].
    exploit wsimulation_star. apply plus_star; eauto. eauto.
    intros [i'' [t'' [s2'' [P Q]]]].
    left; i'', (t' ** t''), s2''; split; auto. eapply plus_star_trans; eauto.
    exploit IHplus; eauto. intros [[i'' [t'' [s2'' [P Q]]]] | [i'' [P Q]]].
    subst. simpl. left; i'', t'', s2''; auto.
    subst. simpl. right; i''; intuition.
    eapply t_trans; eauto. eapply t_step; eauto.

  Lemma simulation_forever_silent :
     i s1 s2,
      forever_silent sem1 observe1 s1wsim i s1 s2
      forever_silent sem2 observe2 s2.
    assert ( i s1 s2,
              forever_silent sem1 observe1 s1wsim i s1 s2
              forever_silent_N sem2 observe2 (wsim_index wsim) (wsim_order wsim) i s2).
    cofix COINDHYP; intros i s1 s2 Hsil Hsim; inv Hsil.
    - rename s3 into s1', H into Hstep1.
      edestruct wsim_simulation as [i' [t' [s2' [[Hplus2 | [Hstar2 Hsim']] Hsim'']]]]; eauto.
      + eapply forever_silent_N_plus; eauto.
        erewrite <- wsim_match_observe; [|eauto].
        rewrite H0; eapply wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      + eapply forever_silent_N_star; eauto.
        erewrite <- wsim_match_observe; [|eauto].
        rewrite H0; eapply wsim_match_observe; eauto.
    - intros i s1 s2 Hsil Hsim.
      eapply forever_silent_N_forever; eauto.
      eapply wsim_order_wf.

  Lemma simulation_forever_reactive_help :
     i s1 s2 s2p os t,
      forever_reactive sem1 observe1 s1 oswsim i s1 s2
      Star sem2 s2p t s2observe2 s2p = observe2 s2
      forever_reactive sem2 observe2 s2p os.
    cofix COINDHYP; intros i s1 s2 s2p os t Hreact Hsim Hstarp Hobsp; inv Hreact.
    rename s3 into s1', s4 into s1'', os0 into os, H into Hstar1,
           H1 into Hstar1', H0 into Hobs_eq1, H2 into Hobs_neq1.
    edestruct wsimulation_star as [i' [t' [s2' [Hstar2 Hsim']]]]; eauto.
    edestruct wsim_simulation as [i'' [t'' [s2'' [[Hstar2' | [Hstar2' Hord]] Hsim'']]]]; eauto.
    + assert (Hstar2'': Star sem2 s2 (t' ** t'') s2'').
      apply plus_star; eapply star_plus_trans; eauto.
      destruct (observe_split_one _ _ _ _ _ Hstar2'')
        as [s3 [s4 [t3 [t4 [t5 [Hstar3 [Hstar4 [Hstar5 [Hobs_eq3 Hobs_neq4]]]]]]]]].
      rewrite <- (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim''), <- (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim).
      rewrite Hobs_eq1.
      destruct (obs_measure_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hstar1'); auto.
      contradiction Hobs_neq1; apply obs_measure_eq; auto.
      apply (obs_monotonic _ _) in Hstar1'; assumption.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      rewrite <- Hobsp; econstructor.
      eapply star_trans; eauto.
      eapply Hstar4.
      intro Hcon; contradiction Hobs_neq1.
      rewrite (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim''), <- Hobs_eq1.
      rewrite (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim); congruence.
    + assert (Hstar2'': Star sem2 s2 (t' ** t'') s2'').
      eapply star_trans; eauto.
      destruct (observe_split_one _ _ _ _ _ Hstar2'')
        as [s3 [s4 [t3 [t4 [t5 [Hstar3 [Hstar4 [Hstar5 [Hobs_eq3 Hobs_neq4]]]]]]]]].
      rewrite <- (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim''), <- (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim).
      rewrite Hobs_eq1.
      destruct (obs_measure_alt _ _ _ _ _ Hstar1'); auto.
      contradiction Hobs_neq1; apply obs_measure_eq; auto.
      apply (obs_monotonic _ _) in Hstar1'; assumption.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      rewrite <- Hobsp; econstructor.
      eapply star_trans; eauto.
      eapply Hstar4.
      intro Hcon; contradiction Hobs_neq1.
      rewrite (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim''), <- Hobs_eq1.
      rewrite (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ Hsim); congruence.

  Lemma simulation_forever_reactive :
     i s1 s2 os,
      forever_reactive sem1 observe1 s1 oswsim i s1 s2
      forever_reactive sem2 observe2 s2 os.
    intros; eapply simulation_forever_reactive_help; eauto.

  Theorem sim_beh_subset :
     i s1 s2,
      safe sem1 s1wsim i s1 s2
        has_behavior sem1 observe1 s1 b
        has_behavior sem2 observe2 s2 b.
    intros i s1 s2 Hsafe Hsim b Hbeh; inv Hbeh; simpl.
    - rename s' into s1', H into Hstar1.
      edestruct wsimulation_star as [i' [t' [s2' [Hstar2 Hsim']]]]; eauto.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply wsim_match_final_states; eauto.
    - edestruct Hsafe as [[r Hfin] | [s'' [t' Hstep]]]; eauto.
      contradiction (H0 r).
      contradiction (H1 _ _ Hstep).
    - rename s' into s1', H into Hstar1.
      edestruct wsimulation_star as [i' [t' [s2' [Hstar2 Hsim']]]]; eauto.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply simulation_forever_silent; eauto.
    - constructor.
      eapply simulation_forever_reactive; eauto.


Coercion weak_sim : simulation >-> weak_simulation.

Section BISIM.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1) (sem2 : semantics ret state2).

  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Record bisimulation : Type :=
  Bisimulation {
    bisim_index : Type;
    bisim_order : bisim_indexbisim_indexProp;
    bisim_order_wf : well_founded bisim_order;
    bisim_match_states :> bisim_indexstate1state2Prop;
    bisim_match_observe :
       i s1 s2,
        bisim_match_states i s1 s2observe1 s1 = observe2 s2;
    bisim_match_final_states :
       i s1 s2 r,
        bisim_match_states i s1 s2 → (final_state sem1 s1 r final_state sem2 s2 r);
    bisim_simulation1 :
       s1 t s1', Step sem1 s1 t s1'
       i s2, bisim_match_states i s1 s2
         i' t' s2',
           (Plus sem2 s2 t' s2' (Star sem2 s2 t' s2' bisim_order i' i))
         bisim_match_states i' s1' s2';
    bisim_simulation2 :
       s2 t s2', Step sem2 s2 t s2'
       i s1, bisim_match_states i s1 s2
         i' t' s1',
           (Plus sem1 s1 t' s1' (Star sem1 s1 t' s1' bisim_order i' i))
         bisim_match_states i' s1' s2'


Section BISIM_BEH.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1) (sem2 : semantics ret state2).

  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Variable bisim : bisimulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2.

  Definition bisim_flip : bisimulation sem2 sem1 observe2 observe1.
    apply Bisimulation with (bisim_index:= bisim_index _ _ _ _ bisim)
                            (bisim_order:= bisim_order _ _ _ _ bisim)
                            (bisim_match_states:= fun i s1 s2
                                                   bisim_match_states _ _ _ _ bisim i s2 s1);
      try apply bisim; try (symmetry; eapply bisim; eauto).

  Lemma bisim_flip_match_states :
     i s1 s2, bisim i s1 s2bisim_flip i s2 s1.
    simpl; auto.

  Definition bisim_fsim : weak_simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2.
    econstructor; apply bisim.

  Definition bisim_bsim : weak_simulation sem2 sem1 observe2 observe1.
    apply WeakSimulation with (wsim_index:= bisim_index _ _ _ _ bisim)
                              (wsim_order:= bisim_order _ _ _ _ bisim)
                              (wsim_match_states:= fun i s2 s1
                                 bisim_match_states _ _ _ _ bisim i s1 s2);
      try apply bisim; try (symmetry; eapply bisim; eauto).
    destruct bisim; intros; eapply bisim_match_final_states0; eauto.

  Context `{Beh1: !Behavioral sem1 observe1} `{Beh2: !Behavioral sem2 observe2}.

  Lemma bisim_beh_subset :
     i s1 s2,
      bisim i s1 s2
        has_behavior sem1 observe1 s1 b
        has_behavior sem2 observe2 s2 b.
    intros i s1 s2 Hsim b Hbeh; inv Hbeh; simpl.
    - rename s' into s1', H into Hstar1.
      edestruct (wsimulation_star _ _ _ _ bisim_fsim) as [i' [t' [s2' [Hstar2 Hsim']]]]; eauto.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply wsim_match_final_states; eauto.
    - rename s' into s1', H into Hstar1.
      edestruct (wsimulation_star _ _ _ _ bisim_fsim) as [i' [t' [s2' [Hstar2 Hsim']]]]; eauto.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      destruct (beh_exists sem2 observe2 s2') as [b Hbeh]; inv Hbeh.
      + apply star_inv in H; destruct H as [[? ?]|?]; subst.
        contradiction (H0 r).
        simpl in *; eapply bisim_match_final_states; eauto.
        edestruct (wsimulation_plus _ _ _ _ bisim_bsim)
          as [[? [? [s1'' [Hstar1' Hsim'']]]] | [? [? Hsim'']]]; eauto.
        simpl in *; eauto.
        inv Hstar1'.
        contradiction (H1 _ _ H3).
        contradiction (H0 r).
        simpl in *; eapply bisim_match_final_states; eauto.
      + destruct (obs_eq_dec (observe2 s2') (observe2 s')) as [Heq|Hneq].
        rewrite Heq; econstructor; eauto.
        eapply star_trans; eauto.
        contradiction Hneq.
        erewrite <- (bisim_match_observe sem1 sem2); simpl in *; eauto.
        edestruct (wsimulation_star _ _ _ _ bisim_bsim) as [i''' [t''' [s1'' [Hstar1' Hsim'']]]]; eauto.
        simpl; eauto.
        inv Hstar1'.
        erewrite (bisim_match_observe sem1 sem2); simpl in *; eauto.
        contradiction (H1 _ _ H4).
      + assert (Hsil2: forever_silent sem2 observe2 s2').
          eapply forever_silent_star; eauto.
          erewrite <- (bisim_match_observe sem1 sem2); simpl in *; eauto.
          edestruct (wsimulation_star _ _ _ _ bisim_bsim) as [i''' [t''' [s1'' [Hstar1' Hsim'']]]]; eauto.
          simpl; eauto.
          inv Hstar1'.
          erewrite (bisim_match_observe sem1 sem2); simpl in *; eauto.
          contradiction (H1 _ _ H3).
        assert (Hsil1: forever_silent sem1 observe1 s1') by
          (eapply simulation_forever_silent with (wsim:= bisim_bsim); simpl in *; eauto).
        inv Hsil1.
        contradiction (H1 _ _ H3).
      + assert (Hreact: forever_reactive sem1 observe1 s1' os) by
          (eapply simulation_forever_reactive with (wsim:= bisim_bsim); simpl in *; eauto).
        inv Hreact.
        inv H2.
        contradiction (H1 _ _ H4).
        contradiction (H1 _ _ H7).
    - rename s' into s1', H into Hstar1.
      edestruct (wsimulation_star _ _ _ _ bisim_fsim) as [i' [t' [s2' [Hstar2 Hsim']]]]; eauto.
      erewrite wsim_match_observe; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply simulation_forever_silent; eauto.
    - constructor.
      eapply simulation_forever_reactive with (wsim:= bisim_fsim); eauto.



  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1) (sem2 : semantics ret state2).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).
  Context `{Beh1: !Behavioral sem1 observe1} `{Beh2: !Behavioral sem2 observe2}.

  Variable bisim : bisimulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2.

  Theorem bisim_beh_eq :
     i s1 s2,
      bisim i s1 s2
      state_beh_eq sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2 s1 s2.
    intros i s1 s2 Hsim.
    split; intros b Hbeh; b; split; try reflexivity.
    eapply (bisim_beh_subset sem1 sem2); eauto.
    eapply (bisim_beh_subset sem2 sem1); eauto.
    apply bisim_flip_match_states; eauto.



  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 state3 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1)
            (sem2 : semantics ret state2)
            (sem3 : semantics ret state3).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs)
            (observe2 : state2obs)
            (observe3 : state3obs).

  Theorem compose_simulation :
    simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2
    simulation sem2 sem3 observe2 observe3
    simulation sem1 sem3 observe1 observe3.
    intros sim1 sim2.
    apply Simulation with (sim_index:= prod (sim_index _ _ _ _ sim2) (sim_index _ _ _ _ sim1))
                          (sim_order:= lex_ord (clos_trans _ (sim_order _ _ _ _ sim2))
                                               (clos_trans _ (sim_order _ _ _ _ sim1)))
                             fun (i : prod (sim_index _ _ _ _ sim2) (sim_index _ _ _ _ sim1))
                                 s1 s3
                               let (i0,i1) := i in
                                s2, sim_match_states _ _ _ _ sim1 i1 s1 s2
                                          sim_match_states _ _ _ _ sim2 i0 s2 s3).
    - apply wf_lex_ord; apply Transitive_Closure.wf_clos_trans; destruct sim1, sim2; auto.
    - intros [i1 i0] s1 s3 [s2 [Hmatch0 Hmatch1]].
      apply (sim_match_observe _ _ _ _ _) in Hmatch0.
      apply (sim_match_observe _ _ _ _ _) in Hmatch1; congruence.
    - intros [i1 i0] s1 s3 r [s2 [Hmatch0 Hmatch1]] Hfin.
      eapply sim_match_final_states in Hmatch0; eauto.
      eapply sim_match_final_states in Hmatch1; eauto.
    - intros s1 t s1' Hstep1 [i1 i0] s3 [s2 [Hmatch0 Hmatch1]].
      edestruct (sim_simulation' _ _ _ _ sim1) as
          [[i0' [s2' [Hplus2 Hmatch0']]] | [i0' [Hord [? Hmatch0']]]]; eauto; subst.
        edestruct (simulation_plus _ _ _ _ sim2) as
            [[i1' [s3' [Hplus3 Hmatch1']]] | [i1' [Hord' [? Hmatch1']]]]; eauto; subst.
           (i1',i0'), s3'; split; auto.
           s2'; auto.
          subst; (i1',i0'), s3; split.
          right; split; constructor; auto.
           s2'; auto.
        subst; (i1,i0'), s3; split.
        right; split; [constructor|].
        apply lex_ord_right; constructor; auto.
         s2; auto.

  Theorem compose_weak_simulation :
    weak_simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2
    weak_simulation sem2 sem3 observe2 observe3
    weak_simulation sem1 sem3 observe1 observe3.
    intros sim1 sim2.
    apply WeakSimulation with
                          (wsim_index:= prod (wsim_index _ _ _ _ sim2) (wsim_index _ _ _ _ sim1))
                          (wsim_order:= lex_ord (clos_trans _ (wsim_order _ _ _ _ sim2))
                                               (clos_trans _ (wsim_order _ _ _ _ sim1)))
                             fun (i : prod (wsim_index _ _ _ _ sim2) (wsim_index _ _ _ _ sim1))
                                 s1 s3
                               let (i0,i1) := i in
                                s2, wsim_match_states _ _ _ _ sim1 i1 s1 s2
                                          wsim_match_states _ _ _ _ sim2 i0 s2 s3).
    - apply wf_lex_ord; apply Transitive_Closure.wf_clos_trans; destruct sim1, sim2; auto.
    - intros [i1 i0] s1 s3 [s2 [Hmatch0 Hmatch1]].
      apply (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ _) in Hmatch0.
      apply (wsim_match_observe _ _ _ _ _) in Hmatch1; congruence.
    - intros [i1 i0] s1 s3 r [s2 [Hmatch0 Hmatch1]] Hfin.
      eapply wsim_match_final_states in Hmatch0; eauto.
      eapply wsim_match_final_states in Hmatch1; eauto.
    - intros s1 t s1' Hstep1 [i1 i0] s3 [s2 [Hmatch0 Hmatch1]].
      edestruct (wsim_simulation' _ _ _ _ sim1) as
          [[i0' [t0' [s2' [Hplus2 Hmatch0']]]] | [i0' [Hord Hmatch0']]]; eauto.
        edestruct (wsimulation_plus _ _ _ _ sim2) as
            [[i1' [t1' [s3' [Hplus3 Hmatch1']]]] | [i1' [Hord' Hmatch1']]]; eauto.
           (i1',i0'), t1', s3'; split; auto.
           s2'; auto.
          subst; (i1',i0'), E0, s3; split.
          right; split; constructor; auto.
           s2'; auto.
        subst; (i1,i0'), E0, s3; split.
        right; split; [constructor|].
        apply lex_ord_right; constructor; auto.
         s2; auto.

  Corollary compose_simulation_inhabited :
    inhabited (simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2) →
    inhabited (simulation sem2 sem3 observe2 observe3) →
    inhabited (simulation sem1 sem3 observe1 observe3).
    intros [sim1] [sim2]; constructor; apply compose_simulation; auto.

  Corollary compose_weak_simulation_inhabited :
    inhabited (weak_simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2) →
    inhabited (weak_simulation sem2 sem3 observe2 observe3) →
    inhabited (weak_simulation sem1 sem3 observe1 observe3).
    intros [sim1] [sim2]; constructor; apply compose_weak_simulation; auto.


Section SIM_DET.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1) (sem2 : semantics ret state2).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Hypothesis sim : weak_simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2.
  Hypothesis det : sem_deterministic sem2.

  Context `{Beh1: !Behavioral sem1 observe1} `{Beh2: !Behavioral sem2 observe2}.

  Theorem weak_sim_beh_eq :
     i s1 s2,
      safe sem1 s1sim i s1 s2
      state_beh_eq sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2 s1 s2.
    intros i s1 s2 Hsafe Hsim; split.
    intros b Hbeh; b; split; [|reflexivity].
    eapply (sim_beh_subset _ _ _ _ sim); eauto.
    intros b Hbeh.
    destruct (beh_exists sem1 observe1 s1) as [b' Hbeh']; b'; split; auto.
    eapply beh_det; eauto.
    eapply (sim_beh_subset _ _ _ _ sim); eauto.


Section WORLD.

  Context {ret state : Type}.
  Variable sem : semantics ret state.
  Variable wi : world.

  Lemma world_star :
     s t s',
      Star (world_sem ret sem wi) s t s'
      Star sem (fst s) t (fst s') possible_trace (snd s) t (snd s').
    intros s t s'; split.
    - induction 1.
      split; constructor.
      destruct IHstar, H; split.
      econstructor; eauto.
      subst; eapply possible_trace_app; eauto.
    - intros [Hstar Htrace]; generalize Htrace; clear Htrace.
      destruct s as [s w], s' as [s' w']; unfold fst, snd in ×.
      generalize w w'; clear w w'.
      induction Hstar.
      intros w w' Htrace; inv Htrace; constructor.
      subst; intros w w' Htrace; edestruct possible_trace_app_inv as [w'' [Ht1 Ht2]]; eauto.
      eapply star_trans with (s2:= (s2,w'')); eauto.
      eapply star_step with (s2:= (s2,w'')).
      constructor; eauto.
      rewrite E0_right; auto.

  Lemma world_plus :
     s t s',
      Plus (world_sem ret sem wi) s t s'
      Plus sem (fst s) t (fst s') possible_trace (snd s) t (snd s').
    intros s t s'; split.
    - intro Hplus; inv Hplus.
      inv H; apply world_star in H0; destruct H0; split.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply possible_trace_app; eauto.
    - intros [Hplus Htrace]; inv Hplus.
      edestruct possible_trace_app_inv as [w'' [Ht1 Ht2]]; eauto.
      eapply plus_left with (s2:= (s2,w'')); eauto.
      constructor; auto.
      apply world_star; auto.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.

  Variable observe : stateobs.

  Definition world_observe (s : state × world) :=
    match s with (s,_)observe s end.

  Definition world_sim1 :
    simulation (world_sem ret sem wi) sem world_observe observe.
    apply Simulation with (sim_index:= unit)
                          (sim_order:= fun _ _False)
                          (sim_match_states:= fun _ sw ss = fst sw).
    - constructor; intuition.
    - intros ? [s1 w] s2 ?; subst; auto.
    - intros ? [s1 w] s2 r ?; subst; auto.
    - intros [s1 w] t s1' Hstep ? s2 ?; subst.
      inv Hstep.
       tt, (fst s1'); split; auto.
      left; apply plus_one; auto.

  Variable init : stateProp.

  Hypothesis init_preserved :
     s t s',
      init sStep sem s t s'init s'.

  Hypothesis init_no_trace :
     s t s',
      init sStep sem s t s't = E0.

  Hypothesis final_nostep :
     s r,
      final_state sem s rNostep sem s.

  Lemma init_preserved_star :
     s t s',
      init sStar sem s t s'init s'.
    induction 2; eauto.

  Lemma world_safe :
     s w,
      init ssafe sem s
      safe (world_sem ret sem wi) (s,w).
    intros s w Hinit Hsafe [s' w'] t Hstar.
    apply world_star in Hstar; destruct Hstar; simpl in ×.
    destruct (Hsafe s' t) as [? | [s'' [t' Hstep]]]; auto.
    right; (s'',w'), t'; simpl; split; auto.
    assert (t' = E0).
    eapply init_no_trace; [|eauto].
    eapply init_preserved_star; eauto.
    subst; constructor.

  Definition world_sim2 :
    simulation sem (world_sem ret sem wi) observe world_observe.
    apply Simulation with (sim_index:= unit)
                          (sim_order:= fun _ _False)
                             fun _ s sws = fst sw init s
                                           safe (world_sem ret sem wi) sw).
    - constructor; intuition.
    - intros ? s1 [s2 w] [? ?]; subst; auto.
    - intros ? s1 [s2 w] r [? ?] ?; subst; auto.
    - intros s1 t s1' Hstep ? [s2 w] [? [Hinit Hsafe]]; subst.
      destruct (Hsafe (s2,w) E0) as [[r Hfin] | [s2' [t' Hstep']]].
      simpl in Hfin; edestruct final_nostep; eauto.
      inv Hstep'.
      assert (t = E0) by (eapply init_no_trace; eauto); subst.
       tt, (s1',w); split; eauto.
      left; apply plus_one; constructor; simpl; auto; constructor.
      split; auto; split; eauto.
      eapply safe_step; eauto.
      constructor; simpl; eauto; constructor.

  Context `{Hbeh : !Behavioral sem observe}.

  Instance world_behavioral : Behavioral (world_sem ret sem wi) world_observe.
    - intros t [s1 w1] [s2 w2]; simpl.
      intros [? ?]; eapply obs_monotonic; eauto.
    - intros t [s1 w1] [s2 w2]; simpl.
      intros [? ?]; eapply obs_monotonic_measure; eauto.

  Theorem world_state_beh_eq :
     s w,
      init ssafe sem s
      safe (world_sem ret sem wi) (s,w)
      state_beh_eq sem (world_sem ret sem wi) observe world_observe s (s,w).
    intros s w Hinit Hsafe1 Hsafe2; split; intros b Hb; b; split; try reflexivity.
    eapply sim_beh_subset with (wsim:= world_sim2) (i:= tt); simpl; eauto.
    apply world_behavioral.
    eapply sim_beh_subset with (wsim:= world_sim1) (i:= tt); simpl; eauto.
    apply world_behavioral.


Section WORLD_SIM.

  Context `{Obs': Observation}.
  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Context {ret state1 state2 : Type}.
  Variables (sem1 : semantics ret state1) (sem2 : semantics ret state2).
  Variables (observe1 : state1obs) (observe2 : state2obs).

  Hypothesis sim : simulation sem1 sem2 observe1 observe2.
  Hypothesis det : determinate sem2.
  Variable wi : world.
  Definition world_sim : simulation (world_sem ret sem1 wi) (world_sem ret sem2 wi)
                                 (world_observe observe1) (world_observe observe2).
    apply Simulation with (sim_index:= sim_index _ _ _ _ sim)
                          (sim_order:= sim_order _ _ _ _ sim)
                          (sim_match_states:= fun i (s1 : state1 × world) (s2 : state2 × world) ⇒
                                                sim_match_states _ _ _ _ sim i (fst s1) (fst s2)
                                                snd s1 = snd s2);
      try apply sim.
    - destruct s1, s2; simpl.
      intros [? ?]; eapply sim; eauto.
    - simpl; intros ? ? ? ? [? ?]; eapply sim; eauto.
    - intros [s1 w1] t [s1' w1'] [Hstep Htrace] i [s2 w2] [Hsim ?]; unfold fst, snd in *; subst.
      edestruct (sim_simulation' _ _ _ _ sim) as
          [[i' [s2' [Hplus2 Hmatch']]] | [i' [Hord [? Hmatch']]]]; eauto.
       i', (s2',w1'); split; auto.
      left; apply world_plus; auto.
       i', (s2,w1'); split; auto.
      right; split; auto.
      subst; inv Htrace; constructor.

  Context `{Beh1: !Behavioral sem1 observe1} `{Beh2: !Behavioral sem2 observe2}.

  Variable init : state1Prop.

  Hypothesis init_preserved :
     s t s',
      init sStep sem1 s t s'init s'.

  Hypothesis init_safe :
     s, init ssafe sem1 s.

  Hypothesis init_no_trace :
     s t s',
      init sStep sem1 s t s't = E0.

  Theorem sim_beh_eq :
     i s1 s2 w,
      init s1sim i s1 s2
      state_beh_eq (world_sem ret sem1 wi) (world_sem ret sem2 wi)
                   (world_observe observe1) (world_observe observe2) (s1,w) (s2,w).
    intros i s1 s2 w Hinit Hsim.
    eapply (weak_sim_beh_eq _ _ _ _ world_sim).
    apply world_sem_deterministic; auto.
    apply world_behavioral; auto.
    apply world_behavioral; auto.
    eapply world_safe; eauto.
    simpl; eauto.


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