Library mcertikos.layerlib.CompCertiKOS

The CompCertiKOS verified compiler, from CompCertX ClightX to per-function/module CertiKOS LAsm.

Require SeparateCompiler.
Require LAsmgen.

Import Errors.
Import AST.
Import ComposePasses.

Definition transf_rtl_program
           (fenv: Inlining.funenv)
           (p: RTL.program): res LAsm.program :=
  OK p
     @@@ (SeparateCompiler.transf_rtl_program fenv)
     @@ LAsmgen.transf_program.

Now, let's prove that our compiler is a per-function compiler (given an inlining parameter, which we do not care about how it is computed).

Definition transf_rtl_fundef (fenv: Inlining.funenv):
   (f: RTL.fundef), res LAsm.fundef :=
  (SeparateCompiler.transf_rtl_fundef fenv)
    ;> LAsmgen.transf_fundef.

Auxiliary functions. These functions should be used only in proofs, and should not be extracted, because if the computation of fenv is based on transf_clight_fundef_to_rtl, then using transf_clight_fundef_to_lasm' will call transf_clight_fundef_to_rtl twice.

Definition transf_clight_fundef' (fenv: Inlining.funenv):
   (f: Clight.fundef), res LAsm.fundef :=
  (SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_fundef' fenv)
    ;> LAsmgen.transf_fundef.

Definition transf_clight_program' (fenv: Inlining.funenv)
           (p: Clight.program): res LAsm.program :=
  OK p
     @@@ (SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_program' fenv)
     @@ LAsmgen.transf_program.

Lemma transf_rtl_fundef_to_program:
   fenv p tp,
    transform_partial_program (transf_rtl_fundef fenv) p = OK tp
    transf_rtl_program fenv p = OK tp.
  unfold transf_rtl_fundef, transf_rtl_program.
  repeat SeparateCompiler.compose_elim.
  eapply apply_partial_intro; eauto using SeparateCompiler.transf_rtl_fundef_to_program.

Lemma transf_clight_fundef_to_program':
   fenv p tp,
    transform_partial_program2 (transf_clight_fundef' fenv) Cshmgen.transl_globvar p = OK tp
    transf_clight_program' fenv p = OK tp.
  unfold transf_clight_program', transf_clight_fundef'. intros.
  replace (Cshmgen.transl_globvar) with (Cshmgen.transl_globvar ;;; (fun vOK v)) in H by reflexivity.
  eapply transform_partial_program2_compose_in_out in H. SeparateCompiler.compose_elim.
  match type of Hbc with
    | transform_partial_program2 ?tf ?tv ?b = _
      change (transform_partial_program2 tf tv b) with (transform_partial_program tf b) in Hbc
  unfold apply_partial.
  erewrite SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_fundef_to_program'; eauto.
  simpl. f_equal.
  rewrite transform_program_partial_program in Hbc.
  inversion Hbc; subst.

Lemma transf_rtl_program_to_fundef:
   fenv p tp,
    transf_rtl_program fenv p = OK tp
    transform_partial_program (transf_rtl_fundef fenv) p = OK tp.
  unfold transf_rtl_program, transf_rtl_fundef.
  repeat SeparateCompiler.apply_elim.
  repeat SeparateCompiler.compose_intro.
  eauto using SeparateCompiler.transf_rtl_program_to_fundef.

Lemma transf_clight_program_to_fundef':
   fenv p tp,
    transf_clight_program' fenv p = OK tp
    transform_partial_program2 (transf_clight_fundef' fenv) Cshmgen.transl_globvar p = OK tp.
  unfold transf_clight_program', transf_clight_fundef'.
  repeat SeparateCompiler.apply_elim.
  replace (Cshmgen.transl_globvar) with (Cshmgen.transl_globvar ;;; (fun vOK v)) by reflexivity.
  eapply transform_partial_program2_compose_out_in.
  eapply compose_partial_intro.
  eapply SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_program_to_fundef'; eauto.
  eapply transform_program_partial_program.

Now, let's prove that our compiler does not change well-typed external functions

Theorem transf_clight_fundef_external:
   fenv ef tl ty cc,
    ef_sig ef = Ctypes.signature_of_type tl ty cc
    transf_clight_fundef' fenv (Clight.External ef tl ty cc) = OK (AST.External ef).
  unfold transf_clight_fundef'.
  unfold compose_total_right, apply_total.
  erewrite SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_fundef_external; eauto.

Now, let's prove that our compiler is a per-function compiler for internal functions.

Definition transf_rtl_function fenv: (p: RTL.function), res LAsm.function :=
  (SeparateCompiler.transf_rtl_function fenv)
    ;> LAsmgen.transf_function.

Definition transf_clight_function' fenv: (p: Clight.function), res LAsm.function :=
  (SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_function' fenv)
    ;> LAsmgen.transf_function.

Theorem transf_clight_fundef_internal:
   fenv f tf,
    transf_clight_function' fenv f = OK tf
    transf_clight_fundef' fenv (Clight.Internal f) = OK (AST.Internal tf).
  unfold transf_clight_function' in H.
  repeat SeparateCompiler.compose_elim.
  unfold transf_clight_fundef'.
  unfold compose_total_right.
  unfold apply_total.
  erewrite SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_fundef_internal; eauto.

Per-module compiler (uses the concrete implementation of modules)

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Functor.
Require Import Monad.
Require Import OptionMonad.
Require Import ErrorMonad.
Require Import PTrees.
Require Import PTreeModules.

How to use CompCertX to compile modules from Clight to Asm.

Definition transf_nzdef {A B} (transf_function: Ares B):
  res Ares (res B) :=
    fun z
      a <- z;
      b <- transf_function a;
      OK (OK b).

We first construct the fenv function map for function inlining, from an RTL "module" (PTree of RTL internal function definitions).
The following definition selects a function for inlining.

Definition select_to_inline i (z: res RTL.function): option RTL.function :=
  fallback None
    (f <- z;
     OK (if Inlining.should_inline i f then Some f else None)).

Thanks to this definition, we can now build the inlining environment.

Definition fenv (M: PTree.t (res RTL.function)): Inlining.funenv :=
  PTree.map_option select_to_inline M.

Finally, we can define the CompCertX compiler on Clight modules.

Definition transf_module (M: ptree_module Clight.function (globvar Ctypes.type)):
  res (ptree_module LAsm.function (AST.globvar Ctypes.type)) :=
  Mt1 <- PTree.map_error
           (fun _transf_nzdef SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_function_to_rtl)
           (fst M);
  Mt2 <- PTree.map_error
           (fun _transf_nzdef (transf_rtl_function (fenv Mt1)))
  ret (Mt2, snd M).

For the purpose of the proof, we can rewrite our compiler as follows:

Definition fenv_of_clight (M:ptree_module Clight.function (globvar Ctypes.type)):
  res Inlining.funenv :=
  Mt1 <- PTree.map_error
           (fun _transf_nzdef SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_function_to_rtl)
           (fst M);
  OK (fenv Mt1).

Definition transf_module_with_fenv
           (fenv: Inlining.funenv)
           (M: ptree_module Clight.function (AST.globvar Ctypes.type))
    Mt <- PTree.map_error
            (fun _transf_nzdef (transf_clight_function' fenv))
            (fst M);
    OK (Mt, snd M).

Definition transf_module'
           (M: ptree_module Clight.function (AST.globvar Ctypes.type)) :=
  match fenv_of_clight M with
    | OK fenvtransf_module_with_fenv fenv M
    | Error msgError msg

Lemma transf_module_eq_module'_ok:
   M M',
    transf_module M = OK M'
    transf_module' M = OK M'.
  unfold transf_module, transf_module'.
  unfold transf_module_with_fenv.
  unfold fenv_of_clight.
  destruct (PTree.map_error _ _) eqn:?; try discriminate; monad_norm.
  inv_monad H; subst.
  generalize (PTree.map_compose_ok).
  generalize (PTree.map_compose_ok _ _ _ _ _ (fun _transf_nzdef (transf_clight_function' (fenv t))) _ _ _ Heqr H2).
  intro Z.
  exploit Z.
  destruct a as [|]; simpl.
    unfold transf_clight_function'.
    unfold SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_function'.
    unfold ComposePasses.compose_partial, ComposePasses.compose_total_right, ComposePasses.apply_partial.
    unfold transf_nzdef, transf_rtl_function in ×.
    destruct (SeparateCompiler.transf_clight_function_to_rtl f); try discriminate.
    inv H0.
    inversion 2; subst.
   rewrite H.

Local Existing Instance ptree_module_ops.
Local Existing Instance ptree_module_prf.

Lemma get_module_function_transf_some_strong:
   M1 M2,
    transf_module M1 = OK M2
     (i: ident) f1,
      get_module_function i M1 = OK (Some f1) →
        get_module_function i M2 = OK (Some f2)
          transf_clight_function' fenv f1 = OK f2.
  intros until M2. intros TRANSF.
  apply transf_module_eq_module'_ok in TRANSF.
  unfold transf_module' in TRANSF.
  destruct (fenv_of_clight M1); try discriminate.
  intros i f1.
  unfold transf_module_with_fenv in TRANSF.
  inv_monad TRANSF; subst.
  generalize (PTree.gmap_error_ok _ _ _ i _ _ H0).
  Transparent ptree_module_ops. simpl.
  unfold ptree_module_function.
  destruct ((fst M1) ! i) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.
  unfold transf_nzdef.
  intros (f' & Hf'1 & Hf'2).
  inv_monad Hf'1; subst.
  inversion 1; subst.
  × rewrite Hf'2.
  × f.

Lemma get_module_function_transf_some:
   M1 M2,
    transf_module M1 = OK M2
     (i: ident) f1,
      get_module_function i M1 = OK (Some f1) →
        get_module_function i M2 = OK (Some f2).
  intros. exploit get_module_function_transf_some_strong; eauto.
  destruct 1 as (? & ? & ?) .

Lemma get_module_function_transf_none:
   M1 M2,
    transf_module M1 = OK M2
     (i: ident),
      get_module_function i M1 = OK None
      get_module_function i M2 = OK None.
  intros until M2. intros TRANSF.
  apply transf_module_eq_module'_ok in TRANSF.
  unfold transf_module' in TRANSF.
  destruct (fenv_of_clight M1); try discriminate.
  intro i.
  unfold transf_module_with_fenv in TRANSF.
  inv_monad TRANSF; subst.
  generalize (PTree.gmap_error_ok _ _ _ i _ _ H0).
  Transparent ptree_module_ops. simpl.
  unfold ptree_module_function.
  destruct ((fst M1) ! i) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.
  intros H _.
  rewrite H.

Lemma get_module_function_transf_error:
   M1 M2,
    transf_module M1 = OK M2
     (i: ident) msg,
      get_module_function i M1 = Error msg
      get_module_function i M2 = Error msg.
  intros until M2. intros TRANSF.
  apply transf_module_eq_module'_ok in TRANSF.
  unfold transf_module' in TRANSF.
  destruct (fenv_of_clight M1); try discriminate.
  intro i.
  unfold transf_module_with_fenv in TRANSF.
  inv_monad TRANSF; subst.
  generalize (PTree.gmap_error_ok _ _ _ i _ _ H0).
  Transparent ptree_module_ops. simpl.
  unfold ptree_module_function.
  destruct ((fst M1) ! i); try discriminate.
  destruct r as [|]; try discriminate.
  destruct 1 as [? [? HM2]].

Lemma get_module_variable_transf:
   M1 M2,
    transf_module M1 = OK M2
     (i: ident),
      get_module_variable i M2 =
      get_module_variable i M1.
  intros until M2. intros TRANSF.
  apply transf_module_eq_module'_ok in TRANSF.
  unfold transf_module' in TRANSF.
  destruct (fenv_of_clight M1); try discriminate.
  intro i.
  unfold transf_module_with_fenv in TRANSF.
  inv_monad TRANSF; subst.
  generalize (PTree.gmap_error_ok _ _ _ i _ _ H0).
  Transparent ptree_module_ops. simpl.
  unfold ptree_module_variable.