Library mcertikos.layerlib.RefinementTactic

This file provide the tactic for refinement proof between layers
Require Import Values.
Require Import AsmX.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import Events.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import liblayers.logic.LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.

Ltac accessor_prop_tac :=
repeat match goal with
         | |- _, _idtac
         | _constructor
       end; try (inversion 2); try (inversion 1); intros; trivial; try (econstructor; simpl; eauto 2; fail).

Ltac exist_simpl :=
  intros HP HR; pose proof HR as HR'; inv HR; revert HP; simpl;
  subrewrite'; intros HQ; subdestruct; simpl;
  inv HQ; simpl; refine_split; eauto 1;
  simpl; try reflexivity; eauto;
  try constructor; simpl; try reflexivity; trivial
  ;try (inv HR'; assumption; fail).

Ltac compatsim_simpl' :=
  match goal with
    | [ |- compatsim_def _ _ _ ] ⇒
      constructor; split; try reflexivity;
      match goal with
        | |- res_le %signature _ _
          repeat constructor
        | _
      try (simpl; intros s WB1 WB2 ι vargs1 m1 d1 vres1 m1' d1' vargs2 m2 d2 HWB _ Hlow Hhigh Hhigh' H Hmd;
           let Hmatch1 := fresh "Hmatch_ext" in
           pose proof Hmd as Hmatch1;
           inv_generic_sem H; inv Hmd)
    | _idtac

Ltac reduce_to_sim_step :=
  split; simpl in *; try reflexivity;
          match goal with
          | |- (__true = true) _split; [ reflexivity | idtac ]
          | |- X, Some ?Y = Some X _ Y; split; [ reflexivity |]
          | |- res_le _ _repeat constructor
          | |- res_le (@rel_top _ _) _ _repeat constructor
          | |- option_le _ _ _repeat constructor
          | _idtac

Ltac compatsim_simpl_inv_match H Hmd match_D :=
     let Hmatch1 := fresh "Hmatch_ext" in
     pose proof Hmd as Hmatch1; inv_generic_sem H; inv Hmd;
     match goal with
     | Hmatch':context [match_D]
       |- _
           let Hmatch := fresh "Hmatch" in
           pose proof Hmatch' as Hmatch; inv Hmatch
     | _idtac

Ltac compatsim_simpl match_D :=
   match goal with
   | |- compatsim_def _ _ _
     match goal with
     | |- sextcall_sim _ _ _
       intros s WB1 WB2 ι vargs1 m1 d1 vres1 m1' d1' vargs2 m2 d2 HWB _
         Hlow Hhigh Hhigh' H Hmd;
       compatsim_simpl_inv_match H Hmd match_D
     | |- sprimcall_sim _ _ _
       intros s ι rs1 m1 d1 rs1' m1' d1' rs2 m2 d2 _
         Hlow Hhigh Hhigh' ? H Hmd;
       compatsim_simpl_inv_match H Hmd match_D
     | |- sextcall_sprimcall_sim _ _ _
       intros s b ι WB1 vargs1 vargs2 vres m1 d1 m1' d1' rs2 m2 d2 _
         Hlow Hhigh Hhigh' H Hmd Hsi Hpc ;
       compatsim_simpl_inv_match H Hmd match_D
   | _idtac

Ltac rewrite_store_nextblock :=
  repeat progress
         match goal with
           | [HST: _ _ _ _ _ = Some ?m2' |- context[Mem.nextblock ?m2']] ⇒
             rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST)

Ltac rewrite_store_outside_inject :=
  repeat progress match goal with
    | [HST: _ ?m2 _ _ _ = Some ?m2'|-
       Mem.inject ?ι _ ?m2'] ⇒
      eapply Mem.store_outside_inject in HST; try eapply HST; intros;
      match goal with
        | [Hsome: ι _ = _, Hperm: context[¬ Mem.perm _ _ _ _ _] |- _] ⇒
          eapply inject_forward_equal in Hsome; eauto; inv Hsome;
          eapply Hperm; try eassumption; simpl; eauto
        | _try eassumption

Ltac pattern2_refinement_simpl' relate_D:=
  match goal with
    | [HST: _ ?m2 _ _ _ = Some ?m2'|- Mem.inject ?ι _ ?m2'] ⇒ rewrite_store_outside_inject
    | [Hrelate: context[relate_D] |- context[relate_D]] ⇒
      inv Hrelate; simpl in *; split; simpl; try eassumption
    | [ |- (Mem.nextblock _ Mem.nextblock ?m2')%positive] ⇒
      rewrite_store_nextblock; try xomega
    | _idtac

Ltac layer_sim_simpl :=
  match goal with
    | |- sim _ (accessors _) _
      apply cl_accessors_sim_intro
    | _apply layer_sim_intro; simpl

          Ltac match_external_states_simpl :=
            match goal with
              | |- inject_incr ?f ?fapply inject_incr_refl
              | _repeat (econstructor; eauto; try congruence)
            match goal with
              | |- _ PC = Vptr _ _eapply reg_symbol_inject; eassumption
              | |- _, val_inject _ _ _val_inject_simpl
              | _idtac

        Ltac kctxt_inj_simpl :=
          eapply kctxt_inj_set; eauto;
          intros; unfold Pregmap.get in *;
          repeat (rewrite Pregmap_Simpl);