Library mcertikos.proc.ThreadIntroGenFresh

This file provide the contextual refinement proof between PKContextNew layer and PThreadIntro layer
Require Import ThreadIntroGenSpec.
Require Import ThreadIntroGenDef.

Definition of the refinement relation

Section Refinement.

  Section WITHMEM.

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

    Ltac pattern2_refinement_simpl:=
      pattern2_refinement_simpl' (@relate_AbData).

    Lemma get_state_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem get_state_spec) get_state_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData). inv H.
      assert(HOS: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        simpl; inv match_related.
        functional inversion H2; repeat (split; trivial); congruence.
      destruct HOS as [Hkern HOS].
      pose proof H0 as HMem.
      specialize (H0 _ HOS). destruct H0 as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[_[HL2[_[HL3[_ HM]]]]]]]]].
      assert (HP: v1 = Vint z).
        functional inversion H2; subst. rewrite H7 in HM; inv HM.
        apply ZtoThreadState_correct in H14; inv H14.
        rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z; rewrite <- H.
        rewrite H9. rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. trivial.
      refine_split; eauto; econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma get_prev_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem get_prev_spec) get_prev_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData). inv H.
      assert(HOS: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        simpl; inv match_related.
        functional inversion H2; repeat (split; trivial); congruence.
      destruct HOS as [Hkern HOS].
      pose proof H0 as HMem.
      specialize (H0 _ HOS). destruct H0 as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[_[HL2[_[HL3[_ HM]]]]]]]]].
      assert (HP: v2 = Vint z).
        functional inversion H2; subst. rewrite H7 in HM; inv HM.
        rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z. rewrite <- H9.
        rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. trivial.
      refine_split; eauto; econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma get_next_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem get_next_spec) get_next_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData). inv H.
      assert(HOS: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        simpl; inv match_related.
        functional inversion H2; repeat (split; trivial); congruence.
      destruct HOS as [Hkern HOS].
      pose proof H0 as HMem.
      specialize (H0 _ HOS). destruct H0 as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[_[HL2[_[HL3[_ HM]]]]]]]]].
      assert (HP: v3 = Vint z).
        functional inversion H2; subst. rewrite H7 in HM; inv HM.
        rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned with z. rewrite <- H10.
        rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. trivial.
      refine_split; eauto; econstructor; eauto.

    Lemma set_state_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem set_state_spec) set_state_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
      assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        inv match_related. functional inversion H1; subst.
        repeat (split; trivial); try congruence; eauto.
      destruct Hkern as [Hkern HOS].
      inv H. rename H0 into HMem; destruct (HMem _ HOS) as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[HV1[HL2[HV2[HL3[HV3 HM]]]]]]]]].
      specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint i0) HV1); intros [m' HST].
      - econstructor; eauto.
        instantiate (2:= m').
        instantiate (1:= d2).
        simpl; lift_trivial. subrewrite'.
      - constructor.
      - pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        split; eauto; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
        rewrite H8 in HM. inv HM.
        econstructor; simpl; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto; intros.
        destruct (zeq ofs (Int.unsigned i)); subst.
          refine_split'; eauto;
          try eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
          eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL2; eauto.
          simpl; right; right. reflexivity.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL3; eauto.
          simpl; right; right. omega.
          rewrite ZMap.gss. simpl.
          constructor. assumption.

          specialize (HMem _ H).
          destruct HMem as [v1'[v2'[v3'[HL1'[HV1'[HL2'[HV2'[HL3'[HV3' HM']]]]]]]]].
          refine_split'; eauto;
          try eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL1'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL2'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL3'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite ZMap.gso; trivial.
      - apply inject_incr_refl.

    Lemma set_prev_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem set_prev_spec) set_prev_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
      assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        inv match_related. functional inversion H1; subst.
        repeat (split; trivial); try congruence; eauto.
      destruct Hkern as [Hkern HOS].
      inv H. rename H0 into HMem; destruct (HMem _ HOS) as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[HV1[HL2[HV2[HL3[HV3 HM]]]]]]]]].
      specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint i0) HV2); intros [m' HST].
      - econstructor; eauto.
        instantiate (2:= m').
        instantiate (1:= d2).
        simpl; lift_trivial. subrewrite'.
      - constructor.
      - pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        split; eauto; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
        rewrite H8 in HM. inv HM.
        econstructor; simpl; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto; intros.
        destruct (zeq ofs (Int.unsigned i)); subst.
          refine_split'; eauto;
          try eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL1; eauto.
          simpl; right; left. reflexivity.
          eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL3; eauto.
          simpl; right; right. omega.
          rewrite ZMap.gss. simpl.
          constructor. assumption.

          specialize (HMem _ H).
          destruct HMem as [v1'[v2'[v3'[HL1'[HV1'[HL2'[HV2'[HL3'[HV3' HM']]]]]]]]].
          refine_split'; eauto;
          try eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL1'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL2'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL3'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite ZMap.gso; trivial.
      - apply inject_incr_refl.

    Lemma set_next_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem set_next_spec) set_next_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
      assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        inv match_related. functional inversion H1; subst.
        repeat (split; trivial); try congruence; eauto.
      destruct Hkern as [Hkern HOS].
      inv H. rename H0 into HMem; destruct (HMem _ HOS) as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[HV1[HL2[HV2[HL3[HV3 HM]]]]]]]]].
      specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint i0) HV3); intros [m' HST].
      - econstructor; eauto.
        instantiate (2:= m').
        instantiate (1:= d2).
        simpl; lift_trivial. subrewrite'.
      - constructor.
      - pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        split; eauto; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
        rewrite H8 in HM. inv HM.
        econstructor; simpl; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto; intros.
        destruct (zeq ofs (Int.unsigned i)); subst.
          refine_split'; eauto;
          try eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL1; eauto.
          simpl; right; left. omega.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL2; eauto.
          simpl; right; left. omega.
          eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
          rewrite ZMap.gss. simpl.
          constructor. assumption.

          specialize (HMem _ H).
          destruct HMem as [v1'[v2'[v3'[HL1'[HV1'[HL2'[HV2'[HL3'[HV3' HM']]]]]]]]].
          refine_split'; eauto;
          try eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL1'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL2'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite <- (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST) in HL3'; eauto.
          simpl; right. destruct (zlt ofs (Int.unsigned i)); [left; omega|right; omega].
          rewrite ZMap.gso; trivial.
      - apply inject_incr_refl.

    Lemma tcb_init_spec_ref:
      compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem tcb_init_spec) tcb_init_spec_low.
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
      assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2 0 Int.unsigned i < num_proc).
        inv match_related. functional inversion H1; subst.
        repeat (split; trivial); try congruence; eauto.
      destruct Hkern as [Hkern HOS].
      inv H. rename H0 into HMem; destruct (HMem _ HOS) as [v1[v2[v3[HL1[HV1[HL2[HV2[HL3[HV3 HM]]]]]]]]].
      specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr 3)) HV1); intros [m'1 HST1].
      apply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1) in HV2.
      specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr num_proc)) HV2); intros [m'2 HST2].
      apply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1) in HV3.
      apply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2) in HV3.
      specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr num_proc)) HV3); intros [m'3 HST3].
      - econstructor; eauto.
        instantiate (1:= (m'1, d2)).
        simpl; lift_trivial. subrewrite'.
        instantiate (1:= (m'2, d2)).
        simpl; lift_trivial. subrewrite'.
        instantiate (1:= d2).
        instantiate (1:= m'3).
        simpl; lift_trivial. subrewrite'.
      - constructor.
      - pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        split; eauto; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
        econstructor; simpl; eauto.
        econstructor; eauto; intros.
        destruct (zeq ofs (Int.unsigned i)); subst.
          refine_split'; eauto;
          repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).
          erewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST3); eauto; [|right; left; simpl; omega].
          erewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto; [|right; left; simpl; omega].
          eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
          erewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST3); eauto; [|right; left; simpl; omega].
          eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
          eapply Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
          rewrite ZMap.gss.
          replace 64 with (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 64)).
          constructor; trivial.
          apply Int.unsigned_repr. rewrite int_max; omega.

          specialize (HMem _ H).
          destruct HMem as [v1'[v2'[v3'[HL1'[HV1'[HL2'[HV2'[HL3'[HV3' HM']]]]]]]]].
          repeat (erewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST3); [|load_other_simpl ofs i]).
          repeat (erewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); [|load_other_simpl ofs i]).
          repeat (erewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); [|load_other_simpl ofs i]).
          refine_split'; eauto;
          repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).
          rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
      - apply inject_incr_refl.


End Refinement.