Library Coq.Init.Logic_Type

Set Implicit Arguments.

This module defines quantification on the world Type (Logic.v was defining it on the world Set)

Require Import Datatypes.
Require Export Logic.

Definition notT (A:Type) := A -> False.

Section identity_is_a_congruence.

  Variables A B : Type.
  Variable f : A -> B.

  Variables x y z : A.
 Lemma sym_id : identity x y -> identity y x.
  destruct 1; trivial.

 Lemma trans_id : identity x y -> identity y z -> identity x z.
  destruct 2; trivial.

 Lemma congr_id : identity x y -> identity (f x) (f y).
  destruct 1; trivial.

 Lemma sym_not_id : notT (identity x y) -> notT (identity y x).
  red in |- *; intros H H'; apply H; destruct H'; trivial.

End identity_is_a_congruence.

Definition identity_ind_r :
  forall (A:Type) (a:A) (P:A -> Prop), P a -> forall y:A, identity y a -> P y.
 intros A x P H y H0; case sym_id with (1 := H0); trivial.

Definition identity_rec_r :
  forall (A:Type) (a:A) (P:A -> Set), P a -> forall y:A, identity y a -> P y.
 intros A x P H y H0; case sym_id with (1 := H0); trivial.

Definition identity_rect_r :
  forall (A:Type) (a:A) (P:A -> Type), P a -> forall y:A, identity y a -> P y.
 intros A x P H y H0; case sym_id with (1 := H0); trivial.

Inductive prodT (A B:Type) : Type :=
    pairT : A -> B -> prodT A B.

Section prodT_proj.

   Variables A B : Type.

  Definition fstT (H:prodT A B) := match H with
                                   | pairT x _ => x
  Definition sndT (H:prodT A B) := match H with
                                   | pairT _ y => y

End prodT_proj.

Definition prodT_uncurry (A B C:Type) (f:prodT A B -> C)
  (x:A) (y:B) : C := f (pairT x y).

Definition prodT_curry (A B C:Type) (f:A -> B -> C)
  (p:prodT A B) : C := match p with
                       | pairT x y => f x y

Hint Immediate sym_id sym_not_id: core v62.

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