Library Coq.Relations.Newman

Require Import Rstar.

Section Newman.

Variable A : Type.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.

Let Rstar := Rstar A R.
Let Rstar_reflexive := Rstar_reflexive A R.
Let Rstar_transitive := Rstar_transitive A R.
Let Rstar_Rstar' := Rstar_Rstar' A R.

Definition coherence (x y:A) := ex2 (Rstar x) (Rstar y).

Theorem coherence_intro :
 forall x y z:A, Rstar x z -> Rstar y z -> coherence x y.
  fun (x y z:A) (h1:Rstar x z) (h2:Rstar y z) =>
    ex_intro2 (Rstar x) (Rstar y) z h1 h2.
A very simple case of coherence :

Lemma Rstar_coherence : forall x y:A, Rstar x y -> coherence x y.
   fun (x y:A) (h:Rstar x y) => coherence_intro x y y h (Rstar_reflexive y).
coherence is symmetric
Lemma coherence_sym : forall x y:A, coherence x y -> coherence y x.
   fun (x y:A) (h:coherence x y) =>
       (fun (w:A) (h1:Rstar x w) (h2:Rstar y w) =>
          coherence_intro y x w h2 h1) h.

Definition confluence (x:A) :=
  forall y z:A, Rstar x y -> Rstar x z -> coherence y z.
Definition local_confluence (x:A) :=
  forall y z:A, R x y -> R x z -> coherence y z.
Definition noetherian :=
  forall (x:A) (P:A -> Prop),
    (forall y:A, (forall z:A, R y z -> P z) -> P y) -> P x.
Section Newman_section.

The general hypotheses of the theorem

Hypothesis Hyp1 : noetherian.
Hypothesis Hyp2 : forall x:A, local_confluence x.
The induction hypothesis

Section Induct.
   Variable x : A.
   Hypothesis hyp_ind : forall u:A, R x u -> confluence u.
Confluence in x

   Variables y z : A.
   Hypothesis h1 : Rstar x y.
   Hypothesis h2 : Rstar x z.
particular case x->u and u->*y
Section Newman_.
   Variable u : A.
   Hypothesis t1 : R x u.
   Hypothesis t2 : Rstar u y.
In the usual diagram, we assume also x->v and v->*z

Theorem Diagram : forall (v:A) (u1:R x v) (u2:Rstar v z), coherence y z.

  fun (v:A) (u1:R x v) (u2:Rstar v z) =>
      (fun (w:A) (s1:Rstar u w) (s2:Rstar v w) =>
           (fun (a:A) (v1:Rstar y a) (v2:Rstar w a) =>
                (fun (b:A) (w1:Rstar a b) (w2:Rstar z b) =>
                   coherence_intro y z b (Rstar_transitive y a b v1 w1) w2)
                (hyp_ind v u1 a z (Rstar_transitive v w a s2 v2) u2))
           (hyp_ind u t1 y w t2 s1)) (Hyp2 x u v t1 u1).
Theorem caseRxy : coherence y z.
  Rstar_Rstar' x z h2 (fun v w:A => coherence y w)
    (coherence_sym x y (Rstar_coherence x y h1))     Diagram. End Newman_.

Theorem Ind_proof : coherence y z.
  Rstar_Rstar' x y h1 (fun u v:A => coherence v z)
    (Rstar_coherence x z h2)     caseRxy. End Induct.

Theorem Newman : forall x:A, confluence x.
Proof fun x:A => Hyp1 x confluence Ind_proof.

End Newman_section.

End Newman.

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