Library Coq.ZArith.Zeven

Require Import BinInt.

About parity: even and odd predicates on Z, division by 2 on Z

Zeven, Zodd, Zdiv2 and their related properties

Definition Zeven (z:Z) :=
  match z with
  | Z0 => True
  | Zpos (xO _) => True
  | Zneg (xO _) => True
  | _ => False

Definition Zodd (z:Z) :=
  match z with
  | Zpos xH => True
  | Zneg xH => True
  | Zpos (xI _) => True
  | Zneg (xI _) => True
  | _ => False

Definition Zeven_bool (z:Z) :=
  match z with
  | Z0 => true
  | Zpos (xO _) => true
  | Zneg (xO _) => true
  | _ => false

Definition Zodd_bool (z:Z) :=
  match z with
  | Z0 => false
  | Zpos (xO _) => false
  | Zneg (xO _) => false
  | _ => true

Definition Zeven_odd_dec : forall z:Z, {Zeven z} + {Zodd z}.
  intro z. case z;
  [ left; compute in |- *; trivial | intro p; case p; intros; (right; compute in |- *; exact I) || (left; compute in |- *; exact I) | intro p; case p; intros; (right; compute in |- *; exact I) || (left; compute in |- *; exact I) ].

Definition Zeven_dec : forall z:Z, {Zeven z} + {~ Zeven z}.
  intro z. case z;
  [ left; compute in |- *; trivial | intro p; case p; intros; (left; compute in |- *; exact I) || (right; compute in |- *; trivial) | intro p; case p; intros; (left; compute in |- *; exact I) || (right; compute in |- *; trivial) ].

Definition Zodd_dec : forall z:Z, {Zodd z} + {~ Zodd z}.
  intro z. case z;
  [ right; compute in |- *; trivial | intro p; case p; intros; (left; compute in |- *; exact I) || (right; compute in |- *; trivial) | intro p; case p; intros; (left; compute in |- *; exact I) || (right; compute in |- *; trivial) ].

Lemma Zeven_not_Zodd : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> ~ Zodd n.
  intro z; destruct z; [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; compute in |- *;

Lemma Zodd_not_Zeven : forall n:Z, Zodd n -> ~ Zeven n.
  intro z; destruct z; [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; compute in |- *;

Lemma Zeven_Sn : forall n:Z, Zodd n -> Zeven (Zsucc n).
 intro z; destruct z; unfold Zsucc in |- *;
  [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
 unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.

Lemma Zodd_Sn : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> Zodd (Zsucc n).
 intro z; destruct z; unfold Zsucc in |- *;
  [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
 unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.

Lemma Zeven_pred : forall n:Z, Zodd n -> Zeven (Zpred n).
 intro z; destruct z; unfold Zpred in |- *;
  [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
 unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.

Lemma Zodd_pred : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> Zodd (Zpred n).
 intro z; destruct z; unfold Zpred in |- *;
  [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
 unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.

Hint Unfold Zeven Zodd: zarith.

Zdiv2 is defined on all Z, but notice that for odd negative integers it is not the euclidean quotient: in that case we have n = 2*(n/2)-1

Definition Zdiv2 (z:Z) :=
  match z with
  | Z0 => 0%Z
  | Zpos xH => 0%Z
  | Zpos p => Zpos (Pdiv2 p)
  | Zneg xH => 0%Z
  | Zneg p => Zneg (Pdiv2 p)

Lemma Zeven_div2 : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> n = (2 * Zdiv2 n)%Z.
intro x; destruct x.
auto with arith.
destruct p; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zeven (Zpos (xI p))); red in |- *; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zeven 1); red in |- *; auto with arith.
destruct p; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zeven (Zneg (xI p))); red in |- *; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zeven (-1)); red in |- *; auto with arith.

Lemma Zodd_div2 : forall n:Z, (n >= 0)%Z -> Zodd n -> n = (2 * Zdiv2 n + 1)%Z.
intro x; destruct x.
intros. absurd (Zodd 0); red in |- *; auto with arith.
destruct p; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zodd (Zpos (xO p))); red in |- *; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zneg p >= 0)%Z; red in |- *; auto with arith.

Lemma Zodd_div2_neg :
 forall n:Z, (n <= 0)%Z -> Zodd n -> n = (2 * Zdiv2 n - 1)%Z.
intro x; destruct x.
intros. absurd (Zodd 0); red in |- *; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zneg p >= 0)%Z; red in |- *; auto with arith.
destruct p; auto with arith.
intros. absurd (Zodd (Zneg (xO p))); red in |- *; auto with arith.

Lemma Z_modulo_2 :
 forall n:Z, {y : Z | n = (2 * y)%Z} + {y : Z | n = (2 * y + 1)%Z}.
intros x.
elim (Zeven_odd_dec x); intro.
left. split with (Zdiv2 x). exact (Zeven_div2 x a).
right. generalize b; clear b; case x.
intro b; inversion b.
intro p; split with (Zdiv2 (Zpos p)). apply (Zodd_div2 (Zpos p)); trivial.
unfold Zge, Zcompare in |- *; simpl in |- *; discriminate.
intro p; split with (Zdiv2 (Zpred (Zneg p))).
pattern (Zneg p) at 1 in |- *; rewrite (Zsucc_pred (Zneg p)).
pattern (Zpred (Zneg p)) at 1 in |- *; rewrite (Zeven_div2 (Zpred (Zneg p))).
apply Zeven_pred; assumption.

Lemma Zsplit2 :
 forall n:Z,
   {p : Z * Z |
   let (x1, x2) := p in n = (x1 + x2)%Z /\ (x1 = x2 \/ x2 = (x1 + 1)%Z)}.
intros x.
elim (Z_modulo_2 x); intros [y Hy]; rewrite Zmult_comm in Hy;
 rewrite <- Zplus_diag_eq_mult_2 in Hy.
exists (y, y); split.
left; reflexivity.
exists (y, (y + 1)%Z); split.
rewrite Zplus_assoc; assumption.
right; reflexivity.

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