Library mcertikos.proc.KContextGenLinkSource

Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatClightSem.
Require Import LAsmModuleSemDef.
Require Import CompCertiKOS.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import CDataTypes.
Require Import MShareCSource.
Require Import KContextGenAsmSource.

Require Import CompCertiKOSproof.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import I64Layer.

Require Import MShare.


  Context `{compcertikos_prf: CompCertiKOS}.

  Context `{real_params_prf : RealParams}.

  Definition PKContext_impl: res LAsm.module :=
    M1 <- (M_set_RA <- CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_RA f_set_RA);
           M_set_SP <- CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_SP f_set_SP);
           _ <- eassert nil (LayerOK ((M_set_RA M_set_SP
                                         ((mshare L64) KCtxtPool_LOC kctxtpool_loc_type)
                                          (mshare L64) KCtxtPool_LOC kctxtpool_loc_type)));
           ret ((M_set_RA M_set_SP) KCtxtPool_LOC kctxtpool_loc_type));
    M <- ret (M1 ((kctxt_switch cswitch_function) ) );
    _ <- eassert nil (LayerOK (M (mshare L64) mshare L64));
watch out parentheses here:
    ret (
group primitives according to the global variables that they use
for L64 and other passthrough primitives