
This file provide the contextual refinement proof between MAL layer and MPTIntro layer
Require Export PTIntroGenDef.
Require Import PTIntroGenAccessor0.
Require Import PTIntroGenAccessor.

Definition of the refinement relation

Section Refinement.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.

  Section WITHMEM.

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModel}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

The low level specifications exist

    Section Exists.

      Lemma container_init0_exist:
         habd habd' labd i f,
          container_init0_spec i habd = Some habd'
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → labd', container_init_spec i labd = Some labd' relate_RData f habd' labd'
                            PT habd' = PT habd
                            ptpool habd' = ptpool habd
                            CR3 labd' = CR3 labd
                            pperm habd' = pperm habd
                            idpde habd' = idpde habd.
        unfold container_init0_spec, container_init_spec; intros until f; exist_simpl.

      Lemma trapout_exist:
         habd habd' labd f,
          trapout_spec habd = Some habd'
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → labd', trapout0_spec labd = Some labd' relate_RData f habd' labd'
                            PT habd' = PT habd
                            ptpool habd' = ptpool habd
                            CR3 labd' = CR3 labd
                            pperm habd' = pperm habd
                            idpde habd' = idpde habd.
        unfold trapout_spec, trapout0_spec; intros until f; exist_simpl.

      Lemma setPG_exist:
         habd habd' labd f,
          setPG1_spec habd = Some habd'
          → high_level_invariant habd
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → labd', setPG0_spec labd = Some labd' relate_RData f habd' labd'
                            PT habd' = PT habd
                            ptpool habd' = ptpool habd
                            CR3 labd' = CR3 labd
                            pperm habd' = pperm habd
                            idpde habd' = idpde habd.
        unfold setPG0_spec, setPG1_spec; intros until f.
        intros HP HINV HR; pose proof HR as HR'; inv HR; revert HP;
        subrewrite'; intros HQ; inv HINV. subdestruct.
        pose proof relate_PT_re as HPT.
        inv HPT. omega.
        destruct (CR3_valid_dec (GLOBP PTPool_LOC ofs)).
        + inv HQ; refine_split'; eauto 1.
          inv HR'; constructor; trivial.
        + elim n. unfold CR3_valid; eauto.

      Lemma match_PMapPool_Hide:
         s p p' ptp m f,
          ( i v1 v2, ZMap.get i p = PGHide (PGPMap v1 v2) → ZMap.get i p' = PGHide (PGPMap v1 v2)) →
          match_PMapPool s ptp p m f
          match_PMapPool s ptp p' m f.
        intros. inv H0. econstructor; eauto.
        intros. specialize (H1 _ H0). inv H1.
        constructor. intros. specialize (H3 _ H1).
        destruct H3 as (v & HLD & HV & HM).
        refine_split'; eauto.
        inv HM; econstructor; eauto 2.

      Lemma pfree_exist:
         habd habd' labd i f,
          pfree'_spec i habd = Some habd'
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → labd', pfree'_spec i labd = Some labd' relate_RData f habd' labd'
                            PT habd' = PT habd
                            ptpool habd' = ptpool habd
                            CR3 labd' = CR3 labd
                            idpde habd' = idpde habd
                            ( i v1 v2, ZMap.get i (pperm habd) = PGHide (PGPMap v1 v2)->
                                               ZMap.get i (pperm habd') = PGHide (PGPMap v1 v2)).
        unfold pfree'_spec; intros until f.
        intros HP HR; pose proof HR as HR'; inv HR; revert HP;
        subrewrite'; intros HQ. pose proof pperm_re as Hp. subdestruct.
        assert (Hp': ZMap.get i (pperm labd) = PGAlloc).
          specialize (pperm_re i). rewrite Hdestruct7 in pperm_re.
          inv pperm_re; reflexivity.
        rewrite Hp'. inv HQ; refine_split'; eauto.
        - inv HR'. constructor; trivial; simpl.
          intros i'. destruct (zeq i i'); subst.
          + repeat rewrite ZMap.gss. constructor.
          + repeat rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
        - simpl. intros.
          destruct (zeq i0 i); subst.
          + congruence.
          + rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.

      Lemma container_alloc_exist:
         habd habd' labd i n f,
          container_alloc_spec n habd = Some (habd', i)
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → high_level_invariant habd
          → labd', container_alloc_spec n labd = Some (labd', i) relate_RData f habd' labd'
                            PT habd' = PT habd
                            ptpool habd' = ptpool habd
                            CR3 labd' = CR3 labd
                            idpde habd' = idpde habd
                            ( i o, ZMap.get i (pperm habd) = PGHide o
                                           ZMap.get i (pperm habd') = PGHide o).
        unfold container_alloc_spec; intros until f; exist_simpl.
        - intros i'.
          destruct (zeq i i'); subst.
          + repeat rewrite ZMap.gss. constructor.
          + repeat rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
        - intros. destruct (zeq i0 i); subst.
          + specialize (valid_pperm_ppage _ H).
            destruct a as (Hrange & HNorm & ?).
            intros Hc. specialize (Hc i). inv HR'. exploit Hc.
            × subrewrite'. omega.
            × subrewrite'. intros [HF _].
              exploit HF. red; intros HF'; inv HF'.
              intros HF'. destruct HF' as [? HF'].
              destruct HNorm as (? & HNorm). congruence.
          + rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.

      Lemma PageI_4:
         i ofs,
          i × 4 ofs < i × 4 + size_chunk Mint32
          PageI ofs = PageI (i × 4).
        simpl; intros.
        assert (HP: a, ofs = i × 4 + a
                               0 a 3).
           (ofs - i × 4). split; omega.
        destruct HP as (a & Heq & Hrange). clear H.
        rewrite Heq. unfold PageI. clear Heq.
        assert (HP: b c, i = 1024 × b + c
                                 0 c < 1024).
           (i/1024), (i mod 1024). split.
          apply Z_div_mod_eq. omega.
          apply Z_mod_lt. omega.
        destruct HP as (b & c & Heq & Hrange').
        rewrite Heq. clear Heq.
        replace ((1024 × b + c) × 4) with (b × 4096 + c × 4) by omega.
        replace (b × 4096 + c × 4 + a) with (b × 4096 + (c × 4 + a)) by omega.
        assert (HT: 4096 0) by omega.
        repeat rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; try assumption.
        clear HT.
        repeat rewrite Zdiv_small. reflexivity.
        omega. omega.

      Lemma fload_exist:
         habd labd i z f,
          fload_spec i habd = Some z
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → fload'_spec i labd = Some z.
        unfold fload_spec, fload'_spec; intros.
        revert H. inv H0. subrewrite.
        assert (HG: ofs',
                      i × 4 ofs' < i × 4 + size_chunk Mint32
                       o, ZMap.get (PageI ofs') (pperm habd) PGHide o).
          intros. erewrite PageI_4; eauto 1.
        specialize (FlatMem.load_inj _ _ Mint32 (i × 4) _ f flatmem_re refl_equal).
        subdestruct. intros (v2 & HLD & HVAL).
        rewrite HLD. inv HVAL. assumption.

      Lemma flatmem_copy_aux_load_other_plus:
         n h h' pp from to vadr o,
          ZMap.get (PageI to) pp = PGAlloc
          ZMap.get (PageI vadr) pp = PGHide o
          (4 | to)
          PageI to = PageI (to + (Z.of_nat (n + 1)) × 4 - 4) →
          PageI (vadr) = PageI (vadr + 3) →
          (4 | vadr)
          flatmem_copy_aux (n + 1) from to h = Some h'
          FlatMem.load Mint32 h vadr = FlatMem.load Mint32 h' vadr.
        intros until n.
        induction n.
        - simpl; intros.
          subdestruct. inv H5.
          erewrite (FlatMem.load_store_other Mint32 h ( Mint32 h to (Vint i))); eauto 2.
          assert (¬ ( vadr - 4 < to < vadr + 4)).
            red; intros.
            assert (vadr to).
              destruct H1 as (m & He).
              destruct H4 as (m' & He').
              destruct (zle (m' -1) m).
              - omega.
              - omega.
            assert (vadr to vadr + 3) by omega.
            exploit PageI_range; eauto.
            assert (vadr vadr vadr + 3) by omega.
            exploit PageI_range; eauto.
            intros. congruence.
        - simpl; intros. subdestruct.
          exploit (IHn ( Mint32 h to (Vint i))); try eapply H5; try eassumption.
          + erewrite PageI_range; eauto.
            eapply to_range.
          + apply to_add_divide; eauto.
          + eapply PageI_eq; eauto.
          + intros. erewrite <- H6.
            erewrite (FlatMem.load_store_other Mint32 h ( Mint32 h to (Vint i))); eauto 2.
          assert (¬ ( vadr - 4 < to < vadr + 4)).
            red; intros.
            assert (vadr to).
              destruct H1 as (m & He).
              destruct H4 as (m' & He').
              destruct (zle (m' -1) m).
              - omega.
              - omega.
            assert (vadr to vadr + 3) by omega.
            exploit PageI_range; eauto.
            assert (vadr vadr vadr + 3) by omega.
            exploit PageI_range; eauto.
            intros. congruence.

      Lemma flatmem_copy_aux_load_other':
         n h h' pp from to o vadr,
          ZMap.get (PageI to) pp = PGAlloc
          ZMap.get (PageI vadr) pp = PGHide o
          (PgSize | to)
          Z.of_nat n one_k
          PageI (vadr) = PageI (vadr + 3) →
          (4 | vadr)
          flatmem_copy_aux n from to h = Some h'
          FlatMem.load Mint32 h vadr = FlatMem.load Mint32 h' vadr.
        destruct n; intros.
        - simpl in ×. inv H5. trivial.
        - replace (S n) with ((n + 1)%nat) in × by omega.
          eapply flatmem_copy_aux_load_other_plus; eauto.
          + destruct H1 as (i & He).
             (i × 1024).
            subst. omega.
          + eapply PageI_divide; eauto.

      Lemma flatmem_copy_aux_load_other:
         vadr n h h' pp from to o,
          flatmem_copy_aux (Z.to_nat n) from to h = Some h'
          ZMap.get (PageI vadr) pp = PGHide o
          ZMap.get (PageI to) pp = PGAlloc
          (PgSize | to)
          0 n one_k
          PageI (vadr) = PageI (vadr + 3) →
          (4 | vadr)
          FlatMem.load Mint32 h vadr = FlatMem.load Mint32 h' vadr.
        eapply flatmem_copy_aux_load_other'; eauto.
        rewrite; try omega.

      Lemma flatmem_copy_exist:
         habd habd' labd i from to s m f,
          flatmem_copy_spec i from to habd = Some habd'
          → relate_RData f habd labd
          → match_RData s habd m f
          → labd', flatmem_copy0_spec i from to labd = Some labd'
                            relate_RData f habd' labd'
                            PT habd' = PT habd
                            ptpool habd' = ptpool habd
                            CR3 labd' = CR3 labd
                            pperm habd' = pperm habd
                            idpde habd' = idpde habd.
        unfold flatmem_copy0_spec, flatmem_copy_spec; intros.
        revert H. pose proof H0 as HR.
        inv H0. subrewrite. subdestruct.
        assert (HW: ZMap.get (PageI from) (pperm labd) = PGAlloc).
          specialize (pperm_re (PageI from)).
          rewrite Hdestruct7 in pperm_re.
          inv pperm_re; reflexivity.
        assert (HW': ZMap.get (PageI to) (pperm labd) = PGAlloc).
          specialize (pperm_re (PageI to)).
          rewrite Hdestruct8 in pperm_re.
          inv pperm_re; reflexivity.
        rewrite HW, HW'.
        exploit flatmem_copy_aux_exists; eauto.
        intros (lh' & HCopy & Hinj).
        inv HQ.
        rewrite HCopy. refine_split'; trivial.
        inv HR.
        constructor; trivial; simpl.
          constructor; intros. inv relate_PMap_re.
          specialize (H4 _ H _ H0 _ _ H2 _ H3).
          inv H1. inv H5. specialize (H1 _ H).
          inv H1. specialize (H5 _ H0).
          destruct H5 as (v0 & _ & _ & HMAT).
          unfold PMap, ZMap.t, PMap.t in H2, HMAT. rewrite H2 in HMAT.
          inv HMAT.
          assert (HPA: PageI (pi × 4096 + vadr × 4) = pi).
            revert H3. clear; intros.
            unfold PageI.
            rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; [| omega].
            rewrite (Zdiv_small (vadr × 4) PgSize); rewrite_omega.
          clear HW HW'.
          exploit (flatmem_copy_aux_load_other (pi × 4096 + vadr × 4)); eauto.
          + rewrite HPA. eassumption.
          + revert H3. clear; intros.
            unfold PageI.
            replace (pi × 4096 + vadr × 4 + 3)
            with (pi × 4096 + (vadr × 4 + 3)) by omega.
            repeat (rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; [| omega]).
            rewrite (Zdiv_small (vadr × 4) PgSize); rewrite_omega.
            rewrite (Zdiv_small (vadr × 4 + 3) PgSize); rewrite_omega.
          + (pi × 1024 + vadr); omega.
                   + intros.
                     rewrite <- H1. eauto.

    End Exists.

    Ltac pattern2_refinement_simpl:=
      pattern2_refinement_simpl' (@relate_AbData).

    Lemma passthrough_correct:
      sim (crel HDATA LDATA) mptintro_passthrough mcontainer.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        erewrite fload_exist; eauto 1. reflexivity.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        exploit fstore_exist; eauto 1. intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        exploit flatmem_copy_exist; eauto 1.
        intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
      - apply vmxinfo_get_sim.
      - apply device_output_sim.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        exploit setPG_exist; eauto 1; intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
      - apply get_at_c_sim.
      - apply set_at_c0_sim.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        exploit pfree_exist; eauto 1; intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
        refine_split; try econstructor; eauto. repeat (econstructor; eauto).
        constructor; subrewrite'.
        eapply match_PMapPool_Hide; eassumption.
      - apply clearCR2_sim.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        exploit container_init0_exist; eauto 1; intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
      - apply container_get_parent_sim.
      - apply container_get_nchildren_sim.
      - apply container_get_quota_sim.
      - apply container_get_usage_sim.
      - apply container_can_consume_sim.
      - apply container_split_sim.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        exploit container_alloc_exist; eauto 1. intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
        refine_split; try econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
        constructor; eauto.
        constructor; subrewrite'.
        eapply match_PMapPool_Hide; try eassumption.
        intros; eapply HN5. assumption.
      - apply trapin_sim.
        layer_sim_simpl; compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData); intros.
        inv match_extcall_states.
        exploit trapout_exist; eauto 1; intros (labd' & HP & HM & HN1 & HN2 & HN3 & HN4 & HN5).
        inv match_match. match_external_states_simpl.
      - apply hostin_sim.
      - apply hostout_sim.
      - apply trap_info_get_sim.
      - apply trap_info_ret_sim.
      - layer_sim_simpl.
        + eapply load_correct.
        + eapply store_correct.


End Refinement.