Library mcertikos.layerlib.LinkTemplate

Require Export LinkSourceTemplate.
Require Export MakeProgram.
Require Import Behavior.

Global Opaque Structures.semof.
Global Opaque Structures.oplus.
Global Opaque Structures.emptyset.
Global Opaque LAsmModuleSem.lasm_semantics_ops.
Global Opaque LAsm.module_ops.
Global Opaque compatlayer_ops.

  Context `{compcertikos_prf: CompCertiKOS}.
  Context `{real_params_prf : RealParams}.

Because backward_simulation is in Type, we need to stay in Type as well.

  Definition link_impl_inverted_add_cfunction (P: LAsm.moduleType) f M :=
    { Mf : LAsm.module &
      prod (CompCertiKOS.transf_module (lcf_id f lcf_fun f) = ret Mf)
           (P (Mf M)) }.

  Fixpoint link_impl_inverted_add_gvars {D} vs (M: LAsm.module) L P0 :=
      (LayerOK (M (link_impl_add_gvar_specs (LDATA:=D) vs L L64)
                (link_impl_add_gvar_specs (LDATA:=D) vs L L64)))
      (match vs with
         | nilP0
         | v::vs
           link_impl_inverted_add_gvars vs (M lgv_id v lgv_type v) L P0

  Definition link_impl_inverted_base {D} lm (ll: compatlayer D) M Mc :=
      (lm_gvar lm)
      (Mc link_impl_asm lm)
         (LayerOK (M (ll L64) ll L64))
         (M = link_impl_add_gvar_defs (lm_gvar lm) (Mc link_impl_asm lm) )).

  Definition link_impl_inverted {D} (lm: link_module) (ll: compatlayer D) M :=
      (lm_cfun lm)
      (link_impl_inverted_base lm ll M)

  Lemma link_impl_imply_add_cfunction (P: LAsm.moduleType) f M M':
    link_add_cfunction f (ret M) = ret M'
    P M'
    link_impl_inverted_add_cfunction P f M.
    intros HfM HM'.
    unfold link_add_cfunction in HfM.
    inv_monad HfM.
    - eassumption.
    - subst.

  Lemma link_impl_imply_fold_add_cfunction P fs M M':
    fold_right link_add_cfunction (ret M) fs = ret M'
    P M'
    fold_left link_impl_inverted_add_cfunction fs P M.
    revert P M M'.
    induction fs as [ | f fs IHfs].
    - simpl.
      inversion 1.
    - simpl.
      intros P M M' HfM HM'.
      specialize (IHfs (link_impl_inverted_add_cfunction P f) M).
      destruct (fold_right link_add_cfunction (ret M) fs); try now inversion HfM.
      eapply IHfs.
      eapply link_impl_imply_add_cfunction; eauto.

  Lemma link_impl_imply_add_gvars {D} vs M L P0 M':
    link_impl_add_gvars (LDATA:=D) vs M L = ret M'
    link_impl_inverted_add_gvars vs M L P0.
    revert M M' L.
    induction vs; intros M M' L.
    - simpl.
      intros H; inv_monad H.
    - simpl.
      intros H; inv_monad H.

  Lemma link_impl_imply_gvar {D} (lm: link_module) (ll: compatlayer D) M M':
    link_impl_gvar lm ll M = ret M'
    M' = link_impl_add_gvar_defs (lm_gvar lm) M.
    unfold link_impl_gvar.
    generalize (lm_gvar lm); clear lm.
    intros vs.
    revert M M'.
    induction vs as [ | v vs IHvs]; intros M M'.
    - simpl.
      intros H.
      inv_monad H.
    - simpl.
      intros H.
      inv_monad H.

  Lemma link_impl_imply {D} (lm: link_module) (ll: compatlayer D) M:
    link_impl lm ll = OK M
    link_impl_inverted lm ll M.
    unfold link_impl, link_impl_c.
    intros H.
    inv_monad H; subst.
    unfold link_impl_inverted.
    eapply link_impl_imply_fold_add_cfunction; eauto.
    unfold link_impl_inverted_base.
    eapply link_impl_imply_add_gvars; eauto.
    split; eauto.
    eapply link_impl_imply_gvar; eauto.

Types of typical linking theorems

A linking file typically proves 3 lemmas: init_correct, cl_backward_simulation, and make_program_exists, as well as an auxiliary lemma link_correct_aux use for proving the last two. It is convenient to compute the type of those theorems systematically from the linking module and the two adjascent layer interfaces. Additionally, the tactics further down can help with the proofs themselves.

  Require Import ObservationImpl.

  Context {DL DH: Type} `{CompatData(Obs:=devact_observation_ops) DL}
                        `{CompatData(Obs:=devact_observation_ops) DH}.
  Context `{!CompatRelOps (cdata DH) (cdata DL)} `{!CompatRel (cdata DH) (cdata DL)}.

  Definition init_correct_type lm LL LH :=
     M: LAsm.module,
      link_impl lm LL = OK M
      ModuleOK M
      cl_init_sim (cdata DH) (cdata DL) (crel DH DL) (LH L64) M (LL L64).

  Definition link_correct_aux_type lm LL LH :=
     M: LAsm.module,
      link_impl (LDATA := cdata DL) lm LL = OK M
      LL L64 (crel DH DL, M) : LH L64.

  Definition cl_simulation_type lm (LL : compatlayer (cdata DL)) (LH : compatlayer (cdata DH)) :=
    fun `{!LAsm.AccessorsDefined (LL L64)}
        `{!LAsm.AccessorsDefined (LH L64)} ⇒
     p (s: stencil) (CTXT M: LAsm.module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      link_impl lm LL = OK M
      make_program (D := cdata DH) s CTXT (LH L64) = OK ph
      make_program (D := cdata DL) s (CTXT M) (LL L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (LH L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (LL L64)) pl)
        (observe_lasm _ p) (observe_lasm _ p).

  Definition cl_forward_simulation_type lm LL LH :=
    fun `{!LAsm.AccessorsDefined (LL L64)}
        `{!LAsm.AccessorsDefined (LH L64)} ⇒
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: LAsm.module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      link_impl lm LL = OK M
      make_program (D := cdata DH) s CTXT (LH L64) = OK ph
      make_program (D := cdata DL) s (CTXT M) (LL L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (LH L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (LL L64)) pl).

  Definition cl_backward_simulation_type lm LL LH :=
    fun `{!LAsm.AccessorsDefined (LL L64)}
        `{!LAsm.AccessorsDefined (LH L64)} ⇒
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: LAsm.module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      link_impl lm LL = OK M
      make_program (D := cdata DH) s CTXT (LH L64) = OK ph
      make_program (D := cdata DL) s (CTXT M) (LL L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (LH L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (LL L64)) pl).

  Definition make_program_exist_type lm LL LH :=
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: LAsm.module) pl,
      link_impl lm LL = OK M
      make_program (D := cdata DL) s (CTXT M) (LL L64) = OK pl
       ph, make_program (D := cdata DH) s CTXT (LH L64) = OK ph.


Ltac destruct_impl_inverted H :=
  lazymatch type of H with
    | link_impl_inverted_add_cfunction _ _ _
      let M := fresh "M" in
      let HM := fresh "H" M in
      let H' := fresh in
      destruct H as (M & HM & H');
      simpl in HM;
      destruct_impl_inverted H'
    | prod (LayerOK _) _
      let Hok := fresh "Hok" in
      let H' := fresh in
      destruct H as [Hok H'];
      destruct_impl_inverted H'
    | _

Ltac inv_link_impl HM :=
  apply link_impl_imply in HM;
  unfold link_impl_inverted in HM;
  unfold link_impl_inverted_base in HM;
  unfold link_impl_asm in HM;
  simpl in HM;
  destruct_impl_inverted HM.

Commonly used in FooGenLink.v:
Require Export Coqlib.
Require Export FlatMemory.
Require Export Decision.
Require Export LAsm.
Require Export LAsmModuleSem.
Require Export LAsmModuleSemMakeProgram.
Require Export LayerCalculusLemma.
Require Export LinkTactic.
Require Export Soundness.
Require Export CompatExternalCalls.

Proof templates for linking theorems

Proof template for link_correct

Ltac link_correct_aux_fresh :=
  lazymatch goal with
    | |- ?LL _ : ?LH
      unfold_layer LH;
      match goal with
        | |- _ (_, _ ) : _
          apply LayerLogicImpl.vdash_oplus_empty
        | |- _

Ltac link_correct_aux_passthrough :=
  eapply layer_link_new_glbl_both;
  apply oplus_sim_monotonic; [ | apply L64_auto_sim].

Ltac link_correct_aux :=
  let M := fresh "M" in
  let HM := fresh "H" M in
  intros M HM;
  inv_link_impl HM; subst;
  eapply conseq_le_assoc_comm;
    [link_correct_aux_fresh |

Ltac cl_simulation init_correct lc :=
  let H := fresh in
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? H;
  eapply soundness_simulation;
  try eassumption;
  try decision;
  [ eapply lc; now eauto |
    eapply init_correct; [ | eapply make_program_oplus_right]; eassumption |
    inv_link_impl H; assumption ].

Ltac cl_forward_simulation init_correct lc :=
  let H := fresh in
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H;
  eapply soundness_forward;
  try eassumption;
  try decision;
  [ eapply lc; now eauto |
    eapply init_correct; [ | eapply make_program_oplus_right]; eassumption |
    inv_link_impl H; assumption ].

Ltac cl_backward_simulation init_correct lc :=
  let H := fresh in
  intros ? ? ? ? ? ? H;
  eapply soundness;
  try eassumption;
  try decision;
  [ eapply lc; now eauto |
    eapply init_correct; [ | eapply make_program_oplus_right]; eassumption |
    inv_link_impl H; assumption ].

Ltac make_program_exists lc :=
  let H := fresh in
  let Hmkp := fresh "Hmkp" in
  intros ? ? ? ? H Hmkp;
  exploit lc; [eassumption | ];
  inv_link_impl H;
  eapply make_program_vertical' in Hmkp; [ | eassumption];
  destruct Hmkp;
  eapply make_program_sim_monotonic_exists;
  [ | eassumption | eassumption];

Proof template for init_correct

A number of premises of cl_init_sim_intro have a In i new_glbl guard. We destruct it so as to get subgoals where i is actually a concrete value.

Ltac destruct_In H :=
  (solve [ destruct H ]) || (destruct H; [subst | destruct_In H]).

We also need a similar tactic to split up ¬ In new_glbl into individual inequalities.

Lemma expand_not_in {A} (x x0: A) (xs: list A):
  ¬ In x (x0::xs) → x x0 ¬ In x xs.
  intros Hx.
  split; eauto.

Ltac destruct_not_In H :=
  match type of H with
    | ¬ In ?i _
      let Hi := fresh "H" i in
      pose proof (expand_not_in _ _ _ H) as Hi;
      clear H;
      destruct Hi as [Hi H];
      destruct_not_In H
    | _
      clear H

Using a get_module_variable equality, we can unify the value associated to the identifier in the module with the one stated by the inequality.

Lemma get_module_variable_le_ok (i: AST.ident) (τ: AST.globvar Ctypes.type) M:
  ModuleOK M
  i τ M
  get_module_variable i M = OK (Some τ).
  intros HM Hi.
  apply (get_module_variable_monotonic i) in Hi.
  get_module_normalize_in Hi.
  specialize (HM i).
  destruct HM as [_ HMiOK _].
  inversion Hi; subst.
  - inversion H1.
  - inversion HMiOK.

Ltac inv_get_module_variable H :=
  lazymatch type of H with get_module_variable ?i ?M = OK (Some ?vi) ⇒
    lazymatch M with context [i ?vi'] ⇒
      erewrite (get_module_variable_le_ok i vi') in H; [|eassumption|le_oplus];
      inversion H; clear H; subst

Given a hypothesis involing a term of the form get_module_variable M i, where M can involve compiled modules, we can exploit transf_module _ = ret _ hypotheses from the context to boil it down further than get_module_normalize_in would on its own, allowing us to use discriminate in some circumstances.

Ltac simpl_get_compiled_variable H :=
  lazymatch type of H with
    | get_module_variable ?i _ = _
      transf_none i;
      get_module_normalize_in H;
      unfold module in *;
      repeat match goal with
        | Hv: get_module_variable i _ = _ |- _
          rewrite Hv in H; clear Hv

With this in our toolbox, we can tackle the init_correct subgoal of the form:
i vi, get_module_variable i M = OK (Some vi) InitMem.Genv.init_data_list_valid ge 0 (gvar_init vi) = true.
There are two cases: If i is actually a global variable declared in the module, we use destruct_In tactic to do a case analysis on which variable it is, and recover the corresponding, concrete value of vi. The rest is computation. On the other hand, if i is not actually declared, we can massage a contradiction out of the get_module_variable hypothesis using destruct_not_In and simpl_get_compiled_variable.

Ltac init_correct_data_list_valid :=
  lazymatch goal with
    | Hvi: get_module_variable ?i _ = OK (Some ?vi) |-
      InitMem.Genv.init_data_list_valid ?ge _ (AST.gvar_init ?vi) = true
      let H := fresh in
      destruct (decide (In i new_glbl)) as [H|H];
      [ destruct_In H;
        inv_get_module_variable Hvi;
      | destruct_not_In H;
        simpl_get_compiled_variable Hvi;
        discriminate Hvi ]

Do introductions, splitting up In i new_glbl guards into subcases.

Ltac init_correct_glbl_intros :=
  match goal with
    | |- In _ __
      let H := fresh in
      intros H;
      destruct_In H;
    | |- _
    | |- _

Put all of this together

Ltac init_correct_sim_mem :=
  constructor; econstructor;
  simpl; trivial using FlatMem.flatmem_empty_inj;
  match goal with
    | |- kctxt_inj _ _ _ _
      repeat intro;
      unfold Pregmap.get;
      rewrite ?, ?;
    | |- uctxt_inj _ _ _
      repeat intro;
      unfold Pregmap.get;
      rewrite ?, ?;
    | |- VMCS_inj _ _ _
      repeat intro;
      unfold Pregmap.get;
      rewrite ?, ?;
    | |- VMX_inj _ _ _
      repeat intro;
      unfold Pregmap.get;
      rewrite ?, ?;
    | |- _

Ltac init_correct_glbl :=
  match goal with
    | |- InitMem.Genv.init_data_list_valid _ _ _ = true
    | |- isOKNone _
    | |- isOKNone (get_layer_globalvar ?i _) ⇒
      revert i;
   | H: context [?i ?vi]
     |- vi, get_module_variable ?i ?M = OK (Some vi) ⇒
     eapply (get_module_variable_le_ok i); [ assumption | le_oplus ]
    | |- _

Ltac init_correct :=
  let HM := fresh "HM" in
  intros ? HM ?;
  inv_link_impl HM;
  apply cl_init_sim_intro; [ init_correct_sim_mem | init_correct_glbl .. ].