
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import MemoryX.
Require Import MemWithData.
Require Import EventsX.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import ClightBigstep.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import MALT.
Require Import MContainer.
Require Import ZArith.Zwf.
Require Import VCGen.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.Stencil.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MakeProgram.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import CompatClightSem.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import CDataTypes.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import I64Layer.
Require Import ContainerGen.
Require Import MALTCode.
Require Import ContainerGenSpec.
Require Import LinkTactic.
Require Import MALTCSource.
Require Import ContainerGenLinkSource.
Require Import CompCertiKOSproof.
Require Import AbstractDataType.

Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import Decision.
Require Import LAsmModuleSem.
Require Import Soundness.
Require Import CompatExternalCalls.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import LayerCalculusLemma.
Require Import Behavior.

Notation HDATA := RData.
Notation LDATA := RData.

Notation HDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_ops := mcontainer_data_ops) HDATA).
Notation LDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_ops := malt_data_ops) LDATA).


  Context `{compcertikos_prf: CompCertiKOS}.
  Context `{real_params_prf : RealParams}.

  Record MContainer_impl_inverted (M: module) : Prop:=
      MCONTAINER_init: module;
      MCONTAINER_get_parent: module;
      MCONTAINER_get_nchildren: module;
      MCONTAINER_get_quota: module;
      MCONTAINER_get_usage: module;
      MCONTAINER_can_consume: module;
      MCONTAINER_split: module;
      MCONTAINER_alloc: module;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_init f_container_init) = ret MCONTAINER_init;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_parent f_container_get_parent) = ret MCONTAINER_get_parent;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_nchildren f_container_get_nchildren) = ret MCONTAINER_get_nchildren;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_quota f_container_get_quota) = ret MCONTAINER_get_quota;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_usage f_container_get_usage) = ret MCONTAINER_get_usage;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_can_consume f_container_can_consume) = ret MCONTAINER_can_consume;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_split f_container_split) = ret MCONTAINER_split;
        CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_alloc f_container_alloc) = ret MCONTAINER_alloc;
                                         MCONTAINER_get_nchildren MCONTAINER_get_quota
                                         MCONTAINER_get_usage MCONTAINER_can_consume
                                         MCONTAINER_split MCONTAINER_alloc)
                         AC_LOC container_loc_type) ;
      MCONTAINER_Mok: LayerOK (M (malt L64) malt L64);
      MCONTAINER_Lok: LayerOK (MCONTAINER_init MCONTAINER_get_parent
                                 MCONTAINER_get_quota MCONTAINER_get_usage
                                 MCONTAINER_can_consume MCONTAINER_split
                                 MCONTAINER_alloc ((malt L64) AC_LOC container_loc_type)
                                    ((malt L64) AC_LOC container_loc_type))

  Lemma module_impl_imply:
     M, MContainer_impl = OK MMContainer_impl_inverted M.
    unfold MContainer_impl. intros M HM.
    inv_monad' HM.
    inv_monad' HM0.
    inv_monad' HM1.
    econstructor; try eassumption; reflexivity.

  Let L1 : compatlayer LDATAOps :=
               mem_init gensem mem_init_spec
              get_nps gensem get_nps_spec
              is_norm gensem is_at_norm_spec at_get gensem get_at_u_spec.
  Lemma L1_le: L1 malt.

  Lemma container_init_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_init f_container_init),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_init f_container_init) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_init gensem container_init_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_init_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_init_code_correct.
    - apply oplus_monotonic; [ reflexivity | exact L1_le ].

  Lemma container_get_parent_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_get_parent f_container_get_parent),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_parent f_container_get_parent) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_get_parent gensem container_get_parent_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_get_parent_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_get_parent_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma container_get_nchildren_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_get_nchildren f_container_get_nchildren),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_nchildren f_container_get_nchildren) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_get_nchildren gensem container_get_nchildren_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_get_nchildren_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_get_nchildren_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma container_get_quota_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_get_quota f_container_get_quota),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_quota f_container_get_quota) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_get_quota gensem container_get_quota_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_get_quota_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_get_quota_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma container_get_usage_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_get_usage f_container_get_usage),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_get_usage f_container_get_usage) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_get_usage gensem container_get_usage_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_get_usage_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_get_usage_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma container_can_consume_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_can_consume f_container_can_consume),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_can_consume f_container_can_consume) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_can_consume gensem container_can_consume_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_can_consume_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_can_consume_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma container_split_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_split f_container_split),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_split f_container_split) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_split gensem container_split_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_split_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_split_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Let Lalloc : compatlayer LDATAOps :=
    palloc gensem palloc'_spec.
  Lemma Lalloc_le: Lalloc malt.

  Lemma container_alloc_correct:
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (container_alloc f_container_alloc),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (container_alloc f_container_alloc) = OK M2
      cl_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (container_alloc gensem container_alloc_spec)
             ( M2 ((AC_LOC container_loc_type malt) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply container_alloc_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - apply MALTCODE.container_alloc_code_correct.
    - apply oplus_monotonic; [ reflexivity | exact Lalloc_le ].

  Lemma link_correct_aux:
     M, MContainer_impl = OK M
              malt L64
                     (path_inj (crel HDATA LDATA), M)
              : mcontainer L64.
    intros M HM.
    eapply module_impl_imply in HM; destruct HM; subst.

    unfold mcontainer, mcontainer_fresh.
    eapply conseq_le_assoc_comm.
      eapply transfer_variable.
      apply MCONTAINER_Lok.
      eapply (LayerOK_impl_subst MCONTAINER_Mok0).
      apply module_le_left.

      - apply container_init_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_get_parent_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_get_nchildren_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_get_quota_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_get_usage_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_can_consume_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_split_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply container_alloc_correct; code_correct_tac.
      eapply layer_link_new_glbl_both.
      apply oplus_sim_monotonic.
      apply passthrough_correct.
      apply L64_auto_sim.

  Section INITMEM.

  Lemma init_data_list_size_pos :
     il, Genv.init_data_list_size il 0.
    induction il; simpl; try omega.
    assert (H:= Genv.init_data_size_pos a); omega.

  Fixpoint load_init_space_zeros (m: mem) (b: block) (p: Z) (il: list AST.init_data) {struct il} : Prop :=
  match il with
  | Init_space n :: il'
      ( i, 0 i < nMem.load Mint8unsigned m b (p + i) = Some Vzero)
       load_init_space_zeros m b (p + Zmax n 0) il'
  | _True

  Remark load_init_space_zeros_invariant:
     m m' b,
      ( chunk ofs, Mem.load chunk m' b ofs = Mem.load chunk m b ofs) →
       il p,
        load_init_space_zeros m b p ilload_init_space_zeros m' b p il.
    induction il; intro p; simpl; auto.
    destruct a; auto.
    intro Hm; split.
    intros i Hi; rewrite H.
    apply (proj1 Hm); auto.
    apply (IHil _ (proj2 Hm)).

  Lemma store_zeros_charact :
     m b p n m',
      store_zeros m b p n = Some m'
       i, p i < p+nMem.load Mint8unsigned m' b i = Some Vzero.
    intros m b p n m' Hsz i Hi.
    functional induction (store_zeros m b p n); try omega.
    assert (Hcases: i = p p+1 i < p+1+(n-1)) by omega.
    destruct Hcases as [Hi'|Hi']; subst; auto.
    assert (Hsz':= Genv.store_zeros_outside).
    rewrite (Hsz' _ _ _ _ _ Hsz).
    rewrite (Mem.load_store_same _ _ _ _ _ _ e0); auto.
    right; simpl; omega.
    inv Hsz.

  Lemma init_space_zeros_charact {F V} :
     ge b il m p m',
      ( i, p i < p + Genv.init_data_list_size il
                 Mem.load Mint8unsigned m b i = Some Vzero) →
      Genv.store_init_data_list(F:=F)(V:=V) ge m b p il = Some m'
      load_init_space_zeros m' b p il.
    induction il; intros m p m' Hz Hstore; simpl; auto.
    destruct a; simpl; auto.
    simpl in Hstore; split.
    intros i Hi; assert (Hout:= Genv.store_init_data_list_outside).
    assert (Hzpos: Z.max z 0 z).
    unfold Z.max; destruct z; simpl; try omega.
    assert (Hneg:= Zlt_neg_0 p0); omega.
    rewrite (Hout _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hstore).
    apply Hz; simpl.
    assert (H2:= init_data_list_size_pos il); omega.
    simpl; right; omega.
    apply (IHil m); auto.
    intros i Hi; apply Hz; simpl.
    split; try omega.
    unfold Z.max in Hi; destruct z; simpl in Hi; try omega.
    assert (Hpos:= Zle_0_pos p0); omega.

  Definition variables_initialized' {F V} (ge g: Genv.t F V) (m: mem) :=
     b gv,
      Genv.find_var_info g b = Some gv
      Mem.range_perm m b 0 (Genv.init_data_list_size gv.(gvar_init)) Cur (Genv.perm_globvar gv)
       ( ofs k p, Mem.perm m b ofs k p
            0 ofs < Genv.init_data_list_size gv.(gvar_init) perm_order (Genv.perm_globvar gv) p)
       (gv.(gvar_volatile) = falseGenv.load_store_init_data ge m b 0 gv.(gvar_init) )
       (gv.(gvar_volatile) = falseload_init_space_zeros m b 0 gv.(gvar_init)).

  Lemma alloc_global_initialized' {F V} :
     ge ge' m id g m',
      Genv.genv_next(F:=F)(V:=V) ge' = Mem.nextblock m
      Genv.alloc_global ge m (id, g) = Some m'
      variables_initialized' ge ge' m
      Genv.functions_initialized ge' m
      variables_initialized' ge (Genv.add_global ge' (id, g)) m'
       Genv.functions_initialized (Genv.add_global ge' (id, g)) m'
       Genv.genv_next (Genv.add_global ge' (id, g)) = Mem.nextblock m'.
    exploit Genv.alloc_global_nextblock; eauto. intros NB. split.
    destruct g as [[f|v]|].
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_var_info in H3. simpl in H3.
    exploit H1; eauto. intros [A [B [C Hisz]]].
    assert (D: Mem.valid_block m b).
    red. exploit Genv.genv_vars_range; eauto. rewrite H; auto.
    split. red; intros. erewrite <- Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    split. intros. eapply B. erewrite Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    split. intros. apply Genv.load_store_init_data_invariant with m; auto.
    intros. eapply Genv.load_alloc_global; eauto.
    intros. apply load_init_space_zeros_invariant with m; auto.
    intros. eapply Genv.load_alloc_global; eauto.
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_var_info in H3. simpl in H3. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H3.
    destruct (peq b (Genv.genv_next ge')).
    inv H3. simpl in H0.
    set (init := gvar_init gv) in ×.
    set (sz := Genv.init_data_list_size init) in ×.
    destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 sz) as [m1 b'] eqn:?.
    destruct (store_zeros m1 b' 0 sz) as [m2|] eqn:?; try discriminate.
    destruct (Genv.store_init_data_list ge m2 b' 0 init) as [m3|] eqn:?; try discriminate.
    exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro RES.
    replace (Genv.genv_next ge') with b' by congruence.
    split. red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_drop_1; eauto.
    split. intros.
    assert (0 ofs < sz).
    eapply Mem.perm_alloc_3; eauto.
    erewrite Genv.store_zeros_perm; [idtac|eauto].
    erewrite Genv.store_init_data_list_perm; [idtac|eauto].
    eapply Mem.perm_drop_4; eauto.
    split. auto. eapply Mem.perm_drop_2; eauto.
    split. intros. apply Genv.load_store_init_data_invariant with m3.
    intros. eapply Mem.load_drop; eauto.
    right; right; right. unfold Genv.perm_globvar. rewrite H3.
    destruct (gvar_readonly gv); auto with mem.
    eapply Genv.store_init_data_list_charact; eauto.
    intros. apply load_init_space_zeros_invariant with m3.
    intros. eapply Mem.load_drop; eauto.
    right; right; right. unfold Genv.perm_globvar. rewrite H3.
    destruct (gvar_readonly gv); auto with mem.
    eapply init_space_zeros_charact; eauto.
    eapply store_zeros_charact; eauto.
    exploit H1; eauto. intros [A [B [C Hisz]]].
    assert (D: Mem.valid_block m b).
    red. exploit Genv.genv_vars_range; eauto. rewrite H; auto.
    split. red; intros. erewrite <- Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    split. intros. eapply B. erewrite Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    split. intros. apply Genv.load_store_init_data_invariant with m; auto.
    intros. eapply Genv.load_alloc_global; eauto.
    intros. apply load_init_space_zeros_invariant with m; auto.
    intros. eapply Genv.load_alloc_global; eauto.
CompCertX:test-compcert-void-symbols case none
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_var_info in H3. simpl in H3.
    exploit H1; eauto. intros [A [B [C Hisz]]].
    assert (D: Mem.valid_block m b).
    red. exploit Genv.genv_vars_range; eauto. rewrite H; auto.
    split. red; intros. erewrite <- Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    split. intros. eapply B. erewrite Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    split. intros. apply Genv.load_store_init_data_invariant with m; auto.
    intros. eapply Genv.load_alloc_global; eauto.
    intros. apply load_init_space_zeros_invariant with m; auto.
    intros. eapply Genv.load_alloc_global; eauto.
    split. destruct g as [[f|v]|].
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_funct_ptr in H3. simpl in H3. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H3.
    destruct (peq b (Genv.genv_next ge')).
    inv H3. simpl in H0.
    destruct (Mem.alloc m 0 1) as [m1 b'] eqn:?.
    exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intro RES.
    replace (Genv.genv_next ge') with b' by congruence.
    split. eapply Mem.perm_drop_1; eauto. omega.
    assert (0 ofs < 1).
    eapply Mem.perm_alloc_3; eauto.
    eapply Mem.perm_drop_4; eauto.
    split. omega. eapply Mem.perm_drop_2; eauto.
    exploit H2; eauto. intros [A B].
    assert (D: Mem.valid_block m b).
    red. exploit Genv.genv_funs_range; eauto. rewrite H; auto.
    split. erewrite <- Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    intros. eapply B. erewrite Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_funct_ptr in H3. simpl in H3.
    exploit H2; eauto. intros [A B].
    assert (D: Mem.valid_block m b).
    red. exploit Genv.genv_funs_range; eauto. rewrite H; auto.
    split. erewrite <- Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    intros. eapply B. erewrite Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
CompCertX:test-compcert-void-symbols case none
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_funct_ptr in H3. simpl in H3.
    exploit H2; eauto. intros [A B].
    assert (D: Mem.valid_block m b).
    red. exploit Genv.genv_funs_range; eauto. rewrite H; auto.
    split. erewrite <- Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    intros. eapply B. erewrite Genv.alloc_global_perm; eauto.
    rewrite NB. simpl. rewrite H. auto.

  Lemma alloc_globals_initialized' {F V} :
     (ge : Genv.t F V) gl ge' m m',
      Genv.genv_next ge' = Mem.nextblock m
      Genv.alloc_globals ge m gl = Some m'
      variables_initialized' ge ge' m
      Genv.functions_initialized ge' m
      variables_initialized' ge (Genv.add_globals ge' gl) m'
      Genv.functions_initialized (Genv.add_globals ge' gl) m'.
    induction gl; simpl; intros.
    inv H0; auto.
    destruct a as [id g]. destruct (Genv.alloc_global ge m (id, g)) as [m1|] eqn:?; try discriminate.
    exploit (alloc_global_initialized'(F:=F)(V:=V)); eauto. intros [P [Q R]].
    eapply IHgl; eauto.

  Theorem init_mem_characterization' {F V} :
     p b gv m,
      Genv.find_var_info (Genv.globalenv(F:=F)(V:=V) p) b = Some gv
      Genv.init_mem p = Some m
      Mem.range_perm m b 0 (Genv.init_data_list_size gv.(gvar_init)) Cur (Genv.perm_globvar gv)
       ( ofs k p, Mem.perm m b ofs k p
            0 ofs < Genv.init_data_list_size gv.(gvar_init) perm_order (Genv.perm_globvar gv) p)
       (gv.(gvar_volatile) = falseGenv.load_store_init_data (Genv.globalenv p) m b 0 gv.(gvar_init))
       (gv.(gvar_volatile) = falseload_init_space_zeros m b 0 gv.(gvar_init)).
    intros. eapply alloc_globals_initialized'; eauto.
    rewrite Mem.nextblock_empty. auto.
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_var_info in H1. simpl in H1. rewrite PTree.gempty in H1. congruence.
    red; intros. unfold Genv.find_funct_ptr in H1. simpl in H1. rewrite PTree.gempty in H1. congruence.

  Lemma zero_bytes : m b i bytes,
    Mem.loadbytes m b i 1 = Some bytesdecode_val Mint8unsigned bytes = Vzero
    bytes = Byte :: nil.
    intros m b i bytes Hlb Hdec.
    assert (Hmax:= max_unsigned_val).
    assert (Hlength:= Mem.loadbytes_length _ _ _ _ _ Hlb).
    assert ( byte, bytes = byte :: nil).
    destruct bytes; inv Hlength.
    destruct bytes; inv H0.
     m0; auto.
    destruct H as [byte]; subst.
    unfold decode_val in Hdec; simpl in Hdec.
    destruct byte as [|byte|].
    inv Hdec.
    rewrite <- decode_encode_int_1 in Hdec.
    unfold decode_int, encode_int in Hdec.
    rewrite rev_if_be_involutive in Hdec.
    unfold rev_if_be in Hdec; simpl in Hdec.
    replace (if Archi.big_endian then byte::nil else byte::nil) with (byte::nil) in Hdec.
    simpl in Hdec.
    assert (Hrange:= Byte.unsigned_range byte).
    assert (Hmod: Byte.modulus = 256) by auto.
    rewrite Byte.unsigned_repr in Hdec.
    rewrite 2 Z.add_0_r in Hdec.
    rewrite Int.repr_unsigned in Hdec.
    unfold Vzero, in Hdec.
    assert (Int.repr (Byte.unsigned byte) = Int.repr 0).
    assert ( i1 i2, Vint i1 = Vint i2i1 = i2).
    intros i1 i2 Hi; inv Hi; auto.
    apply H; auto.
    apply f_equal with (f:= Int.unsigned) in H.
    rewrite 2 Int.unsigned_repr in H; try omega.
    apply f_equal with (f:= Byte.repr) in H.
    rewrite Byte.repr_unsigned in H; subst; auto.
    rewrite Z.add_0_r; rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; try omega.
    assert (Byte.max_unsigned = 255) by auto.
    destruct Archi.big_endian; auto.
    inv Hdec.

  Lemma load_four_bytes_zero : m b p, (4 | p)
    ( i, 0 i < 4 → Mem.load Mint8unsigned m b (p+i) = Some Vzero) →
    Mem.load Mint32 m b p = Some Vzero.
    intros m b p Hdiv Hbytes.
    assert (H0: 0 0 < 4) by omega.
    assert (H1: 0 1 < 4) by omega.
    assert (H2: 0 2 < 4) by omega.
    assert (H3: 0 3 < 4) by omega.
    assert (Hl0:= Hbytes 0 H0).
    assert (Hl1:= Hbytes 1 H1).
    assert (Hl2:= Hbytes 2 H2).
    assert (Hl3:= Hbytes 3 H3).
    apply Mem.load_loadbytes in Hl0; destruct Hl0 as [bytes0 [Hlb0 Hdec0]].
    apply Mem.load_loadbytes in Hl1; destruct Hl1 as [bytes1 [Hlb1 Hdec1]].
    apply Mem.load_loadbytes in Hl2; destruct Hl2 as [bytes2 [Hlb2 Hdec2]].
    apply Mem.load_loadbytes in Hl3; destruct Hl3 as [bytes3 [Hlb3 Hdec3]].
    assert (bytes0 = Byte :: nil) by (apply (zero_bytes m b (p+0)); auto).
    assert (bytes1 = Byte :: nil) by (apply (zero_bytes m b (p+1)); auto).
    assert (bytes2 = Byte :: nil) by (apply (zero_bytes m b (p+2)); auto).
    assert (bytes3 = Byte :: nil) by (apply (zero_bytes m b (p+3)); auto).
    assert (Hchunk: size_chunk Mint8unsigned 0) by (simpl; omega).
    rewrite Z.add_0_r in Hlb0; unfold size_chunk in ×.
    assert (Hlb01:= Mem.loadbytes_concat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlb0 Hlb1 Hchunk Hchunk).
    simpl in Hlb01.
    assert (Hlb012:= Mem.loadbytes_concat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlb01 Hlb2 Hchunk Hchunk).
    simpl in Hlb012.
    assert (Hlb:= Mem.loadbytes_concat _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlb012 Hlb3 Hchunk Hchunk).
    subst; simpl in Hlb.
    replace 4 with (size_chunk Mint32) in Hlb; auto.
    apply Mem.loadbytes_load in Hlb; auto.


  Lemma init_correct:
     M, MContainer_impl = OK M
              ModuleOK M
              cl_init_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps (crel HDATA LDATA) (mcontainer L64) M (malt L64).
    Opaque oplus.
    intros M Himpl Hok.
    pose proof (fun imodule_ok_variable M i (Hok i)) as MOK; clear Hok.
    apply cl_init_sim_intro.
      intros ? ? ? Hmake.
      eapply module_impl_imply in Himpl; destruct Himpl; subst.
      inv_monad' Hmake.
      generalize (make_program_make_globalenv _ _ _ _ Hmake0).
      intros HP. pose proof HP as HP'.
      eapply make_globalenv_stencil_matches in HP'.
      inv_make_globalenv HP.
        constructor; simpl; trivial.
        apply FlatMem.flatmem_empty_inj.
        econstructor; eauto.
          intros i Hi.
          specialize (init_mem_characterization' x b).
          unfold Genv.perm_globvar; simpl; intro Hperm.
          destruct (Hperm _ _ Hbvi H0) as [Hperm1 [Hperm2 [Hperm3 Hperm4]]]; clear Hperm; simpl in ×.

          assert (Hwrite: ofs, (0 ofs < num_id × CSIZE (4 | ofs)) →
                                      Mem.valid_access m2 Mint32 b ofs Writable).
          intros ofs [Hofs Hdiv].
          unfold Mem.valid_access; simpl; split; auto.
          intros ofs' Hofs'.
          unfold Mem.range_perm, CSIZE in *; simpl in Hperm1.
          apply Hperm1.
          replace (Z.max 1280 0) with 1280; auto.
          destruct Hdiv as [n Hn]; omega.

          assert (Hquota: 0 i × CSIZE + QUOTA < num_id × CSIZE (4 | i × CSIZE + QUOTA)).
          unfold CSIZE, QUOTA; split; try omega.
           (i×5); omega.
          assert (Husage: 0 i × CSIZE + USAGE < num_id × CSIZE (4 | i × CSIZE + USAGE)).
          unfold CSIZE, USAGE; split; try omega.
           (i×5+1); omega.
          assert (Hparent: 0 i × CSIZE + PARENT < num_id × CSIZE (4 | i × CSIZE + PARENT)).
          unfold CSIZE, PARENT; split; try omega.
           (i×5+2); omega.
          assert (Hnchildren: 0 i × CSIZE + NCHILDREN < num_id × CSIZE (4 | i × CSIZE + NCHILDREN)).
          unfold CSIZE, NCHILDREN; split; try omega.
           (i×5+3); omega.
          assert (Hused: 0 i × CSIZE + USED < num_id × CSIZE (4 | i × CSIZE + USED)).
          unfold CSIZE, USED; split; try omega.
           (i×5+4); omega.

          apply load_four_bytes_zero.
          destruct Hquota; auto.
          intros; apply (Hperm4 (eq_refl _)); unfold CSIZE, QUOTA; omega.
          apply load_four_bytes_zero.
          destruct Husage; auto.
          intros; apply (Hperm4 (eq_refl _)); unfold CSIZE, USAGE; omega.
          apply load_four_bytes_zero.
          destruct Hparent; auto.
          intros; apply (Hperm4 (eq_refl _)); unfold CSIZE, PARENT; omega.
          apply load_four_bytes_zero.
          destruct Hnchildren; auto.
          intros; apply (Hperm4 (eq_refl _)); unfold CSIZE, NCHILDREN; omega.
          apply load_four_bytes_zero.
          destruct Hused; auto.
          intros; apply (Hperm4 (eq_refl _)); unfold CSIZE, USED; omega.
          repeat (split; auto).
          rewrite; constructor.
          rewrite <- stencil_matches_symbols with (ge:= Genv.globalenv x); auto.
      intros. destruct H as [HF|HF]; inv HF; reflexivity.
      intros. destruct H as [HF|HF]; inv HF; reflexivity.
      eapply module_impl_imply in Himpl; destruct Himpl; subst.
      transf_none i. specialize (MOK i).

      destruct H as [HF|HF]; inv HF; econstructor.
      eapply module_impl_imply in Himpl; destruct Himpl; subst.
      transf_none i. specialize (MOK i).

      destruct (peq i AC_LOC); subst.
        apply (get_module_varible_OK_Some_left container_loc_type) in H; subst.
        destruct (get_module_variable_isOK _ _ _ MOK) as [HT1 _].
        assert (get_module_variable
                  i (((MCONTAINER_init
                         MCONTAINER_split MCONTAINER_alloc) AC_LOC container_loc_type) ) = OK None).
        unfold module, module_ops in ×.

  Theorem cl_simulation:
     p (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      MContainer_impl = OK M
      make_program s CTXT (mcontainer L64) = OK ph
      make_program s (CTXT M) (malt L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (mcontainer L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (malt L64)) pl)
        (observe_lasm _ p) (observe_lasm _ p).
    eapply (soundness_simulation (crel HDATA LDATA)); try eassumption; try decision.

    eapply link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply init_correct; eauto.
    eapply make_program_oplus_right; eassumption.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.

  Theorem cl_forward_simulation:
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      MContainer_impl = OK M
      make_program s CTXT (mcontainer L64) = OK ph
      make_program s (CTXT M) (malt L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (mcontainer L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (malt L64)) pl).
    eapply (soundness_forward (crel HDATA LDATA)); try eassumption; try decision.

    eapply link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply init_correct; eauto.
    eapply make_program_oplus_right; eassumption.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.

  Theorem cl_backward_simulation:
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      MContainer_impl = OK M
      make_program s CTXT (mcontainer L64) = OK ph
      make_program s (CTXT M) (malt L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (mcontainer L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (malt L64)) pl).
    eapply (soundness (crel HDATA LDATA)); try eassumption; try decision.

    eapply link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply init_correct; eauto.
    eapply make_program_oplus_right; eassumption.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.

  Require Import LAsmModuleSemMakeProgram.

  Theorem make_program_exists:
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl,
      MContainer_impl = OK M
      make_program s (CTXT M) (malt L64) = OK pl
       ph, make_program s CTXT (mcontainer L64) = OK ph.
    exploit link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply make_program_vertical' in H0.
    destruct H0 as [p' Hmake].
    intros Hle.
    eapply make_program_sim_monotonic_exists.
    2: eapply Hle.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.