Library mcertikos.proc.ThreadIntroGenLink

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import MemoryX.
Require Import MemWithData.
Require Import EventsX.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import ClightBigstep.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import ZArith.Zwf.
Require Import VCGen.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.Stencil.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MakeProgram.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import CompatClightSem.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import CDataTypes.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import I64Layer.
Require Import CompCertiKOSproof.
Require Import LinkTactic.
Require Import PKContextNew.
Require Import PThreadIntro.
Require Import PKContextNewCSource.
Require Import PKContextNewCode.
Require Import ThreadIntroGen.
Require Import ThreadIntroGenSpec.
Require Import ThreadIntroGenLinkSource.


  Context `{compcertikos_prf: CompCertiKOS}.

  Context `{real_params_prf : RealParams}.

  Lemma get_state_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (get_state f_get_state),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (get_state f_get_state) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (get_state gensem get_state_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply get_state_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.get_state_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma get_prev_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (get_prev f_get_prev),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (get_prev f_get_prev) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (get_prev gensem get_prev_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply get_prev_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.get_prev_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma get_next_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (get_next f_get_next),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (get_next f_get_next) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (get_next gensem get_next_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply get_next_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.get_next_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma set_state_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (set_state f_set_state),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_state f_set_state) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (set_state gensem set_state_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply set_state_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.set_state_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma set_prev_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (set_prev f_set_prev),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_prev f_set_prev) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (set_prev gensem set_prev_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply set_prev_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.set_prev_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma set_next_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (set_next f_set_next),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_next f_set_next) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (set_next gensem set_next_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply set_next_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.set_next_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Lemma tcb_init_correct :
     COMPILABLE: LayerCompilable ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64),
     MOK: ModuleOK (tcb_init f_tcb_init),
     M2: LAsm.module,
      CompCertiKOS.transf_module (tcb_init f_tcb_init) = OK M2
      cl_sim _ _
             (crel HDATA LDATA)
             (tcb_init gensem tcb_init_spec)
             ( M2 ((TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type pkcontextnew) L64)).
    eapply link_compiler; eauto.
    - eapply tcb_init_spec_ref.
    - link_nextblock.
    - link_kernel_mode.
    - eapply PKCONTEXTNEWCODE.tcb_init_code_correct.
    - apply left_upper_bound.

  Require Import PKContext.

XXX: added
  Record PThreadIntro_impl_inverted (M: module) : Prop:=
      PTHREADINTRO_get_state: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_get_prev: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_get_next: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_set_state: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_set_prev: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_set_next: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_tcb_init: module;
      PTHREADINTRO_get_state_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (get_state f_get_state) = ret PTHREADINTRO_get_state;
      PTHREADINTRO_get_prev_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (get_prev f_get_prev) = ret PTHREADINTRO_get_prev;
      PTHREADINTRO_get_next_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (get_next f_get_next) = ret PTHREADINTRO_get_next;
      PTHREADINTRO_set_state_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_state f_set_state) = ret PTHREADINTRO_set_state;
      PTHREADINTRO_set_prev_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_prev f_set_prev) = ret PTHREADINTRO_set_prev;
      PTHREADINTRO_set_next_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (set_next f_set_next) = ret PTHREADINTRO_set_next;
      PTHREADINTRO_tcb_init_transf: CompCertiKOS.transf_module (tcb_init f_tcb_init) = ret PTHREADINTRO_tcb_init;
                                                     PTHREADINTRO_set_state PTHREADINTRO_set_prev
                                                     PTHREADINTRO_set_next PTHREADINTRO_tcb_init)
                              TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type)
      PTHREADINTRO_Mok: LayerOK (M (pkcontextnew L64) pkcontextnew L64);
                         (PTHREADINTRO_get_state PTHREADINTRO_get_prev PTHREADINTRO_get_next
                                                    PTHREADINTRO_set_state PTHREADINTRO_set_prev
                                                    PTHREADINTRO_set_next PTHREADINTRO_tcb_init
                            ((pkcontextnew L64) TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type)
                             (pkcontextnew L64) TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type)

XXX: added
  Lemma module_impl_imply:
     M, PThreadIntro_impl = OK MPThreadIntro_impl_inverted M.
    unfold PThreadIntro_impl. intros M HM.
    inv_monad' HM.
    inv_monad' HM0.
    inv HM1. reflexivity.
    apply x1.
    apply x8.

  Lemma link_correct_aux:
     M, PThreadIntro_impl = OK M
              pkcontextnew L64
                     (path_inj (crel HDATA LDATA), M)
              : pthreadintro L64.
XXX: added
    intros M HM.
    eapply module_impl_imply in HM; destruct HM; subst.

    unfold pthreadintro, pthreadintro_fresh.
    eapply conseq_le_assoc_comm.
      apply transfer_variable.

XXX: added
      apply PTHREADINTRO_Lok.
      eapply (LayerOK_impl_subst PTHREADINTRO_Mok0).
      apply module_le_left.

      - apply get_state_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply get_prev_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply get_next_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply set_state_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply set_prev_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply set_next_correct; code_correct_tac.
      - apply tcb_init_correct; code_correct_tac.
      eapply layer_link_new_glbl_both.
      apply oplus_sim_monotonic.
      apply passthrough_correct.
      apply L64_auto_sim.

  Require Import FlatMemory.
  Require Import Decision.
  Require Import LAsmModuleSem.
  Require Import Soundness.
  Require Import CompatExternalCalls.
  Require Import CommonTactic.
  Require Import LayerCalculusLemma.
  Require Import AuxLemma.
  Require Import Behavior.

  Lemma init_correct:
     M, PThreadIntro_impl = OK M
              ModuleOK M
              cl_init_sim HDATAOps LDATAOps (crel HDATA LDATA)
                          (pthreadintro L64) M (pkcontextnew L64).
    Opaque oplus.
    pose proof (fun imodule_ok_variable M i (H0 i)) as MOK; clear H0.
    apply cl_init_sim_intro.
    - intros.

XXX: added
      eapply module_impl_imply in H; destruct H; subst.

      inv_monad' H0.
      generalize (make_program_make_globalenv _ _ _ _ H1).
      intros HP. pose proof HP as HP'.
      eapply make_globalenv_stencil_matches in HP'.
      inv_make_globalenv HP.
      rewrite (stencil_matches_symbols _ _ HP') in ×.
      inv HP'.
      + constructor; simpl; trivial.
        × apply FlatMem.flatmem_empty_inj.
        × apply kctxt_inj_empty.
      + econstructor; eauto.
        × econstructor; eauto.
          specialize (Genv.init_mem_characterization _ _ Hbvi H2); eauto.
          unfold Genv.perm_globvar; simpl; intros [Hperm _].
          assert(HVALID: ofs, 0 ofs < num_proc × 3 →
                                     Mem.valid_access m2 Mint32 b (ofs × 4) Writable).
            intros; split; simpl.
            change (Z.max 768 0) with 768 in Hperm.
            unfold Mem.range_perm in ×.
            intros. apply Hperm. omega.
            apply Zdivide_mult_r. apply Zdivide_refl.
          assert(HEX: ofs, 0 ofs < num_proc × 3 →
                                   ( v, Mem.load Mint32 m2 b (ofs × 4) = Some v)).
            intros; apply (Mem.valid_access_load).
            apply Mem.valid_access_implies with Writable.
            apply HVALID; trivial.
          assert (HOS1: 0 ofs × 3 < 64 × 3) by omega.
          assert (HOS2: 0 ofs × 3 + 1 < 64 × 3) by omega.
          assert (HOS3: 0 ofs × 3 + 2 < 64 × 3) by omega.
          destruct (HEX _ HOS1) as [v1 HEX1].
          destruct (HEX _ HOS2) as [v2 HEX2].
          destruct (HEX _ HOS3) as [v3 HEX3].
          pose proof (HVALID _ HOS1) as HV1.
          pose proof (HVALID _ HOS2) as HV2.
          pose proof (HVALID _ HOS3) as HV3.
          replace (ofs × 3 × 4) with (ofs × 12) in ×.
          replace ((ofs × 3 + 1) × 4) with (ofs × 12 + 4) in ×.
          replace ((ofs × 3 + 2) × 4) with (ofs × 12 + 8) in ×.
          refine_split'; eauto.
          rewrite constructor.
          omega. omega. omega.

    - intros. destruct H0 as [HF|HF]; inv HF; reflexivity.
    - intros. destruct H0 as [HF|HF]; inv HF; reflexivity.
    - intros.

XXX: added
      eapply module_impl_imply in H; destruct H; subst.
      transf_none i. specialize (MOK i).

      destruct H0 as [HF|HF]; inv HF; econstructor.

    - intros.

XXX: added
      eapply module_impl_imply in H; destruct H; subst.
      transf_none i. specialize (MOK i).

      destruct (peq i TCBPool_LOC); subst.
      + eapply (get_module_varible_OK_Some_left tcbpool_loc_type) in H0; subst.
        destruct (get_module_variable_isOK _ _ _ MOK) as [HT1 _].
      + assert (get_module_variable
                  i (((PTHREADINTRO_get_state
                          PTHREADINTRO_set_next PTHREADINTRO_tcb_init)
                         TCBPool_LOC tcbpool_loc_type) ) = OK None).
          abstract get_module_variable_relfexivity.
        unfold module, module_ops in ×.
    - decision.

  Theorem cl_simulation:
     p (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      PThreadIntro_impl = OK M
      make_program s CTXT (pthreadintro L64) = OK ph
      make_program s (CTXT M) (pkcontextnew L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (pthreadintro L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (pkcontextnew L64)) pl)
        (observe_lasm _ p) (observe_lasm _ p).
    eapply (soundness_simulation (crel HDATA LDATA)); try eassumption; try decision.

    eapply link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply init_correct; eauto.
    eapply make_program_oplus_right; eassumption.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.

  Theorem cl_forward_simulation:
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      PThreadIntro_impl = OK M
      make_program s CTXT (pthreadintro L64) = OK ph
      make_program s (CTXT M) (pkcontextnew L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (pthreadintro L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (pkcontextnew L64)) pl).
    eapply (soundness_forward (crel HDATA LDATA)); try eassumption; try decision.

    eapply link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply init_correct; eauto.
    eapply make_program_oplus_right; eassumption.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.

  Theorem cl_backward_simulation:
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl ph
           (builtin_idents_norepet_prf: CompCertBuiltins.BuiltinIdentsNorepet),
      PThreadIntro_impl = OK M
      make_program s CTXT (pthreadintro L64) = OK ph
      make_program s (CTXT M) (pkcontextnew L64) = OK pl
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (pthreadintro L64)) ph)
        (LAsm.semantics (lcfg_ops := LC (pkcontextnew L64)) pl).
    eapply (soundness (crel HDATA LDATA)); try eassumption; try decision.

    eapply link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply init_correct; eauto.
    eapply make_program_oplus_right; eassumption.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.

  Require Import LAsmModuleSemMakeProgram.

  Theorem make_program_exists:
     (s: stencil) (CTXT M: module) pl,
      PThreadIntro_impl = OK M
      make_program s (CTXT M) (pkcontextnew L64) = OK pl
       ph, make_program s CTXT (pthreadintro L64) = OK ph.
    exploit link_correct_aux; eauto.
    eapply make_program_vertical' in H0.
    destruct H0 as [p' Hmake].
    intros Hle.
    eapply make_program_sim_monotonic_exists.
    2: eapply Hle.

XXX: added
    eapply module_impl_imply in H.
    destruct H. assumption.